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    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps


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    DayZ SA Feedback

    DayZ Chernarus+ Standalone Map

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    BLAF --- ---
    BLAF: A ano, uz si neumej ani spravne pojmenovat topic
    BLAF --- ---
    Status Report - 8 August 2017 - Developer Discussion & Status Reports - DayZ Forums
    RUDOLF --- ---
    DayZ 0.63 - Gamescom Demo - New Engine!
    RUDOLF --- ---
    DayZ 0.63 footage from Gamescom
    RUDOLF --- ---
    war... war.. never changes:-): "Eugen Harton: "I do believe that when you see the game in this state and when you play it on the booth, you can probably come to a conclusion that it's not going to take that long, it's just not really worth [stating] a concrete date" "
    RUDOLF --- ---

    The new animations look really good, feel great and it actually plays really really well. I almost forgot it was DayZ for a while. It finally feels like you are controlling the character. There were minor bugs, eg. if you kill someone with their arms raised they get stuck that way. However they already know about that (it was kind of implied it was in this build only). We were playing on a cut-out part of Chernarus (can't remember which city exactly).
    Punching people and zombies now seems a lot better. It is much easier to aim and it seems like when it is rendered that you hit someone, the game registers that as well. Certainly much better then before. In order to raise your hands you had to hold right mouse button and then press the left mouse button in order to punch. This also worked well.
    The client and server seem to be finally decoupled. The game ran very smoothly. At one time the server died which I only noticed by the fact that doors wouldn't open anymore and zombies being stuck. Server seems to have no effect on client performance.
    Door interaction and interaction with other stuff is now done using the F button. There was no more scroll-wheel menu. I have to say it worked rather well and is much better than the old way. It also look really good.
    There was a stamina bar on the bottom-left, which, when depleted, would prevent you from sprinting. It looked really nice and worked well. On the right side there were the other status icons which look nice, however I think they were broken a bit as none of them changed color.
    I also found a generator which could only be carried in the hands and you couldn't run while holding it. By pressing a button you would enter the placement mode, a ghost image of the generator would appear and you would have to hold the button for longer in order to "install" the generator at that place. The installing animation was interruptable simply by letting the button go (which would happen instantly).
    It had its bugs, once I managed to get kicked by the opening door a meter or so up, however after a few seconds I glided down and everything was back to normal. Zombies can sometimes go through walls again, however I've been told that is not complete yet. I think it will need some more polish before it is on the experimental branch.
    My overall experience is really good. It actually does seem as 0.63 will be the build that will finally make this game enjoyable. The developers were all very kind and interested in opinions of people who played previous versions.
    PS: they gave out some stickers and chemlights :) PPS: it was a bit disappointing that there wasn't any queue (even though it was press day). A couple of computers were empty, however I hope they will have a better turnout in the following days with the private visitors.
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    DayZ 0.63 BETA at Gamescom 2017: GameStar Interview & Showcase with E. Harton
    TERZ --- ---
    ZOMBO: Nikdo se nevrátí. Už se na to vyserte, napálili Vás stejně jako všechny ostatní :-D
    ZOMBO --- ---
    CLUSMAN: To ani ve mně. Taky záleží, s jakym množstvím obsahu chtěj tu betu odstartovat – velká část hráčů se vrátí a bude se ptát, kde jsou kola, heliny, základny, módy...
    CLUSMAN --- ---
    RUDOLF: taky si myslim ze vanoce to nebudou
    RUDOLF --- ---
    CLUSMAN: v dohledné době na steamu beta nebude, mám takovej pocit, že nebude ani na vánoce. Uvidíme podle gamescom dema, na přípravě buildu v tom bude víc jak měsíc práce. Tak se ukáže, jak na to reagujou lidi a kolik tam bude nějakých zásadních chyb.
    CLUSMAN --- ---
    ZOMBO: Jasne, nicemne podle toho co pisou ve me nebudi optimismus, ze to bude v dohledne dobe.
    ZOMBO --- ---
    DESTROYER: To, co jmenuješ, jako desync a AI, souvisí z většiny se zátěží serveru, na který se podílí starý systémy, co se právě v 0.63 mění: animace, ovládání, fyzika, inventář.

