SPIKE411: Pár nových dílů souvisejících s filmovým zvukem / hudbou.
How a four-note melody from the 13th century became a movie soundtrack superstar.
Ad John Williams a čerpání z hudební historie ještě:
The sound design wizardry behind the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, and how these sounds compare to what dinos REALLY sounded like.
The never-before-told story behind the iconic Netflix sound.
A doporučuju teda i Hamiltona, i když to je divadelní muzikál. :)
Broadway’s award-winning, record-breaking, smash hit, Hamilton, is a musical unlike any other. In this special episode, we have re-voiced, remixed, and remastered one of our shows about our favorite broadway musical! Featuring Nevin Steinberg, Hamilton’s Tony-nominated sound designer, Benny Reiner, Grammy-winning Hamilton percussionist, Anna-Lee Craig, Hamilton on Broadway A2, and Broadway sound design legend Abe Jacob.