ARAON: Tak ale kdyz uz tu scenu pitvame, tak mohla byt jeste mnohem zajimavejsi:
"According to a 1981 interview with the actress, she was initially keen on the idea of her character being naked because it “would have been a nice contrast” to the alien story unfolding before her character.
“You see the alien’s in its birthday suit the entire film, so I thought it was a cop out having me wear the underwear, and not stripping entirely,” Weaver said.
After receiving criticism for the strip after the movie’s release, Weaver said it never occurred to her that people might think the strip exploitative, but “having received the mail I have, I would now think twice about taking off all my clothes in a movie”.
“People have said, ‘Aw, how could you demean yourself by doing a striptease?’ And I say, ‘Are you kidding? After five days of blood and guts, and fear, and sweat and urine, do you think Ripley wouldn’t take off her clothes?’”
But for Cameron, who took over the helm of the second film in the series, Aliens, the scene simply crossed the line."