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    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps


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    DayZ SA Feedback

    DayZ Chernarus+ Standalone Map

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    RUDOLF --- ---
    ZOMBO: Chápu to stejně.
    ZOMBO --- ---
    RUDOLF: K tomuhle slidu budu potřebovat zvuk: "We need to support an easy way for survivors to "refresh" large base areas rather than have to interact with each item"

    Jak to chápeš? Že se upgraduje celá zeď najednou bez nutností bušení do každýho pytle s pískem zvlášť?
    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF: celou dobu nejel zvuk, ke konci někdo hejbl s vyvážením bílé a nešli už ani přečíst slidy, pak došla baterka v kameře:-) hicks si sebou vzal diktafon, tak prej to dá do kupy pro status report..

    resumé od účasnítka..

    I'll do a quick run down. Much of it was stuff already known. On mobile so Ill just write the important stuff.
    Brief summary of Q1 goals.
    Brief summary of Q2 goals.
    Brief summary of stuff discussed at E3
    Current state of 0.57, small talk about 0.58. Ready for release any day now.
    Goals for 0.59. Includes 3 new vehicles (which he demod in a video) including a civilian sedan, a bus, offroad hatchback. Tinkering with loot economy to make those NW runs dangerous, but rewarding. Switching to a 24 hr cycle for resets which includes heli crashes and vehicles. Animals having full life cycles meaning they'll have to get water/food just like the rest of us. Just an overall improved AI. I feel like there was something else, but my memory is failing me. It's been an exceptionally long day.
    Goals for the future concerning Steam Workshop and base building. They want to have a fully intergrated workshop when modding comes about. Just subscribe and download. As mentioned at E3, they're making a single player mode to help modders test their stuff. Concerning base building, one thing he really emphasized is that a base doesn't feel like a base without walls.He showed off some concept art he and Peter made that depicted a camp surrounded by sheet metal/wood walls a bunch of tents, barrels, and a gate. Second photo showed one constructed of sand bags and a two tier wall comprised of essentially giant crates filled with sand/dirt and debris. Like those crates that surroumd the tents at the NWAF. However, no base will ever be impenetrable. You should never lose that feeling of vulnerability to losing all your shit.
    Another major point was concerning soft skills. He emphasized that soft skills should never ever replace a characters ability/skill to do something especially when it comes to combat. Example skills included maybe getting a higher crop yield, or a quicker animation for certain things like administering salines. It will not ever effect things like reload times, holding your breath and things of that nature. In that same vein, he mentioned that while you should never be attached to your gear, your characters life should always have value. They'd like to put in facial hairs/scarring in the future as an idicator of how long you've been alive.
    That's all I can really think of. Sorry, I know that's really disorganized. If anyone has any questions about it, feel free to ask. Like I said, its been a long day and Texas sun cooked my brain. Oh, and for you hermits out there I asked after if bears/wolves are still in the works and they are.
    ZOMBO --- ---
    RUDOLF: Zahájena práce na adventuře ze světa DayZ

    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF: btw.. i ten stream má bugy..
    RUDOLF --- ---
    pokud někdo nespíte: v 0:30 stream z RTX 2015

    RTX2015 Saturday Hilton 406
    RUDOLF --- ---
    ZOMBO: trochu ztmavit, ruskej film a lomo a je to jak z takovskýho (solaris/stalker)

    ZOMBO --- ---
    Snad jednou, ty screeny by mohly bejt lepší...

    ZOMBO --- ---
    V reakci na poslední přírůstek do gamefiles

    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF --- ---
    REDSNAKE: i have to do something, redsnake on internet is wrong!!
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    RUDOLF: Tak na mě nereaguj jak kafemlejnek. Já se právě těším na to, až si jednou z nich sednu na prdel, jestli se toho teda dožiju. Normálně mě klíďo ignoruj.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    REDSNAKE: abych na tvoje pocity odpovídal pokaždý jako kafemlejnek nemám sil.. pravdou to nezůstane, už jen protože:

    kdyby ladili jednom grafickou stránku a mapičku, tak by teď nebylo možný nechat servery 12 hodin bez restartu, (mj. na experimental serverech se testoval chod serverů několik dní bez restartu)

    Nová Zombie/Animal AI (na které se furt pracuje hlavně na úrovni optimalizace na serveru)

    Central Loot Economy

    Spoustu neviditelný práce na backendu a ladění - herní mechaniky jako ohníček v krbu, degradace věcí, změna animačního systému, změna ovládání avatara apod.

    Je mi jasný, že z mravenčí práce si na prdel nesedneš a stejně jako ostatní čekáš na nárust FPS, kterej všichni čekáme s novým Renderingem. Případně se těšíš na zvětšení počtů zombíků, který se právě odvozuje od optimalizace AI kódu na serveru a kterej holt taky nevidíš a nedoceňuješ.

    btw.. videa a screeny dělá komunita, nikoliv PR oddělení BI - takže nedošli ani k pěkným screenshotům
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    RUDOLF: to si nemyslím, ale mám dojem že ladí jen grafickou stránku hry a mapičku. Od Vánoc prakticky žádná změna a můžete to obhajovat a mínuskovat mě jak chcete, pravdou to zůstane.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    REDSNAKE: nikdy, jezděj si všichni ve svých lambo a vysmívají se ti..
    HALCYON --- ---
    REDSNAKE: Maj pěkný videa. Od fanoušků.
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    by mě zajímalo, jestli se někdy dostanou dál než k pěkným screenshotům.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Guide: How to Survivor Hold-up Encounters : dayz

    The Sadic
    Chances to survive: Very Low
    Specifications: He'll act like "The Good Guy" & make you eat dysinfectant
    Description: Often happen in grouped hold-up. Friends pushing the aggressor to go further in the humiliation. He's purely here to make fun of you & use all the power which is at his disposal. Note he could turn into "Stockholm Guy" at the very last minute.
    Victim Advice: Group hold-up often leads to "Sadic" situation & bloodbath. You can try to play the friendly survivor "Hello guys, what's up?". But you're pretty much screwed. The group will push each others to show their superiority (testosterone). Just deal with it and try to get fun from the role-play (they could turn into "Stockholm Guy" at the end). To quickly end the interaction: just laugh at them, their actions, their leader, their clothes (teenager) or just say you gonna make a coffee and come back
    GANDHI --- ---
    RUDOLF: musim uznat, ze to ostry svetlo arme slusi:) rozhodne lepsi nez ty podivny umele odsaturovany fujtajbly, co se tu obcas objevi:) (je tam zas imho par az moc vyraznejch normal map, ale jinak imho pekny)
    RUDOLF --- ---
    The Towns of Chernarus Series: Kamensk, Krasnoe, St Yar - Album on Imgur
    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF: a ještě..

    Harton estimates that Bohemia has catalogued a library of 400 cheats in DayZ so far, with a total of 44,007 banned accounts to date. That means roughly 1.39 percent of all DayZ licenses have been banned.
    76.11 percent of DayZ players who are banned for cheating come back after their ban and get caught cheating again.
    “I’ve seen some people streaming our game who are coordinating with cheaters to increase their view time,” says Harton. “They work with the cheaters behind the scenes.”
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