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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    To celebrate the one-year anniversary of a discovery that changed the face of astronomy,
    on 7 February we feature the exclusive world premiere of a new documentary.

    LIGO Detection trailer
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    VIRGO: A ještě jedno video s komentářem, protože téma si to zaslouží.
    It's Faster! Flickering Quasars Used To Measure Universe Expansion
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    VIRGO: to je nádhera! :)
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    ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture
    Resolved magnetic structures in the disk-halo interface of NGC 628
    by George Heald (CASS)

    Spiral galaxies host large-scale magnetic fields that evolve over millions of years via turbulence in the Interstellar Medium and the rotation of the galaxy itself.
    These galactic-sized magnetic fields contain an ordered component, primarily located in the regions between the spiral arms, where randomness imposed by the star
    formation process is low. Such ordered magnetic fields and their directionality can be efficiently observed with cm-wavelength radio synchrotron radiation, and its
    degree of linear polarisation. The above picture shows an optical image of the face-on spiral galaxy NGC628 as observed with the Calar Alto 1.23-m telescope in Spain,
    superimposed with flow lines showing the direction of the ordered large-scale magnetic field as observed with the Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) at radio frequencies
    between 2-4 GHz. The image is presented as part of new work by a team including George Heald (CASS) that was recently accepted for publication. The research also
    found evidence for two drivers of magnetic turbulence in the disk-halo region of NGC 628, namely, Parker instabilities and superbubbles.

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    Clingy Alien Planets May Fling Their Moons Out of Orbit

    Alien planets that orbit especially close to their stars have a bigger chance of losing their moons, which may reduce
    the chances that habitable alien moons will survive for very long around those planets, a new study finds.

    In the past 20 years or so, astronomers have confirmed the existence of more than 3,400 worlds outside Earth's solar system.
    These discoveries have revealed that many exoplanets are very different from those seen in Earth's solar system; for instance,
    about 40 percent of exoplanets discovered to date orbit their stars at least 10 times closer than Earth orbits the sun.
    (In comparison, Mercury is at most about three times closer than Earth is to the sun.)

    In Earth's solar system, there are far more moons than planets, with Jupiter alone having at least 67 moons. Previous work has
    suggested that exomoons, or moons around exoplanets, could be as big or larger than Earth. If an exoplanet happens to lie in
    a star's habitable zone — the area in which worlds have surface temperatures warm enough to host liquid water — then an Earth-
    size exomoon around such a planet could potentially harbor life.
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    Objective: To deflect asteroids, thus preventing their collision with Earth | EurekAlert! Science News

    An international project, led by Spain's National Research Council, (CSIC) provides information on the effects a projectile impact would have on an asteroid.
    The aim of the project is to work out how an asteroid might be deflected so as not to collide with the Earth. The research, published in The Astrophysical Journal,
    focuses on the study of the asteroid Chelyabinsk, which exploded over Russian skies in 2013 after passing through the atmosphere.

    The probability that a kilometre-sized asteroid could have devastating consequences after impact with the Earth is statistically small. What is more frequent,
    and repeatedly discovered, is that objects a few tens of meters across reach the Earth's atmosphere.

    The results of this study indicate that the composition, internal structure, density and other physical properties of the asteroid are "fundamental in
    determining the success of a mission in which a kinetic projectile would be launched to deflect the orbit of a dangerous asteroid."
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    This summer will be the first time that we’ll be able to observe the Hill sphere of a directly imaged exoplanet as it passes in
    front of its host star! The exoplanet, Beta Pictoris b, is a young (~20 million years old) planet orbiting the star beta Pictoris.

    As chance would have it, we see the orbit of beta Pic b (the exoplanet) nearly edge-on from Earth. This means that as beta Pic b
    moves along its orbit it will come very close to transiting the host star. Although the planet itself won’t pass exactly in front
    of it’s host star, the Hill sphere of beta Pic b will.

    During this event, any material in the Hill sphere (e.g. left-over debris from planet formation, rings, gas torus around satellites,
    etc.) could be detectable. This summer, my colleagues and I will monitor this transit event using the HST in the far-UV.

    This will be the first time that a Hill sphere of a directly imaged planet will be observed in the far-UV.
    The next such transit will not happen again for another 20 years!

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    Earth’s water must have arrived here earlier than we thought | New Scientist

    The arrival of water on our planet wasn’t a last-minute job.

    Water came to Earth on icy comets after most of the planet and its core were formed, about 4.5 billion years ago,
    according to a leading theory.

