Celebrating Viking: Gilbert Levin Recalls the Search for Life on Mars - The Crux
Forty years ago today, the first of two landing probes of NASA’s Project Viking touched down on planet Mars.
Discover contributor Dr. David Warmflash spoke with Dr. Gilbert Levin, whose Labeled Release (LR) experiment
was one of three instruments delivered by the Viking landers to look for Martian microorganisms in 1976.
At age 92, Levin is the only survivor of the three biology experimenters and he’s looking ahead to 2020 when
he hopes to have another instrument on the Martian surface looking for life.
Forty Years Ago, We Landed On Mars... And Found Life?
Forty years ago, for the first time, a spacecraft from Earth willfully landed on the Martian surface, and looked for signs of life.
One of the experiments came back with a positive result, and those results are still open to interpretation. The question of whether
there’s microscopic life on Mars is still an open, unanswered one, as no strong conclusion has been reached either way.