AIAX: je to network test, mají build dedikovaný na testování sítě, tj. latence, performance serverů apod. Tím, že je to online game, tak potřebuješ odhalit zásadní problémy před spuštěním. Tj. není to gameplay test. Oni gameplay designu věří. Takže mají build, kde mají tyhle features vypnuty. FromSoftware rádo překvapuje hráče, takže cílem nebylo mít wow efekt. Jsou závedený a úspěšný studio a tohle je low-budget experiment.
Btw. V tom IGN rozhovoru je napsáno, že budou variace Limgrave. Imho se čeká na prodejnost, jestli do toho budou víc investovat.
Junya Ishizaki: So there's going to be eight boss types of final bosses in the final game. And as you progress through, these will be gradually unlocked and become available to fight.
Junya Ishizaki: So there will not be a whole new map type depending on the boss you select, but there will be some quite drastic changes to the map that occur as you progress through the game. The reason for this, we wanted to keep this experience quite condensed and concentrated on this “another” Limgrave, so that players could learn and adjust and create that most optimised play to enjoy that sort of new sense of accomplishment and discovery with Nightreign. Learning within those confinements is what we aimed for.
IGN: So that's where the volcanoes and meteor strikes and things will come in as the map evolves?
Junya Ishizaki: Yes, that's correct. Those elements are supposed to encourage those repeat plays and change up the session each time.
IGN: And so is there an ultimate boss to fight who is behind the night tide?
Junya Ishizaki: Yes, there is a final boss, at the end of it and they do have a some sort of connection to the night tide and the encroaching night. So we hope players look forward to discovering that.