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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps
    ZOMBO --- ---
    ZOMBO --- ---

    ZOMBO --- ---
    A hajp bez partybusu

    Eugen Harton on Twitter: "New experimental build going out , in hour or two, vehicles included except bus , it needs small tweaks."
    ZOMBO --- ---
    Od SenChiho:

    kaple sv. Alexandra Něvského, Palech, Ivanovská oblast, Rusko

    sídlo Bohemia Interactive krčma z 19. století, Bulanovo, Tverská oblast, Rusko

    policejní stanice z roku 1930, Zelenogorsk (pův. Terijoki), Petrohrad, Rusko
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Modding didn't really have complete freedom with DayZ Mod - With Enforce script we're allowing much more low level access to the base game and engine. As far as curating the Steam Workshop, obviously we'll have to keep an eye out for anything sketchy - but past that I have no intent to do any more than that.
    ZOMBO --- ---
    RUDOLF: a brokovka

    DayZ - Development W.I.P. - Reloading/Chambering Changes 2
    RUDOLF --- ---
    DayZ - Development W.I.P. - Reloading/Chambering Changes 1
    ZOMBO --- ---
    Red 9 / Mauser C96 Guide | DayZ Standalone
    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF --- ---

    RUDOLF --- ---
    DayZ Standalone: Hacks are getting out of hand.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015 | DayZ | Official website

    nejzajímavější asi:

    Animation System / Player Controller

    The animation system and new player controller both are major elements of DayZ's engine that are in progress. The new actions done in Enforce Script can not enter experimental testing until the animation system fully supports all the necessary functions from the legacy animation system. I know I've gone on, and on about the total rewrite of actions in game being a massive change to how DayZ plays - and I hate to sound like a broken record. HOWEVER - I personally cannot state this enough. The change from the clunky old fashioned method used by DayZ, DayZ Mod, Arma 3, Arma 2, and so on to a new and more dynamic system will change a hell of a lot more than how you eat a bag of rice, or pick apples. I genuinely believe this will be one of the most massive changes to DayZ gameplay and completely redefine how the title is experienced.

    That said - while we're all desperate to see this in the hands of consumers before the holiday break - A more reliable estimate (playing it safe and assuming we'll encounter critical bugs and blockers once this is merged into the main testing branch) would be to expect it early in the beginning of the new year.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    we can see fog improved with proper height base.

    RUDOLF --- ---
    testy s dešťem na novým renderingu

    We have some screenshots from debug that we can discuss in a little more detail as well. (Please take care to understand these are from debug machines - and are thus running lower resolutions/over all configurations and are meant to display technical tests)

    RUDOLF --- ---
    SPINGEE: Je tam ještě drobnost, že zatížený server zpomaluje běh klienta. Nový ui to má možná vytvořený asynchroně či jinak a pak běží i klient lépe. Ale jako to je velký imho.

    S těma cheaterama nesouhlasím, vymítit je nejde, ale efektivně s nima bojovat jde a daří se to.
    DESTROYER --- ---
    -newui Zveda FPS dost razantne (odhadem 30%), ale to UI jako takovy je zatim strasny..
    SPINGEE --- ---
    ZOMBO: ja rikam ze by meli a pocitam ze nakonec i udelaj , pocitat tohle na clientu s okamzitou reakci i pocitanim kolize, hackry stejne nikdy nevymitej
    ZOMBO --- ---
    REDSNAKE: Je to tak, serverem.
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    než budu nařčen, že zas jen hejtuju, fakt ze zájmu se ptám - čím je způsobeno, že překročení překážky funguje někdy až na poněkolikáté a to samé hotbar s číslama? To je dáno odezvou serveru?
    ZOMBO --- ---
    Currently we have started to work on the wounded animations for player character. The poses on the image represent a broken arm. I think a splint might be useful!

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