ZOMBO: no a poslední vypíchnutí z posledního reportu:
Zombie budou předspawnutý po celé mapě, ale nebudou spawnutý všechny. Budou dynamicky přibývat podle počtu hráčů. Jestli pohle toho půjde poznat počet háčů, nevím. Ale je to slevení od půvedně maximalistickýho pojetí, že bude vždy spawnutý maximální počet zedů. Tj. problému metagaming prázdnýho města je vyřešen, ale imho časem hráči zjistí, jak poznaj podle počtů město se survákem a bez surváka.
That said - we mentioned in previous Status Reports potential changes to how infected are spawned in DayZ. Historically, throughout the entirety of the project we have spawned our infected globally - distributed evenly across the whole of Chernarus. Now while this resolved the previous metagaming vulnerability that DayZ Mod suffered from - it led to the infected being -way- too spread out. Internally we've recently settled on a hybrid system - entirely not dependant on the original trigger system used by DayZ Mod. Instead relying on the same tech that runs the dynamic events and spawns - allowing us to (in addition to globally spawning a specific number of infected) dynamically spawn large amounts of infected around cities/villages/bases/etc that players congrate to.
Pairing this dynamic spawning method with the existing global spawning of infected means players shouldn't be able to sight into a location and identify it as "free of players" because it does not have any infected - HOWEVER, it will also allow for an overwhelming feeling of constantly having to fight off the attention of large numbers of infected in high-traffic areas such as Chernogorsk, Berezino, Zelenogorsk, or so on.
We're expecting this to hopefully be one of the first changes within the begining of the new year.