    "There is new synchronisation model that is quite different from what we had before, hoping to support the full scale of 100 players and tons of AI." (zdroj)

    Zvuky postav a UI nahradí těch x otravnejch hlášek o fyzickym stavu vlevo, který nejdou vypnout.
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    DESTROYER: díky že jsi to napsal za mě.
    L4MA --- ---
    DESTROYER: nevdecniku, "takova naloz" to je prece. :)
    DESTROYER --- ---
    Vidim same odpovedi na otazky, ktere nikdo nepokladal. ;-)
    Tisicite nove zvuky, nove inventare, nove efekty, novy fyzikove, ale to, aby bylo vic a normalne fungujicich zombies, vyresenej desync, nemizeli veci a uz implementovane mechaniky ve hre trochu fungovali to ne...
    ZOMBO --- ---
    RUDOLF: Testovací verzi na Steamu si nedovedu představit, vzhledem k tomu, kolik bylo potřeba experimentálních serverů pro méně důležitý updaty ve srovnáním s touhle náloží... Ale bral bych, i kdyby to zaheslovali jen pro streamery.

    - nové ovládání a animace postavy
    - nová fyzika
    - testovací mapa okolo města Staroje
    - nové modely skal a textury silnic
    - nové částicové efekty
    - nové obličeje postav
    - nový inventář
    - nebude možné se hýbat s otevřeným inventářem
    - animace ukazující fyzický stav postavy, např. při vyčerpání
    - nová gesta
    - nové uživatelské rozhraní: ukazatele zdraví, výdrže, hluku a viditelnosti postavy
    - nové zvuky postavy, zbraní a okolního prostředí
    - nový synchronizační model s podporou až 100 hráčů na serveru
    - nový bojový systém: boj zblízka i střelba

    - new player controller
    - new animation system
    - new physics
    - new particle effects
    - new ambient, character, and weapon sounds
    - new synchronization model
    - new melee and ranged combat
    - new inventory
    - unable to move with inventory open
    - new UI
    - new character faces
    - new animations
    - new gestures
    - test map around Staroye
    - spawning a subset of player usable items
    - higher density of items
    - new roads
    - new rocks
    - reworked old assets
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Ke konci měsíce bude na Gamescom bude ořezaný DEMO bety (build čistě pro gamescom), malá mapa, bude se spawnovat jen něco, pojede to jen přes LAN. - ale člověk si tam ošahá novej player controller. Viz. níže. Bude velký online pokrytí, takže z toho asi budou videa a tak. Prej možná vydaj i public demo.

    "Everything starts with how you control a game, it needs to feel just right. When the game is making it hard to do what you actually want to accomplish through arbitrary complexity or inconsistency, it quickly becomes tedious. As this DEMO features the new player controller, animation system, physics and much more, it will feel different at first glance. Interacting with players, AI or environment should feel much smoother. We will have the new controls printed out for players coming in for an easy reference point.

    As this is quite a complex rework of the game, and we want people to test specific things, it will have its own "map" built around Staroye. The map includes new roads, rocks, and more reworked old assets as we are gradually improving visual fidelity, and leaving the old stuff behind. Only subset of player usable items will be spawning for the purpose of quick access, as we expect the turnover to be quite large. The density is also much higher to make sure you can try more things in a short span of time. Besides the map, you can also expect new particle effects implemented with Enfusion technology, new character faces and much more.

    It will feature the new inventory implementation, which again should feel much smoother and faster as we have invested quite a lot of time to do this properly. And one large change that we expect to have significant impact on how people play: you won't be able to move with inventory open. A lot of the things that people have used inventory to solve, like finding small items or interacting with their weapon to avoid delayed quick bar, will be long gone. Items will show their icons in the world, as well as all action being moved to contextual methods. And quick bar will become a core part of your setup as you explore the world of DayZ. You will get more slots as you get higher tier items, which in translation will increase the amount of stuff you can get done quickly in the world.

    There are tons of new animations coming in to show different states of character, exhaustion for example. And many detailed systems trying to avoid using text and use of heavy UI, so that living your life in Chernarus is all about your character. New gestures that will spice up the interaction between player, hopefully causing a laugh or two. Or making sure you can understand each other over a long distance.

    Lot of new UI changes that will focus on giving you enough detail if you want, or just immerse into the character in front of you. Tons of new sounds both ambient, character or weapon related.

    There is new synchronisation model that is quite different from what we had before, hoping to support the full scale of 100 players and tons of AI. All these things will be stress tested heavily to make sure there are no issues when we go live. Lot of the things are however heavily work in progress, but also for the first time, all of the new tech is in and working with new data. It's exciting as hell.

    And last but not least, new melee combat and ranged combat"
    BLAF --- ---
    REDSNAKE: Hele jako s tim toho ja moc neudelam...

    A imho lepsi mit vyvojarsky denicky nez abandonware.
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    BLAF: kdyby radsi uz prisli s nejakym faaakt dobrym patchem. Ale furt jen koukame na vyvojarske denicky a kde nic, tu nic...
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