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    ztracené heslo?
    EZEEDark Souls & Demon's Souls | PREPARE TO DIE! | Bloodborne | Sekiro | Elden Ring | atd | ...aneb umíráme s nadšením
    PHOW_SAATCH --- ---
    Vindictus: Defying Fate - Official Reveal Trailer
    PHOW_SAATCH --- ---
    No Rest For The Wicked Gameplay Impressions – Alice in Wonderland Meets Dark Souls
    PHOW_SAATCH --- ---
    Dark Souls: Archthrones is basically a whole new game you can play free

    The topic of today’s discussion, it’s about about Dark Souls III and its amazing modding community and in particular, the ‘Archtrones’ mod which is so epic that it’s basically a new game. Oh, and it will be totally free to download.

    ‘Dark Souls: Archthrones’ blends together Dark Souls II and Dark Souls III, and from what we hear, it will even borrow certain elements from Demon’s Souls. It will remix areas and boss encounters from the two most recent Dark Souls entries and players will access its five worlds from the Nexus of Embers.
    PHOW_SAATCH --- ---
    Gameplay Showcase - Dark Souls: Archthrones
    RIVEEK --- ---
    HAVANA: v tomto případě přijde. Blaid, pokud za ním přijdeš dřív, ti řekne, že po tomhle zrádci pase a když přijdeš do evergoalu, máš tam Blaidův vyvolávací znak. Zjistil jsem to až při třetím přechodu :-)
    AIAX --- ---
    FRIZER: Mně moc neberou roguelikes, mám mnohem radši vymazlené, ručně dělané levely.
    FRIZER --- ---
    AIAX: Dead cells nezaujaly?!
    AIAX --- ---
    FRIZER: Jo to jsou týpci, co udělali Ori 1 a 2. Obě geniální hry, Ori 2 je podle mě jediná metroidvania, která konkuruje Hollow Knightovi.

    Připíšu na seznam.
    FRIZER --- ---
    Vypadá to dobře...

    No Rest for the Wicked Preview: Looks Like Diablo, Plays Like Dark Souls
    AIAX --- ---
    PHOW_SAATCH: No jasně, to muselo přijít.
    PHOW_SAATCH --- ---
    Rozšíření pro Elden Ring způsobilo odklad očekávané soulsovky - Zing
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    rofl :)
    This is why we can't wait for the Elden Ring DLC 😂 | This is why we can't wait for the Elden Ring DLC 😂 | By GamingHeroFacebook
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    Elden Ring Gets Official Webcomic Ahead of DLC Release
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    SteamTopSellers for week of 20 Feb — 27 February 2024

    1 - HELLDIVERS™ 2
    2 - Last Epoch
    3 - ELDEN RING
    4 - Steam Deck
    5 - Nightingale
    HAVANA --- ---
    RUDOLF: Takže před dlc za rennalou, respec a všechno hodit do vigoru a endurance :D
    JOPS --- ---
    SITH: ja, ID L4ma a Vesnach jsme to s timhle modem hrali :)
    RUDOLF --- ---
    AIAX: Jo, ale myazaki tím jen řeší over/under leveling v DLC a tu jejich strategii jak dát hráčům nástroje pro obtížnost. Když to chceš mít lehčí zabíjela snažšího bosse a použiješ z něj vypadlou sílu. Chápu jen jako další nástroj vedle summonů.
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    SITH: imho id Lama hodne otestoval
    SITH --- ---
    zkoušel už někdo ER s tímhle co-op modem?

    Seamless Co-op at Elden Ring Nexus - Mods and Community

    Seamless co-operative play

    Simply put, the mod allows you to play with friends throughout the entirety of the game with no restrictions. With this, it's theoretically possible to play the game from the tutorial up to the final boss completely in one co-op session.

    If a player dies, they will respawn in the same world at the last bonfire they rested at. The session will not be terminated.
    Defeating enemy bosses and clearing areas no longer sends co-operators home.
    All fog walls/barriers that usually restrict the multiplayer zone (along with their respective teleports) are gone.
    All players can use torrent (assuming they have the whistle) in a session together.
    All map waypoints will synchronise, allowing you to navigate the world in a group easier.
    When one player rests at a Site of Grace, the world state will reset for all players. This is necessary to prevent enemy desync.
    Game progression events completed in online play will also progress the game in your own world.
    Varre's questline no longer needs invasions to progress
    You can play with 5 other players in the open world.
    An overhaul to Elden Ring's Peer-to-Peer connection system, using Steam's newer networking AP
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