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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps
    BLAF --- ---
    Dneska v 6 prej nejakej strym z 0.63
    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018 - Announcements & Information - DayZ Forums

    ZOMBO --- ---
    REDSNAKE: Většina systémů z toho seznamu se na něj váže a právě kvůli němu předělává.
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    ZOMBO: neměl bejt v 0.63 nějakej ten novej pohybovej engine nebo co? Co mělo kompletně změnit zážitek ze hry?
    ZOMBO --- ---
    Současný stav experimentální verze 0.63:

    - připraveno: lezení po žebříku, plavání, padání z výšky, otáčení se, setrvačnost, boj vleže, otáčení se a míření vleže, kombinovaný útok zblízka
    - ve vývoji: skákání, šplhání, boj zblízka, blokování a vyhnutí se úderu, kamera z pohledu 3. osoby
    - odloženo na pozdější build verze 0.63: házení, vyklánění se do stran

    - připraveno: nemoci, výdrž, ukazatele zdraví, zranění postavy, interakce s věcmi a okolními objekty, craftování
    - ve vývoji: reakce postavy na zásah, bezvědomí, zvuky postavy
    - odloženo na pozdější build verze 0.63: reakce postavy při vystavení vlivům prostředí

    - připraveno: zpětný ráz a houpání zbraně, nabíjení (do komory), částicové efekty
    - ve vývoji: optika, zasekávání zbraní

    - připraveno: chování zvířat ve skupině (stádě)
    - ve vývoji: pokročilý systém boje a pozornosti, rozšířené chování a vylepšený pohyb zombíků

    - připraveno: ukazatele stavu postavy, ikona zobrazující činnost postavy, inventář
    - ve vývoji: senzory, menu, výběr postavy podle serveru

    0.63 Experimental Release Checklist | DayZ | Official website
    ONDREX --- ---
    BALOSH: hraju stále ve stejné frekvenci, cca 1x za 2 měsíce, od zpřístupnění Alfa verze :), taky čekám a budu klidně další rok :) - stejně nemám čas na hraní
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    BALOSH: cekam na mytickej patch co prida nove amvientni zvuky....
    BALOSH --- ---
    Hrajete ještě nějak aktivněji? Mě to po pár letech znova chytlo
    ZOMBO --- ---
    0.63 Ambient Sounds - DayZ Status Report Preview
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Namalsk Sneak Peek for DayZ Standalone - The DayZ Spotlight on Sumrak
    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Q: Will the cost of DayZ servers be reduced with the BETA release?
    A: Yes. In future, anyone will be able to host their own servers on their own terms, as we want to release the DayZ Server Files with BETA. Maybe not right with the first BETA build, but definitely during BETA.

    Additionally, we want to provide a Linux version of the DayZ Server Files, and that should further cut the costs of running a DayZ server. While we don't have direct control over the pricing offered by our selected server providers at the moment, the Linux Server Files should also lead to noticeable cost reductions with these providers.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    a nějaký random

    The QA team just got back to work on the build stability. Our stability has been pretty bad recently, with all the large features getting in, so most of our team is focusing on bug fixing and it has paid off already. We're definitely not done and there is still tons of crashes to fix, but the stability has increased by a factor of 30 in just the last two weeks. And I look forward to a normal play session on 0.63 Experimental RC (Release Candidate build).

    User Actions

    4K UI and bug fixing
    As we're working on expanding the usability of UI in different resolutions (including 4K), we have tons of bugfixes for inventory actions and visuals for icons, actions and a lot more. Making sure things work reliably with the UI is key now.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    a zombíci jako poslední:-)

    Refactor of Infected

    Since a lot of the work on the player is getting done, our Lead Programmer Mirek is heavily focusing on a refactor of the infected, both in terms of stealth and combat. We don't want to promise anything, but we should hopefully be seeing the results soon, and build advanced features for the infected in quick succession after the basics of that work are merged in and working reliably.
    RUDOLF --- ---

    0.63 Ladder Climbing - DayZ Status Report Preview
    RUDOLF --- ---
    tak nějaký novinky..

    Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

    Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

    Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

    In real life, damage dealt by projectiles to the human body is very complicated and it’s fairly impossible to simulate it in game, so some necessary simplification is in place. Each hit zone has its own health which may or may not affect the global health of the character, as well as optional vital attributes.

    A player character cannot directly die just by shooting its limbs - our goal here is to avoid unreliable situations like shooting the character 10 times to its feet in order for it to get killed. However, as projectiles' penetration leads to bleeding wounds, the character will die indirectly by bleeding out without a treatment. Also, limbs can be fractured if their health falls down to zero, leading to restriction in character movement unless treated by attaching a splint to the fractured limb, which will heal it over time.

    On the other hand, damage the torso and head can lead to direct death (global health at zero), as well as indirect death by bleeding out. Vital organs have relatively low health, and destroying them leads basically to instant direct death, which opens a way to encouraging shot placement in combination with ammunition used, depending on current situation.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    BOD: hezky to kluk zpracoval, hezkej příběh dodal, ale za svůj research má od zrudka nedostatečnou:-) Prostě vynechá pár podstatných informací, který celý to vyznění posunou do jiného světla, ale pak by neměl catchy title, catchy závěr..

    To o čem mlvuí je modding a ten v SA bude, teď není. Od Deana, přes Briana až po Petra všichni vědí a dávají najevo, že dayz má ruzný flavours a modding je uspokojí. Vývojový tým si vzal za cíl, že dá do kupy původní hardcore vizi SA, tj. že nejsou nezničitelný věci, neotevřitelný místa. To tvrdil Dean před release do SA. A to je ten vanilla flavour. Modding komunita si s SA udělá to samé co s A2/A3. Ale SA by měl doufejme lépe mitigate různy zmrdíky cheaterský, by engine design.

    Tj. když Beta failne a modding ho nevzkříží, SA zemřel. Na nekrology je furt brzo.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    I would like to tell you an interesting thing that happened already a few months ago, but some members of the community still ask about it today. We've got in touch with the creators of a Norwegian political thriller TV series named Okkupert (Occupied) based on an original idea by Jo Nesbø in 2016. A lot of you already saw the episode September (second series) which had DayZ in it. In the episode, the Norwegian Police Security Service is using DayZ to infiltrate a resistance group and to gather some information. You can see them playing on PlayStation 4, however, it wasn't for real. At that time, it was still not possible and a lot of you were confused. Let's check out some screenshots I've made:
    ZOMBO --- ---
    Sneak peak of the Namalsk Mod map for DayZ Standalone - Trailer only
    HALCYON --- ---
    BOD: Tak ovšem to je moc pěkný.
    BOD --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam