Sunseeker II má natolik robustní konstrukci, že je schopen akrobatických výkonů, konkrétně udělat přemet:
First solar airplane to cross the United States, first to cross the Alps, now Sunseeker II is the first aerobatic solar powered airplane. "I consider this expanding the envelope to demonstrate just how airworthy these airplanes are" said Eric Raymond. The wing structure is built to be extremely stiff, too much wing flex would shatter solar cells. As a result, the ultimate g load that the airplane can take is much higher than what is required for normal modes of flight.
Before Eric Raymond began building solar powered airplanes, he was multiple time national aerobatic champion flying hang gliders and also the first person to fly an outside loop- a feat that required a custom rig, which he designed and constructed. Now he is the first person to loop a solar powered airplane, not bad!
(Na letišti ve Vogheře jsem se byl podívat začátkem září, bohužel tam byl nějaký motosraz a na žádný let Erica Raymonda se Sunseekerem jsem štěstí neměl)