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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    No filter. New JunoCam Jupiter raw images available now.
    JunoCam : Processing | Mission Juno

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    Perseid Fireball
    Taken by Victoria Mircheva on August 10, 2016 @ Rozhen Observatory, Bulgaria

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    The slopes of Mt Sharp beyond Murray Buttes, Curio Sol 1417

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    Comet 67P from Rosetta/WAC on August 10, 2016 at a distance of ~13km.

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    Today in 1877 Asaph Hall discovered Mars' moon Deimos & during the same week also Phobos!
    Finding Phobos: Discovery of a Martian Moon - Universe Today

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    The Infinity Paradox - One Universe at a Time
    No matter what direction you look in the night sky, it looks basically the same. In astronomy terms we say the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic.
    Sure there are areas where galaxies cluster together, and other areas where galaxies are rare, but on average the distribution of stars is pretty even.
    Because of this, an early idea for the cosmos is that it is the same everywhere forever. It seems both ageless and infinite in expanse. But if that’s
    the case it raises a few troubling paradoxes.

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    Mozaika oblasti Murray Buttes z dnešního dne (Sol 1427), Left Navcam.

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    The Predictor of Pulsar Timing | astrobites
    The gravitational-wave Universe has at long last been unlocked: LIGO’s recent observations of gravitational radiation from binary black hole mergers
    have given astronomers a new means to observe the cosmos. With the influx of papers that pursued these detections over the past half year, it is easy
    to assume that gravitational-wave physics is a research topic exclusive to recent times. In reality, this research field has a rich history, and the
    methods used to detect gravitational waves were developed over many decades. For example, the idea of using interferometers like LIGO for gravitational-
    wave detection got its roots in the 1960s, and took nearly half a century to evolve from an idea to an observation. Today’s Astrobite will take us back
    to a classic astrophysical paper that delivered a crucial result for the future of gravitational-wave astronomy.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Perside taken by Øistein Rune Hansen on August 12, 2015 @ Eidsvoll, Akershus Norway
    Perside - Meteor

    Perseid, Aurora, and Noctilucent Clouds http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap160811.html

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    Moons orbiting the exoplanet Beta Pic b may be visible in 2017.
    The star in question is Beta Pictoris, which is about 60 light years away (that’s relatively close). It’s more massive, hotter, and
    brighter than the Sun. It’s also considerably younger: It’s about 25 million years old, while our star is over 4.5 billion years in age.

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    Spotting the Solar eclipse on the Space Station | Outpost 42
    This Friday, parts of the northern hemisphere will be shrouded in darkness as the Moon moves in between the Sun and the Earth.

    For ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti and her crewmates on the International Space Station don’t have to worry about clouds
    getting in the way of their view. From their orbit above Earth 400 km high they will have a great view of the eclipse.

    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA Climate Modeling Suggests Venus May Have Been Habitable
    Venus may have had a shallow liquid-water ocean and habitable surface temperatures for up to 2 billion years of its early history, according
    to computer modeling of the planet’s ancient climate by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York.

    The findings, published this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, were obtained with a model similar to the type used to predict
    future climate change on Earth.

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    Stromatolites: Astrobiological Implications
    Oil companies involved in astrobiology? It doesn’t seem likely, but in a roundabout way, it’s true.
    A consortium including Chevron, Repsol, BP and Shell have a natural interest in developing better models
    for subsurface reservoirs and source rocks in microbe-rich carbonate environments. At the same time,
    NASA’s Astrobiology Program is intrigued with how we could find bacterial structures on other worlds,
    and their role in planetary habitability.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Mystery object in weird orbit beyond Neptune cannot be explained | New Scientist
    “I hope everyone has buckled their seatbelts because the outer solar system just got a lot weirder.”
    That’s what Michele Bannister, an astronomer at Queens University, Belfast tweeted on Monday.

    She was referring to the discovery of a TNO or trans-Neptunian object, something which sits beyond Neptune in the outer solar system.
    This one is 160,000 times fainter than Neptune, which means the icy world could be less than 200 kilometres in diameter. It’s currently
    above the plane of the solar system and with every passing day, it’s moving upwards – a fact that makes it an oddity.

    The TNO orbits in a plane that’s tilted 110 degrees to the plane of the solar system. What’s more, it swings around the sun backwards
    unlike most of the other objects in the solar system. With this in mind, the team that discovered the TNO nicknamed it “Niku” after
    the Chinese adjective for rebellious.

    [1608.01808] Discovery of A New Retrograde Trans-Neptunian Object: Hint of A Common Orbital Plane for Low Semi-Major Axis, High Inclination TNOs and Centaurs
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    Spotlight on Schiaparelli’s landing site / Mars Express / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA
    Schiaparelli, the Entry, Descent and Landing Demonstrator Module of the joint ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars 2016 mission, will
    target the Meridiani Planum region for its October landing, as seen in this mosaic created from Mars Express images.

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    The Venus Hypothesis
    Annabel Cartwright

    Current models indicate that Venus may have been habitable. Complex life may have evolved on the highly irradiated Venus,
    and transferred to Earth on asteroids. This model fits the pattern of pulses of highly developed life appearing, diversifying
    and going extinct with astonishing rapidity through the Cambrian and Ordovician periods, and also explains the extraordinary
    genetic variety which appeared over this period.

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    Compression and ablation of the photo-irradiated molecular cloud the Orion Bar

    ATOMIKS --- ---
    BLACKHEAD: v pondělí ne, v úterý byly mraky
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    Keck Observatory are making their archive of 40 000+ observations of Solar System objects public in late 2016!
    [1608.02642] A case study in adaptable and reusable infrastructure at the Keck Observatory Archive: VO interfaces, moving targets, and more

    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    ATOMIKS: Bylo z toho neco?
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