REDSNAKE: je to teď myslím R a F/hotbar.. tohle mán načtený a né z vlastní zkušenosti.
R je pro práci s komorou, vyndat-vložitt náboj. Zbraně se teď zasekávají a na exp je zvýšená poruchovost kvůli testování. Takže zásek se řeší R. Pak u bolt-action zbraní tím přebiješ. Takže pokud odstřeluješ, zkontroluješ dopad a pak nabiješ další ránu. Pokud vyhodíš z komory nevystřelenej náboj, dá se do batohu - ale nestackuje, takže když mám plno, skončí pod tvýma nohama.
Pokud máš v hotbaru zásobník, nabídne se ti nabídka na přebytí když dojdou náboje -prostřední tlačítko u myši nebo F. Případně hotbar celou dobu.
Počel polí v hotbaru je podle výbavy co máš, tj. na začátku 4 sloty a s výbavou to roste.
"So first things first! As you noticed pressing "R" no longer reloads your gun with a new magazine but makes an single round ejecting animation. This is called gun cycling. This is the same thing bolt-action rifles did after every shot, but until now it was automatic and now you can do it manually whenever you want.
But, but...why would I want another thing I must do manually after every shot to think about? Isn't shooting hard enough already?
Yes it may seem so, but manual bolt cycling is incredibly useful!
The biggest benefit comes for snipers, that can now shoot then wait and follow the shot through scope, see where it lands, and only then cycle their bolt which breaks them out of their scope and they loose vision of target (before it was immediately after the shot). This is a big reason why Blaze and Winchester were so popular sniper rifles, and it makes guns like CR527 Carbine more viable now as a sniper.
Secondly: Guns jamming. Now this is useful for all rifles. Bolt-action, semi and auto. As in 0.59, damaged ammo rounds still jam your gun so it makes a clicking sound instead of shooting. While before you had to manually remove your mag and and click eject rounds on your rifle, now you just press "R" and it ejects the chambered round and automatically loads the next round from your magazine.
So anytime your guns starts to click instead of shooting and your mag is still full, just press "R" until gun starts to shoot again.
Well, how do you reload your gun if "R" is reserved for cycling your gun now?
Easy. For guns that use internal magazine, just put your rounds on you hotbar and press the corresponding number to reload your gun, same as it was in 0.59.
But if you have magazines or clips you want to reload without inventory interaction (as it was with "R" in 0.59). It works this way now, that when your gun is completely empty and there are magazines available in your inventory, you will see an reload icon appear in your cross hair same as before, only now you press middle mouse button or "F" and it will reload your gun.
Warning: You gun must be completely empty for this to appear! Sometimes (usually after manually removing a mag) you will still have 1 chambered bullet in your gun and you need to eject it with "R" if you want to reload automatically.
TLDR: Don't forget to press "R" after every shot with bolt action, rifles. You can now also clear jams with "R". Reloading a mag or clip is now at "F" or middle-mouse button.
Oh, and BTW, weapons now spawn with varying conditions and it seems that they slowly deteriorate with use, which increases possibility of rounds jamming (this is not 100% tested, but it seems that way from what I played). Weapon cleaning kits also work now, so it's good to keep one on you."