Do Intelligent Civilizations Across the Galaxies Self Destruct? For Better and Worse, We’re The Test Case – Many Worlds
If there are billions of exoplanets out there — as speculated back then but proven now — why have there been no bona fide reports of advanced extraterrestrials
visiting Earth, or perhaps leaving behind their handiwork?
Many answers have been offered in the following decades — that we are alone in the universe, that the distances between solar systems are too great to travel,
that Earth became home to life early in the galaxy’s history and other planets are only now catching up, that life might be common in the universe but intelligent
life is not. I would like to focus on another response, however, one that came to mind often while reading a new book by the former holder of the astrobiology
chair at the Library of Congress, planetary scientist David Grinspoon.
This potential explanation is among the most unsettling: that intelligent and technologically advanced beings are likely to ultimately destroy themselves. Along
with the creativity, the prowess and the gumption, intelligence brings with it an inherent instinct for unsustainable expansion and unintentional self destruction.