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    ztracené heslo?
    JULIAN --- ---
    Horda je ta, kde nejsou trpaslici. Teda stara horda, nez tam pridali skrety. Tj ti co maji ty veverky = aliance. Taky v Horde jsou undeadi (Mordesh). Kralici jsou takovy blood elfove jakoze ::L
    OSCURO --- ---
    Stress test Wildstar naplanovan na tento vikend:

    Thanks again for your willingness to help out with the chaos and fire-starting we like to call a "Stress Test". For those who have participated before, you probably know the drill, but skip to the bottom for the plans for the test. For those who are new, read on to make sure you understand what we expect to happen tonight and tomorrow!

    This is ACTUALLY a stress test.
    When we do a stress test, we intentionally invite more people than we know we can comfortably handle. The goal is two-fold: We want to see how comfortably our server can handle what we believe our maximum capacity to be, and then we want to find out what happens if we try to push past that limit. Increasing max server size is a huge deal for us (in terms of cost-savings) and for you (in terms of having more people to play with), so it benefits everyone if we can raise that cap.

    What this means for you, though, is that game performance tends to be uncomfortably bad. Like, lots of crashes, disconnects, stuck loading screens, etc. We discover a LOT of game crashes during these tests, which are hugely invaluable for us to make sure we have a stable launch, but it generally means a subpar experience for you as a player.

    Always Look On The Bright Side
    So yeah, we like to shut those expectations of playability RIGHT DOWN so you know what our worst-case scenario looks like. The reward for participating in this test will be our special Live Operations title that is only given out for Services Above and Beyond The Call Of Duty. This title will be earned (at launch) on any accounts that successfully login during this weekend's stress test.


    Okay, so, this weekend's plan (completely subject to change depending on the needs of the server and live teams):

    4 realms will be available during the stress test:
    The hours are:
    Start: Friday, February 14th, 7:00 am PST (3:00 pm UTC)
    End: Sunday, February 16th, 11:59 pm PST (7:59 am UTC)
    Realm queues are in and functional, but when you inevitably see that a realm's full, help us out by filling up another one!
    Keep an eye on in-game chatter from a CRB_Name. We communicate via in-game chat, so if we need something from you, help us out!
    Definitely keep an eye on the forums and the Dev Tracker during the test to see the latest updates from the team.

    Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding during this test, and have fun!

    Team WildStar

    JETELICEK --- ---
    ETHAN: to bych vůbec neřekl..protože je Horda "zlá" a Aliance "hodná"? to je blbost...Dominion je stejný spolek xenofobních imperialistů jako je Aliance za vlády Variana a Exile..to jsou uprchlíci, snažící se přežít (stejně jako orkové v době warcraftu 3)
    ETHAN --- ---
    JETELICEK: Vidíš, přitom laděním je to obráceně. Exile-Aliance, Dominion-Horda.
    JETELICEK --- ---
    ZACK: ne, nicméně Exile mi svým zaměřením a filosofií jako Horda přijde (teda v té době, kdy ji šéfoval Thrall)
    REFLEX --- ---
    ja myslel spis classu :]
    ZACK --- ---
    JETELICEK: Ve SWTORu si taky myslis o Republice, ze je to nova horda? :)
    OSCURO --- ---

    Za co hrajete ci planujete hrat v bete wildstar a dale?

    10 hlasy od 10 respondentů

      JETELICEK --- ---
      jn, Exile is a new Horde ;)
      REFLEX --- ---
      btw za co hrajete? :]
      MESHCA --- ---
      Vzhledem k tomu, ze stress test bude masakr (pri poslednim jim fyzicky shorely RAMky), tak stastlivcum do porucuju data minning na foru, kam budou mit prez vikend pristup, behem dob, kdy bude hra dole. Je tam tuna informaci, hlavne v Dev trackeru o mechanikach a jejich planech.
      OSCURO --- ---
      SIRLOON: Jestli muzu neco doporucit - levelit a questit v parte. Je to mnohem zabavnejsi a navic cloveku roste Renown (socialni mena) za kterou muze kupovat blbiny do domku :-) A vubec housing, to jsou Sims jak vysite kombinovane s minihrami na pozemku. Desna dira na cas (eee jeste aspon si pohraju s umistenim toho noveho vycpaneho moba aby ladil s mojim psychedelickym zatisim)
      SIRLOON --- ---
      tak uz nezavidim, prave sem ho taky dostal :)
      SIRLOON --- ---
      a ja spis zavidim :)
      JULIAN --- ---
      REFLEX: gratuluju!
      MESHCA --- ---
      REFLEX: Cz/sk komunita je rozptylena, ale vetsi cast je na Exile strane. Ja a Oscuro jsem u Dominionu.
      REFLEX --- ---
      jupii mam pozvanku do vikendoveho stress testu, tak snad se k tomu dostanu

      jinak kde hrajete a za jakou stranu?
      NAVARA --- ---
      VAJCE: taková hra už je :)

      OSCURO --- ---
      WildStar - Exiles Medic Gameplay Part 3 (Livestream)

      Seznamte se s loplopi, jednou z ras co se vydala na Nexus. Jejich cilem je sesbirat co nejvic "shinies"
      SIRLOON --- ---
      VAJCE: jj Indy v Uldu byl super :) a ano, sou to questy co bavi cloveka jen jednou, ale aspon ho bavi. v jinych hrach uz (nebo jeste) neni ani to
      Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam