zkoušel už někdo ER s tímhle co-op modem?
Seamless Co-op at Elden Ring Nexus - Mods and Communityhttps://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/510Seamless co-operative play
Simply put, the mod allows you to play with friends throughout the entirety of the game with no restrictions. With this, it's theoretically possible to play the game from the tutorial up to the final boss completely in one co-op session.
If a player dies, they will respawn in the same world at the last bonfire they rested at. The session will not be terminated.
Defeating enemy bosses and clearing areas no longer sends co-operators home.
All fog walls/barriers that usually restrict the multiplayer zone (along with their respective teleports) are gone.
All players can use torrent (assuming they have the whistle) in a session together.
All map waypoints will synchronise, allowing you to navigate the world in a group easier.
When one player rests at a Site of Grace, the world state will reset for all players. This is necessary to prevent enemy desync.
Game progression events completed in online play will also progress the game in your own world.
Varre's questline no longer needs invasions to progress
You can play with 5 other players in the open world.
An overhaul to Elden Ring's Peer-to-Peer connection system, using Steam's newer networking AP