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    SCHWITAUmění hudebního obalu
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    ASYD: zdání klame!
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    Africa Hitech - 93 Million Miles (2011)

    The album from Steve Spacek and Mark Pritchard, released on Warp. The artwork is from Andy Gilmore http://crowquills.com/, just like the two previous singles. Feels like "Victor Vasarely meets 8-bits visuals into a church".
    ASYD --- ---
    SCHWITA: all four members? to vypada na 4x toho sameho
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    Kasabian - Velociraptor! (2011)

    Velociraptor! is the fourth album by the British indie rock group Kasabian. The record has received mostly positive reviews. The album cover is an edited picture of all four band members covered in feathers (as Velociraptors were traditionally feathery) and screaming, edited from the "Switchblade Smiles" music video.
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    Blackbird Blackbird - Modern Disbelief (2010, EP)

    Blackbird Blackbird is the moniker of San Francisco-based wünderkind Mikey Maramag. His unique style of dreamy folktronica recalls influences from all ends of the musical spectrum; deeply textured, hypnotic songs pay homage to psychedelic pop with the warmth of analogue instrumentation spliced with digital artifacts.
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    Umakart - Vlci u dveří (2012)

    Skupina Umakart je seskupení několik významných osobností domácí hudební scény. Umakart tvoří zpěvák Jaromír Švejdík (Jaromir 99 & The Bombers, Priessnitz), kytarista Dušan Neuwerth (Tata Bojs) a na baskytaru hraje Jan P. Muchow (The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa). Zároveň členy projektu jsou také klavírista Jiří Hradil (Chorchestr, Lesní zvěř, dnes také Tata Bojs) a bubeník Tomáš Neuwerth (Nierika, LU).
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    Modeselektor / Pfadfinderei

    Modeselektor is an electronic music band formed in Berlin, featuring Gernot Bronsert and Sebastian Szary. The group draws heavily from IDM, glitch, electro house and hip hop. The visual is mostly built around a rendering of the trademark monkey face of previous Modeselektor releases, and is the work of Pfadfinderei graphic bureau http://www.pfadfinderei.com .
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    Hot Water Music - A Flight and a crash (2001)

    A Flight and a Crash is a 2001 punk rock album by Hot Water Music and was released by music label Epitaph Records. The album cover art was done by a Floridian by the name of Scott Sinclair http://sincstudio.prosite.com/16662/portfolio .
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    Kittchen - Menu (2011)

    Hudebník, který si říká Kittchen, se nejspíš narodil v Doksech u Máchova jezera na severu Čech v roce 1978. Možná pracuje jako kuchař v jednom místním hotelu. V kuchyních každopádně nahrává na mikrofon svého iBooku trochu zvláštní písničky. Většinou na nástroje, které má zrovna po ruce. Výsledkem jsou industriálně folkové songy a balady, které se vynořují a zase ztrácejí v rádiovém šumu, cvakání příborů a šepotu plynových hořáků. Vše přelité tajemstvím kraje pod Bezdězem.
    INFLUENZA --- ---
    moje nove :)

    Dwarde & Tim Reaper – The Raw EP | adam pizurny
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    Blockhead - The Music Scene (2009)

    The Music Scene is an instrumental hip hop album by producer Blockhead, released on Ninja Tune. The cover art of the album The Music Scene, done by Blockheads friend & fellow producer Omega One, shows a futuristic deserted New York City overrun by wild animals.
    "That is kind of how I view the music scene at this point. It's a very simple metaphor. Like if you think about New York City and what it once was. I am a native New Yorker. I grew up downtown and to see what has happened to my neighborhood, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's just become something different. And the music scene is pretty much in the same boat. It was once this thriving place where people could be creative. But now if you are creative it is really not for you because it is not going to happen for you on a level like it used to. There was a time when ugly singers could be famous, when people would just get by on their talent but now it's like you have to have a market plan and it's depressing," says Blockhead.
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    Hecq - Avenger (2011)

    On Hymen Records, the Avenger album from the German artist Ben Luka Boysen aka Hecq continues to foray new soundscapes into his hectic bass/electronica field. The album artwork is from Saner aka the urban Mexican artist Edgar Flores http://www.saner.com.mx/ . The limited edition features the CD in an oversized digipack and a wrestler mask.
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    Battles - Gloss Drop (2011)

    Dave Konopka: "The artwork is a sculpture that I did, I'm even reluctant to say sculpture... it's a sculpture that I made during the making of the album and essentially it's a big pink blob, of nothing. I wanted to represent a solid document that would be the album, that is a controlled atmosphere and have something that is completely organic that you can't even control the way things are going to happen, and at the end of the day it was more evident that we couldn't control anything other than the way things were going to happen when it came to making this album. So the actual artwork was just this blob..."
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    Scorn - Refuse; Start Fires (2010)

    Scorn was an English electronic music project often associated with industrial and experimental music since the early years. Later on, much of the output has been minimalist beats with an emphasis on very deep bass lines, often resembling dub and trip-hop in structure. The 2010 album of Scorn was released with beautiful photographic illustrations from khomatech.com/ .
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    Peter Gabriel - New Blood / Live Blood (2011 / 2012)

    Peter Gabriel, musician from 70’s British band Genesis, released an album New Blood, followed by a live record Live Blood, and Marc Bessant is behind the intriguing cover art on and inside the CD casings. Bessant worked with micrographer Steve Gschmeissner to create the cover images which at first appear as an abstract form but are actually an embryonic stem-cell on the tip of a needle and a blood residual on an injection shown in minute detail. Inside the New Blood album casing are a series of track-by-track data-visualisations.
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    Amon Tobin - ISAM (2011)

    This album marks a significant evolution in Amon Tobin's sound due to the absence of vinyl samples and trademark jazz-oriented breaks. Physical releases include a cover and a limited edition CD artbook featuring images from Control Over Nature, an installation conceived by Amon Tobin and Saatchi collection artist Tessa Farmer ( http://www.tessafarmer.com/ ) which is thematically related to the music of ISAM. Her work, made from insect carcasses, plant roots and other found natural materials, comprises hanging installations depicting Boschian battles between insects and tiny winged skeletal humanoids.
    INFLUENZA --- ---
    tak teda dam nieco svoje: http://adampizurny.com/works/covers/
    kritika vitana! :)
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    Moby - Voodoo Child (1991)

    While his single "Go" was still resonating all across Europe, Richard M. Hall dropped another hit single on his US label, Instinct Records, immediately licenced in Europe by Belgian label R&S : Voodoo Child. While crossing the atlantic, the record gained a great piece of design for its artwork : instead of using a straightforward illustration of the title (which relates to the Jimmy Hendrix sample used in the track), and show a voodoo puppet for example, the designer prefered to use a related object (nails) and create this "typographic" cover. The backcover was going further, still with the nails.
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    Machinedrum - SXLND (2012)

    More unusual design from Machinedrum (one half of Sepalcure): after his striking album on planet µ, here comes a single on Lucky Me label, with a nice illustration on the cover, and a cut-out inner cardboard included. In addition to releasing music, LuckyMe ( http://thisisluckyme.com/ ) operates as a visual art studio staffed by former Glasgow School of Art students. As a visual art studio, LuckyMe has undertaken design work in the fashion and music industries, completing print, film, public events, websites, and sculptural projects.
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