    But now an analysis of isotopes from meteorites born earlier, when the solar system was formed, seems to imply
    that the wet stuff got here much sooner. To pin down when meteorites could have delivered Earth’s water, Mario
    Fisher-Gödde and Thorsten Kleine at the University of Münster, Germany, looked at the Tagish Lake meteorites that
    fell in British Columbia, Canada, in January 2000. They compared the abundance of ruthenium isotopes in these
    meteorites with the abundance in Earth’s mantle.

    “Meteorites impacted Earth during formation and they can leave signatures,” says Katherine Bermingham, at
    the University of Maryland. “Ruthenium isotopes are stable. That means they can act as fingerprints.”

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    Isotopic similarities seen in materials that formed Earth, moon | UChicago News

    Where did the materials that make up the Earth and moon come from—and when did they arrive?

    Most scientific models contend the Earth formed gradually by addition from an assortment of moon-
    to Mars-sized masses that had a vast array of isotopic characteristics. New research published Jan. 26
    in Nature maintains the Earth, as well as the moon and certain meteorites, were formed from materials
    that were more similar, holding almost indistinguishable isotopic characteristics.

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    Scientists have detected a habitable zone in one of our nearest solar systems - ScienceAlert

    An exoplanet with the prime conditions for life could be located just 14 light-years away, scientists report,
    in one of the closest neighbouring solar systems to our own.

    New research suggests that a planet circling the star Wolf 1061 falls within what's called the star's habitable zone -
    making it one of the most likely neighbouring candidates for a planet that supports life.

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    Astronomers measure universe expansion, get hints of 'new physics' (Update)

    Astronomers have just made a new measurement of the Hubble Constant, the rate at which the universe is expanding, and it doesn't quite line up
    with a different estimate of the same number. That discrepancy could hint at "new physics" beyond the standard model of cosmology, according
    to the team, which includes physicists from the University of California, Davis, that made the observation.

    The Hubble Constant allows astronomers to measure the scale and age of the universe and measure the distance to the most remote objects we can
    see, said Chris Fassnacht, a physics professor at UC Davis and a member of the international H0LiCOW collaboration which carried out the work.

    Lead by Sherry Suyu at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany, the H0LICOW team used the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and other
    space- and Earth-based telescopes, including the Keck telescopes in Hawaii, to observe three galaxies and arrive at an independent measurement of
    the Hubble Constant. Eduard Rusu, a postdoctoral researcher at UC Davis, is first author on one of five papers describing the work, due to be
    published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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    Rapid gas flares discovered in white dwarf star for the first time | University of Oxford

    Incredibly rapid gas flares from a white dwarf binary star system have been detected for the first time by Oxford University scientists.
    The first sighting of such activity, it suggests that our current understanding of star habits and their capabilities is incomplete.

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    Pluto's Moon Charon Had Its Own, Icy Plate Tectonics
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    Sunspots AR2628 And 2629 In Visible And Infrared taken by Eliot Herman on January 25, 2017 @ Tucson AZ

    Sunspot AR2629 & 2628 taken by Karzaman Ahmad on January 26, 2017 @ Langkawi National Observatory, MALAYSIA.

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    Asteroids – Facts and Information about Asteroids

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    NASA Restarts Rigorous Vibration Testing on the James Webb Space Telescope
    Testing on the James Webb Space Telescope successfully resumed last week at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, in Greenbelt, Maryland.

    On December 3, 2016, vibration testing automatically shut down early due to some sensor readings that exceeded predicted levels. After
    a thorough investigation, the James Webb Space Telescope team at NASA Goddard determined that the cause was extremely small motions of
    the numerous tie-downs or “launch restraint mechanisms” that keep one of the telescope’s mirror wings folded-up for launch.

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    The dynamic space environment that surrounds Earth – the space our astronauts and spacecraft travel through – can be rattled by huge solar eruptions
    from the sun, which spew giant clouds of magnetic energy and plasma, a hot gas of electrically charged particles, out into space. The magnetic field
    of these solar eruptions are difficult to predict and can interact with Earth’s magnetic fields, causing space weather effects.

    A new tool called EEGGL – short for the Eruptive Event Generator (Gibson and Low) and pronounced “eagle" – helps map out the paths of these magnetically
    structured clouds, called coronal mass ejections or CMEs, before they reach Earth. EEGGL is part of a much larger new model of the corona, the sun’s outer
    atmosphere, and interplanetary space, developed by a team at the University of Michigan. Built to simulate solar storms, EEGGL helps NASA study how a CME
    might travel through space to Earth and what magnetic configuration it will have when it arrives. The model is hosted by the Community Coordinated Modeling
    Center, or CCMC, at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

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