muzu poprosit o radu, jak do Windows 8.1 nainstaluju ovladace na Xiaomi Redmi 4X?
Zkousim hledat na xiaomi
jde mi o to, ze bych potreboval spustit pres adb terminal prikaz na vypnuti kontroly pravopisu a bohuzel ono se to musi pres terminal.
rad bych provedl toto:
turn on developer options - OK
turn on usb debugging - OK
on your PC downlolad and install minimal adb and fastboot OK
connect your device via usb to your PC, wait 2 minutes until adb drivers have been installed
(zde to zacne blbnout, zadne ovladace se nenainstaluji (viz obrazek)
- run the installed adb link in your start menu, a cmd window opens op
enter: adb shell - zde to napise, ze neexistuje zadne pripojene zarizeni
- enter: settings put secure spell_checker_enabled 0
- close cmd, disconnect phone, spell checking is disabled
dokazal by nekdo pomoct pls? diky