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    ztracené heslo?
    SGNLRSITUACIONISMUS- život/umění/politika
    SGNLR --- ---
    legendarni projekt, ktery mi ted prijde aktualni vzhledem k sqiaterskym akcim, co ted u nas probihali.

    Aneb "Jak Gugenheim cenzuroval vystavu o nekalych praktikach realitek a jejoich holdingu"`hodne zjednodusene

    In 1971 Guggenheim Museum in New York canceled Haacke’s show on the request of the Museum’s Director Thomas Messer to eliminate two pieces. Exhibition was canceled and curator Edward Fry was fired. Work titled Shapolsky et al Manhattan Real Estate Holdings, A Real-Time Social System as of May 1, 1971 presented a documentation - photographs of 142 properties, owned by two or three families, who had assembled vast empires of slum housing in New York. There were recorded facts available in the New York Public Library collected by the artist.

    “By tracing the interrelationship and connections between, and the often hidden titles of, these various owners Haacke revealed the structure of these slum empires. Simple, matter-of-fact tracking of tenement holdings, the pieces are without any accusation or polemical tone.” (Foster, 2004) Director Messer explained his decision to cancel the exhibition describing Haacke’s work as “work that violates the supreme neutrality of the work of art and therefore no longer merits the protection of the museum.” (Foster, 2004) This dispute raised a question about what does neutrality of work of art mean and what defines aesthetic, artistic practices as opposed to political, journalistic one.
    In Rosalyn Deutsche’s opinion the other very important aspect of Haacke’s real-estate work is that he brought two types of architectural space into confrontation : “the slum housing of New York massive underclass and the luxurious ‘neutrality’ of the uptown, exclusionary, high art institution with their total obliviousness to the situation of the large majority of people who share the same urban space. Deutche’s reading of Haacke’s work - as an effort to juxtapose social spaces as defined by architectural structures - is an important additional interpretation of his practice.”
    SGNLR --- ---
    SGNLR: nojo. s jeho symbolama pracuje vetsina angazovanyho umeni..

    "...vkládají své umělecké dílo do již existující sítě znaků a významů ("kultura užití").Z existujících věcí, děl a produktů vybírají jeden nebo i více a znovu ji použijí nebo ji s určitým záměrem přetvoří. Umělci postprodukce vynalézají nové způsoby užití uměleckých děl. Do svých vlastních výtvorů vkládají různé zvukové či vizuální formy převzaté z minulosti."

    strucnej popis terminu "postprodukce" z knihy N.Bourriaud
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    SGNLR: paradoxne te tohle spojuje s tim nejhorsim z kapitalismu !!! :DDD
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    Eric Buss' "Bubble Wrap Bike" - YouTube
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    Matěj Smetana

    Taylorismus, 2013
    3 x video / instalace

    Na konci 19. století se vědec a manažer F.W.Taylor pokoušel zdokonalit efektivitu práce v továrenské výrobě. Zjistil, že když složitou výrobní činnost rozdělí na mnoho krátkých, jednoduchých a úsporných úkonů, pracovní výkonnost výrazně stoupne.
    Tři videa se pokouší zacházet se souvislostí mezi taylorismem a frame-by-frame animací, mezi továrním pásem a pásem filmových políček.

    Taylorism 1

    Taylorismus - MATĚJ SMETANA
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    SGNLR: btw jeho texty k precteni tuto http://hermetic.com/bey/
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    nasprejovany portret Hakima Beye
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    Cacophony Society a jejich aktivity sem urcite taky patri!




    postava JOHN LAW http://johnwlaw.com/

    resziser Klubu rvacu je jejich clenem:)

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    SGNLR: s Mathieu Tremblin(em) mame v rijnu vystavu v Drazdanech v tomto prostoru http://www.crockefeller.org/ , ktera si bude tak trochu delat srandu ze situacionismu, tazat se po vyznamu a ucinnosti radikalnich gest v politickym umeni...proto ten nazev

    17.10. – 30.10.2013 PUBLIC JOKES Mathieu Tremblin (FR) / Vladimir Turner (CZ)
    kuratiert von Alain Bieber (DE)

    kdom by tou dobou mel chut na vylet, tak ten vikend pote se ve meste Halle kona velkej festival politickyho umeni, s dlouhou tradici a hodne zajimavym programem(tam pak taky mirime na komentovanou projekci)

    Utopien vermeiden — Werkleitz Jubiläumsfestival 2013

    erkleitz was founded in 1993 at a period of enormous upheaval. The fall of the Wall and the collapse of the East European dictatorships lead to a euphoric embrace of democracy that shone outward far beyond Europe. At the same time, the World Wide Web began establishing itself as the key technology of a future that seemed to promise open communication between all people. This mood of optimism and renewal was reflected in the founding of Werkleitz as a collective with flat hierarchies and shared curatorship engaging with collaborative partners Europe-wide.

    In the early 1990s however the finance markets were also deregulated. The nation state began withdrawing from its role as the central and sovereign architect of society by giving way to the imperative to cut government spending. Economic pressure and the associated fears have given rise to antidemocratic movements in many European countries. The dream of European unity is vanishing. For Werkleitz, the 20th anniversary is an occasion to reflect on these contradictory tendencies. 20 curators and theoreticians have been invited to propose and discuss new works shown along an exhibition path as well as in film and performance programmes. A symposium will be held in Halle to accompany the exhibition. The title Utopien vermeiden (Avoiding Utopias) is derived from the neon letters of the same name by Martin Conrath from the first Werkleitz exhibition from 1993 and signals the ambivalence of these last 20 years.
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    pro spanelsky-mluvici

    la ciudad del placer

    Video for the blog CCS sin programa ( ccssinprograma.blogspot.com ) that ilustrates the pass from the thoughts of the Situacionist International of the city to the modern and contemporary art and architecture. Giving birth to bastards childs focus on the events of the city walker, the changes; the dérive, the construction of situations and the détournment.... The city of pleasure.
    The videos of Cortázar and el Tono y la Nuria, as the images of projects and spaces are not mine. The music is New Orders.

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    ...prace od kamarada z Francie, Mathieu Tremblina. silne inspirovan situacionisty a provo, diky rodnymu jazyku z fleku cituje Deborda apod:)

    tady dokument o par projektech, ktery delali s jeho kolegou(David Renault)

    (1+1) - documentary about The Ripoulain Brothers

    a jejich obsahly web http://www.demodetouslesjours.eu/
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    Documentation DROIT DE GLANAGE (THE RIGHT OF GLEANING) Mathieu Tremblin (2013)
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    Documentation POUBELLE FONTAINE (SKIRTING TRASHCAN) Mathieu Tremblin (2011)
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    Making-of FRUITS SKEWER Mathieu Tremblin (2011)
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    Documentation FRINGE Mathieu Tremblin (2011)
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    Documentation GRAFFITI STATUE #3 Mathieu Tremblin (2012)
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    a trochu soucasnosti

    Documentation TERRAIN VAGUE (WAVE GROUND) David Renault, Mathieu Tremblin (2013)
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