The Predictor of Pulsar Timing | astrobites
The gravitational-wave Universe has at long last been unlocked: LIGO’s recent observations of gravitational radiation from binary black hole mergers
have given astronomers a new means to observe the cosmos. With the influx of papers that pursued these detections over the past half year, it is easy
to assume that gravitational-wave physics is a research topic exclusive to recent times. In reality, this research field has a rich history, and the
methods used to detect gravitational waves were developed over many decades. For example, the idea of using interferometers like LIGO for gravitational-
wave detection got its roots in the 1960s, and took nearly half a century to evolve from an idea to an observation. Today’s Astrobite will take us back
to a classic astrophysical paper that delivered a crucial result for the future of gravitational-wave astronomy.