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    ztracené heslo?
    VSOUKOLOHLOREnergetika a energie v politické a hospodářské perspektivě
    JIMIQ --- ---
    BLOWUP: no porovnal jsi si ty hodnoty a časový rámec?
    NYRLEM --- ---
    JIMIQ: denial box :D euroceny na kWh koncova cena pro domacnosti z eurostatu te vyvadi z omylu .. to nam ta cena ale vyklesala, vid? To bude tim prechodem na levne zdroje ..

    BLOWUP --- ---
    JIMIQ: jj, to bylo v tom linku co jsem postoval. V cem presne je to „humbuk“?
    JIMIQ --- ---
    JIMIQ --- ---
    trochu jsem si pročetl o čem je ten humbuk s jádrem a Googlem
    Amazon and Google have plans for fueling their data centers: Nuclear power - CBS News
    With Kairos, Google said it expects to bring the first small modular reactor online by 2030, with more to come through 2035. The deal is projected to bring 500 megawatts of power to the grid. For context, Google consumed more than 24 terawatt hours of electricity last year
    Combined, the three announcements could account for more than 5,000 megawatts of power by the late 2030s with the possibility of more. All of that is still likely only a small fraction of the company's total energy consumption, a figure that Amazon does not report publicly.
    Three Mile Island nuclear plant to reopen, sell power to Microsoft - CBS News
    The firm announced the 20-year deal would involve the restart of the Unit 1 reactor, "which operated at industry-leading levels of safety and reliability for decades before being shut down for economic reasons exactly five years ago today."

    Microsoft will buy energy from the plant as part of its goal to help match the power its data centers use with carbon-free technology, according to a news release announcing the deal. The reactor is expected to be online in 2028, pending approval from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    Unit 1 má 819MW a vypnuli ho v roce 2019
    NYRLEM --- ---
    GOR: cenotvorba je v tarifech nebo v pravidlech trhu, eru rika, ze to menit chce, ale nic v tom nedela
    GOR --- ---
    NYRLEM: Asi jsem to cetl malo detailne, ale to je pak teda cely zavedeni institutu "zarizeni pro ukladani elektriny" k uplnymu hovnu a mohli jsme zustat u tichy tolerance akumulace vnoreny do vyrobny nebo do mista spotreby.
    NYRLEM --- ---
    JIMIQ: a platili za elektrinu trojnasobek, protoze nadsenci jako ty nejsou schopni do vypoctu zahrnout vsechny naklady ..
    JIMIQ --- ---
    NYRLEM: no, pořídili bychom ještě 16GW fotovoltaiky a vypli půlku uhlí
    NYRLEM --- ---
    GOR: zatim nic nenasvedcuje tomu, ze by se to melo menit .. resp. mozna bude vyjimka pro PpS, ale zatim neni odsouhlasena ..
    GOR --- ---
    NYRLEM: Ale tak ta distribuce snad od ucinnosti LEX OZE III uz akumulaci zatezovat nebude...?
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    NYRLEM --- ---
    GOR: teplarenstvi i PpS zdroje prechazi na plyn a ten ma skoro BL cenu, povolenka je taky po castech linearni. Bez distribuce by to vychazelo, ale nabijet ze site je proste drahe, protoze vetsina nakladu je na spotrebe.
    GOR --- ---
    NYRLEM: A modely rikaji, ze se volatilita DT nezvysi, kdyz budou trvale odstaveny alespon Chvaletice a Pocerady?
    NYRLEM --- ---
    JIMIQ: a co by s nim delali? Momentalne proti dennimu trhu se investice nezaplati, FCR je saturovana a jine sluzby nemuze poskytovat samostatne ..
    NYRLEM --- ---
    JIMIQ: jo, to by se skvele servisovalo a skolilo ..
    JIMIQ --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: LFTR, FLIBE, Kirk Sorensen
    JIMIQ --- ---
    aha, tak bacha, Kalifornie má 13,4GW baterek, ne 10GW (to je jen největší místní operátor)
    počítají že letos přibude celkem 4-4,5 a stejně i příští rok, takže na konci 2025 by se mohli dostat někam k 18-19GW
    California's battery storage capacity climbs 30% since April | S&P Global Commodity Insights
    PES --- ---

    Zelenou energii už nevidím tak růžově, říká tvůrce soběstačného domu Podruh | Forbes
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    JIMIQ: Cobalt thorium G?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam