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    ztracené heslo?
    EZEEDark Souls & Demon's Souls | PREPARE TO DIE! | Bloodborne | Sekiro | Elden Ring | atd | ...aneb umíráme s nadšením
    TRAGED --- ---
    AIAX: Jsem tu dobre v Darksouls klubu? :-) Ta hra je tezka, ale 3/4 z SADAKO je jen plac nad nepochopenyma mechanikama:

    - Ta hra nema zadne trash mobs. To neni Diablo. Ma moby a bosse. Jo jsou drsni, stejne jako jsou ale drsni i moby v poslednich 2 Zeldach.
    - Tim ze se ztraci jen durabilita veci, ktere lze snadno opravit, tak to neni tak hrozne, narozdil od klasickych Souls mechanik, kdy ztracis i progress mezil levely.
    - jidlo je uplne v pohode a jsou na nej prima recepty
    - Grind jsem nezaznamenal.
    - Ano, ta hra nic neodpousti a je to peklo, tady by se vetsi okno hodilo
    - To bude IMHO bug, od urcite doby se mi backstap prestal ukazovat

    - Shiled funguje, ale nekdyz dosanbes kladivem elmyk jak ty
    - JO, to je peklo, jeden spatnej dodge a je konec, protgoze prvni ranoutesrazi na zem a pak uz se nezvednes, tam je blaance potrebam
    - Nemel jsem problem ani se 3 pri zachrane kovare, jen je holt potreba opravdu managovat Staminu.
    - S tim jsem problem nemel, je potreba se schovavat za veci a funguje dobre
    - Nepochopena mechanika, do tehle vahy se pocita jen zbroj a zbrane. Cili bud jsi narvanej v tezkem pancirti a sotva se hnes,. nebo v lehkem armoru a dodgujes. Jo, dodge ma t ruzne druhy, podle toho vyse zatizeni a je na to primo stat. Ale mozna by stalo za to, to navazat spis na Silu, aspon mi prijde ze silove zbrane a zbroje jsou ty tezke.
    - Stamina jew jeden ze statu mozny zvedat pri levelu.
    - Tak zrovna cooldown na jidle je v poradku a v inventari je pauza, takze je to klasicky RPVG inventory.
    - Ke? TO neni hra kterou hledate
    - Plny inventar?
    - Neni to rogue like, bactraking je bezna mechanika.
    - Jo, to me taky zaskocilo jak drsny to je.
    - Tak to je taky nepochopena mechanika. Tlacitko je Context sensitive :-) Jinak funguje v boji a jinak mimo boj.

    Performace? Me to behalo NB s mizernou 3050 kolem 25fps. Na 3080 to uricte beha pres 30 fps.
    Njo, ma to rozbity a je to ErA hra, ta proste obcas zatuhne.

    Takze asi tak.
    BIMBAS --- ---
    SADAKO: fair enough, diky za to. Počkám taky až to vyleze z early accessu
    AIAX --- ---
    BIMBAS: Já narážel na ten feedback ve Steam recenzích, hodně lidí tam dává palec dolů za to, že to je moc těžké a neprostupné.

    To je už hromadu let moje oblíbené vztekání, když vyjde akční hra bez nastavení obtížnosti. Přijde mi to vrcholně stupidní, z hlediska hráčského zážitku a vlastně i komerčního potenciálu, jenže Dark Souls prostě vyšly s jednou fixní obtížností a teď to všichni slepě kopírujou.
    SADAKO --- ---
    AIAX: Jako jo no, podle těch ohlasů to vypadá, že vypustili way too early access a ještě se předtím zapomněli zamyslet nad tím, jak budou některé věci fungovat dohromady v praxi (třeba durability loss mě dojal) a nejspíš i nad spoustou dalších věcí. :D

    BIMBAS: Jeden koment ze Steamu, co to celkem detailně pitvá:
    A gorgeous game with an interesting story and a well-developed world that is absolutely ruined by being hilariously overtuned and needlessly difficult.

    I'll revisit No Rest For The Wicked again closer to 1.0 when the devs realize how stupidly hard this game is and inevitably fix it. Keep in mind, this is coming from a Souls LOVER who's played these kinds of games from PS3, 360, PS4, XB1 and PS5, all the way up to PC, multiple times over including Sekiro, Bloodborne, all the knock-offs like Code Vein, community mods and everything else. I don't mind a challenge when the challenge feels fair and makes sense, but this game is hard for all the WRONG reasons. And before anyone asks:

    • Super spongy trash mobs still 80% you in one hit, so every encounter feels artificially drawn out and tedious
    • Durability loss on death punishes learning enemy move sets (why are we bringing back archaic, failed systems like this?)
    • Finite meals/potions punishes learning enemy move sets (why are we departing from refillable estus, a system that has worked well for years?)
    • Way too grindy to replace mats to make more food and repair gear after repeated deaths while learning enemy move sets
    • Absolutely unforgiving parry windows, and I mean brutal, plus the parry itself still sucks even when you land it (because spongy enemies)
    • Back stabs are nearly impossible to land and most enemies flat out can't be back stabbed and it's also garbage (because spongy enemies)
    • Shields aren't 100% block so far, so you're constantly taking damage unless you roll dodge everything (which leaves you with 0 stamina to parry or attack)
    • Enemies stun lock you very easily
    • Fighting 2 or more enemies is basically a GG, nearly impossible to win and the aggro range extends past what's visible on screen, so mobs just come running from off-screen constantly to catch you off guard
    • Sneaking is laughably terrible
    • You are essentially 'heavy' at all times unless you wear trash armor (I sacrificed other stats to dump 10 points into weight, which is a lot btw, and I still barely fit into the 'normal' range with starter gear, so now my stats are trash and I've gained nothing for it)
    • Stamina is severely lacking, you're always out of it, even if you understand Souls-like stamina management
    • Can't easily swap between the 15+ unique meals or potions in your inventory in the heat of combat, plus heals have a LONG cool down for some reason
    • 'Bonfires' don't restore health or healing items
    • Inventory is always full and getting it all back to your 'stash' or a vendor is very tedious (plus the stash is way too small)
    • The amount of backtracking you have to do in this game is absurd so far, which is exacerbated by the hideous and borderline useless map they give us
    • Fall damage is comically strong
    • Control scheme gets you killed constantly (you have to tap A to dodge, but you also have to hold it to climb, but holding it also makes you dash, which leads to you accidentally running or rolling off of tight edges way too often, which means you die to the comically strong fall damage, which means your gear takes damage, which means you have to repair it, which means you have to farm again... you see where this is going.)

    The list goes on and on and on and I haven't even touched on the terrible performance or optimization that everyone else has mentioned. Those are absolutely valid criticisms. You can't have a game suffering from volatile frame rate changes with an air tight combat system like this. It gets you killed. Constantly. And again, before anyone asks, I have great hardware. Liquid cooled 13th gen i9, 64GB of RAM, M.2 drive and a 3080 ti GPU.

    My game froze completely while trying to edit my character's face. It froze again when talking to the first NPC in the game. It froze again during combat. It constantly drops frames, especially in the main town. Essential parts of the UI are still missing. I've fallen through the map multiple times already. They need to fix all of this and the overall difficulty/balance. The devs have their work cut out for them right now.

    And I know it's early access (with an emphasis on EARLY), so I'll update this review again after it's had some time to sit in the corner and think about its mistakes. I really want to like this game, but they're making it very hard to. Please devs, stop reinventing the wheel as a triangle.

    Potential buyers, if you're on the fence, I'd say give it more time to cook. A lot more time.
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Ja dle ohlasu zatim vnimal spis prumerny az spatny generic souls like se spatnou story a bad fight mechanics
    BIMBAS --- ---
    AIAX: rozvin svou myslenku, co je spatne ? Me to z videí a gameplayů přišlo v pohodě
    AIAX --- ---
    SADAKO: Koukl jsem na to, vypadá to jako další nepoučitelné studio, které vydalo akční RPG bez nastavení obtížnosti.

    Tohle je tak zbytečná střelba do vlastní nohy, jezus kristus, kolikrát se tohle už na sockách probíralo.
    FRIZER --- ---
    AIAX: Jj
    SADAKO --- ---
    BIMBAS: Ono to je s nějakou slevou v EA i na Steamu
    Save 10% on No Rest for the Wicked on Steam
    AIAX --- ---
    FRIZER: To je ta isometrická soulsovka od lidí, co dělali Ori?
    FRIZER --- ---
    BIMBAS: No vypada to ok, ja cumel jak to hraje Cohh, a mel tam odkaz na slevu, tak jsem dal repost kdyby nekdo chtel...vic jsem to nestudoval. Osobne cekam na PS5 verzi.
    BIMBAS --- ---
    FRIZER: ja jako o tom uvazuju. Odrazuje me early access. Jake to je ? videa se tvari pouzitelne. Predpokladam ze koupi primo u nich se vzdam refundu co?
    LA_PIOVRA --- ---
    FRIZER: poridil jsem vcera...

    A dnes jsem koupil tohle, jeste jsem nevyzvednul:
    Razer Tartarus V2, RGB LED, černá | CZC.cz

    Na WASD je to ciry utrpeni, tak jsem zvedav.
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Vsak why not, snad se jim to povede
    AIAX --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE: Hlavně lipsync :D

    Ne, celej ten reveal byl hodně povedený. Moc pěkná hra, nádherná lokace, parádní hudba. Jsem na hniličku.
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Ds3 looks better
    SWAMP_ASS --- ---
    FRIZER --- ---
    Kdyby někdo chtěl se slevou zkusit No Rest...

    No Rest for the Wicked | Private Division Store
    SADAKO --- ---
    PHOW_SAATCH: Mám předobjednáno z Bandai Namco EU store, doufám, že Messmerovi někde cestou neulomí hada :D
    PHOW_SAATCH --- ---
    ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree DLC — Collector's Edition Messmer the Impaler Statue
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