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    ztracené heslo?
    SGNLRSITUACIONISMUS- život/umění/politika
    SGNLR --- ---
    KAPITAN_STIKA: je super,jak je kazdej usek jinej.my sli z Hamru v Zbehlicich a dosli k Bohemce jenom(pac je toho bordelu, co sme sbirali poceste fakt dost)...ale porad je to cistsi, nez pred 9 lety, kdy jsem tamtudy bloudil naposledy

    zazitek msi bejt jet to na lodich coz se prej dvakrat do roka dela..
    SMYSLOV --- ---
    rychlé šípy 2.0
    KAPITAN_STIKA --- ---
    Však pořádáme pravidelné výpravy!

    SGNLR --- ---
    vsem doporucuju si nekdy projit Prahu korytem Botice, nebo treba jinyho mensiho vodniho toku! zazijete mesto z uplne jiny perspektivy, jak tam sumi voda, tak vlastne neslysite mesto a mate pocit, jakoby jste sli podzemimi(onos e tak teda vlastne i deje:) holinky se hodej, protoze tak projdete i kanalama/tunelama a nebudete muset vychazet nahoru mezi "obycejny povrchovy lidi",)


    za fotky diky Jakubovi Hrabovi aka Hrabinovi
    SGNLR --- ---

    CLEAN UP DAY - 30. 9. 2018
    Vladimír Turner & Keep it Clean: Frutti di Mare
    Úklidová akce

    Vladimír Turner spolu s Galerií NoD ve spolupráci s iniciativou Keepitclean spouštějí nový umělecko–environmentální projekt "Frutti di Mare", který se věnuje tématice globálního plastového znečištění. Vlajkovou lodí projektu se stane monumentální instalace autorova objektu nad křižovatkou Dlouhá-Rybná, součástí projektu však budou nejen úklidové a sběrné akce, ale také řada diskuzí, workshopů, promítání dokumentárních filmů a online kapmaně v průběhu roku 2018-2019.

    Prvním krokem projektu je snaha vyčistit od plastového odpadu lokality řek v blízkém a dostupném okolí Prahy. Společně nasbíraný odpad bude využit právě na tvorbu monumentální instalace nad křižovatku před Experimentálním rpostorem NoD / ROXY.

    Termín sběrné akce: 30. 9. 2018
    Čas: 14:00-17:00
    Lokalita: kolem koryta Botičského potoku. Konkrétní místo srazu bude upřesněno v události

    #fruttidimare #vladimirturner #keepitclean #stopplasticpollution #plasticpollution

    Vernisáž objektu proběhne 22. 10., kdy na místě oslavíme i narozeniny prostoru NoD a klubu ROXY.
    MASOO --- ---
    Ano; )
    SGNLR --- ---
    MASOO: ta stěna má tažný?:)
    MASOO --- ---

    SGNLR --- ---
    ERROR #4 / making of
    SGNLR --- ---
    DEAD END-group performance / workshop
    SGNLR --- ---

    Outcomes of our workshop in Tiraspol. Organized by Oberliht.com and Club19. Topic was performance in public space interacting with architecture.
    SGNLR --- ---

    Urban archeology pieces and memories wall.

    Workshop in Ciocana district(so called ghetto of Chisinau) was my best experience concerning the interaction with locals.Many of them started to work with us in turning this abandoned playground into community space- we repaired the furniture, built basketball nets,did some streetart with children,made an urban archeology "museum" and mostly talked to the locals.This place was abandoned since 90s and there was nobody using it except few alcoholics so everybody was affraid to come here.People started to use it naturally at the time we finished and it started to be alive!Thanks to all who were part of this! Made during Public Space Days organized by Oberliht http://www.oberliht.com/

    SGNLR --- ---


    Oberliht Association and its partners invite everyone to save the date in your calendar for the third edition of the Public Space Days program. The event will take place between May 22-27, 2018 in Chisinau and Tiraspol. The topic of this edition is Culture as a Common Good and beginning with this year, #ZSP2018 becomes a biennial of art in public space and will be organized every two years.
    The goal of the “Public Space Days” is to offer, to different stakeholders and different representatives of the public, a platform for discussion whose aim is to raise awareness and take action on topics and initiatives concerning democratization, protection and opening the public space to citizens through art.
    This year’s edition will expand and will include a series of exchanges between the inhabitants of both banks of the Dniester, bringing together artists, cultural managers, researchers, journalists and other cultural operators from Chisinau, Bender, Tiraspol and other cities.
    #ZSP2018 program includes an international conference, artistic residencies, creative workshops, a series of concerts and music performances, guided tours, interventions and exhibitions in public spaces.

    For the third time, the the Public Space Days are organized and coordinated by the Oberliht Association in cooperation with the Apriori Center and other local and international partners and will be held in Chisinau, Bender and Tiraspol from May 22nd to 27th, 2018.
    The main goal of the “ Public Space Days ” program is to provide various participants and viewers (each with different views and approaches to public space, the role of art in public space, to expand access to public space for various social groups) a platform for discussion, understanding and action on issues and initiatives related to democratization, protection and the opening of public space for citizens through art.
    The issues of access to culture and culture as a common good will be considered, paying special attention to the situation in residential areas (some of which are farther from the city center, where cultural infrastructure is traditionally concentrated), promoting wider use of the public space, including artists, in this way, through art, drawing public attention to the needs and problems facing the communities. The aim of the project is to promote the creation of a cultural network in Chisinau through innovation and creativity, supporting artistic experiments aimed at strengthening local communities, encouraging interaction between different groups at the district level and stimulating social cohesion.
    SGNLR --- ---
    Public Space? Lost and Found – We Make Money Not Art
    SGNLR --- ---
    Příští týden máme verni v Brně.Mezinárodní výstava Angry Planet 2 se zaměří na geopolitické, interkulturní, ekologické a sociální konflikty. 24.4. v 18:00 Dům pánů z Kunštátu http://www.dum-umeni.cz/cz/vystavy/detail/id/331
    TERYHASPY --- ---
    Knížka zabívající se soukromým zájmem veřejným prostorem, Miroslav Kalný.
    Někdo náké recenze?

    SGNLR --- ---
    SGNLR: Landscape festival zaměřený na krajinu, město a veřejný prostor vyhlašuje otevřenou výzvu pro projekty, které dočasně oživí konkrétní lokality v rámci připravovaného 6. ročníku. Festival představí Prahu v nových environmentálních souvislostech, hlavními tématy výzvy je znovuvyužití a redefinování významu konkrétních míst na Praze 3 a Praze 8.
    SGNLR --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam