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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Search for extrasolar moons and rings using transit observations | SETI Institute

    Search for extrasolar moons and rings using transit observations - Paul Kalas (SETI Talks 2017)
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    Developer Spotlight: Defending the Planet Against Asteroids with Artificial Intelligence – News Center

    James Parr, co-director of the NASA Frontier Development Lab (FDL) shares how NVIDIA GPUs and deep learning can help detect,
    characterize and deflect asteroids.

    The FDL hosted 12 standout graduate students for an internship to take on the White House’s Asteroid Grand Challenge,
    an ongoing program that aims to get researchers to “find all asteroid threats to human populations and know what to do about them.”

    Developer Spotlight: Using Deep Learning to Combat Asteroids
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    The Equatorial Ridges of Pan and Atlas - Terminal Accretionary Ornaments?

    In the outer regions of Saturn’s main rings, strong tidal forces balance gravitational accretion processes.
    Thus, unusual phenomena may be expected there. The Cassini spacecraft has recently revealed the strange “flying saucer” shape
    of two small satellites, Pan and Atlas, located in this region, showing prominent equatorial ridges. The accretion of ring
    particles onto the equatorial surfaces of already-formed bodies embedded in the rings may explain the formation of the ridges.

    This ridge formation process is in good agreement with detailed Cassini images showing differences between rough polar and smooth
    equatorial terrains. We propose that Pan and Atlas ridges are kilometers-thick “ring-particle piles” formed after the satellites
    themselves and after the flattening of the rings but before the complete depletion of ring material from their surroundings.

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    Mysterious Fomalhaut b Might Not Be an Exoplanet After All – astroengine.com

    The famous exoplanet was the first to be directly imaged by Hubble in 2008 but many mysteries surround its identity —
    so astronomers are testing the possibility that it might actually be an exotic neutron star.

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    Collapsing cliff reveals comet’s interior / Rosetta / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    Rosetta scientists have made the first compelling link between an outburst of dust and gas
    and the collapse of a prominent cliff, which also exposed the pristine, icy interior of the comet.

    Sudden and short-lived outbursts were observed frequently during Rosetta’s two-year mission at Comet
    67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Although their exact trigger has been much debated, the outbursts seem to
    point back to the collapse of weak, eroded surfaces, with the sudden exposure and heating of volatile
    material likely playing a role.

    Space in Images - 2017 - 03 - Collapsing cliff

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    Unravelling Earth’s magnetic field / Swarm / Observing the Earth / Our Activities / ESA

    ESA’s Swarm satellites are seeing fine details in one of the most difficult layers of Earth’s magnetic field to unpick –
    as well as our planet’s magnetic history imprinted on Earth’s crust. Earth’s magnetic field can be thought of as a huge cocoon,
    protecting us from cosmic radiation and charged particles that bombard our planet in solar wind. Without it, life as we know
    it would not exist.

    Most of the field is generated at depths greater than 3000 km by the movement of molten iron in the outer core. The remaining
    6% is partly due to electrical currents in space surrounding Earth, and partly due to magnetised rocks in the upper lithosphere –
    the rigid outer part of Earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.

    Lithospheric magnetic field
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    Near-Earth asteroid 2017 FJ very close encounter: an image (20 Mar. 2017) - The Virtual Telescope Project 2.0

    The near-Earth asteroid 2017 FJ was discovered by the Mt. Lemmon Survey in Arizona (USA) on 17 March 2017.
    Tomorrow it will have a very close, but safe encounter with the Earth (about 800.000 km).

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    Hot Jupiter KELT-16b offers unique opportunity for research

    A large international team of researchers has found that a hot Jupiter called KELT-16b is likely to offer a unique opportunity for research
    for many years to come. In their paper published in The Astronomical Journal, the team describes known characteristics of the exoplanet
    and why they believe it offers an opportunity to learn more about several aspects of exoplanet characteristics and development.

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    A Visualization of the Closest Star Systems that Contain Planets in the Habitable Zone, and Their Distances from Earth [OC] : space

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    ESO Top 10 Astronomical Discoveries
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    Earliest, or nearly earliest, fossils found in Quebec? – Greg Laden's Blog

    The earliest life must have been something like a small single celled organism, like a bacterium. Or at least, the earliest life
    that we can usefully conceive of, and potentially connect with living life. It has been suggested that life could have initially
    evolved at the site of submarine hydrothermal vents, which is a place these days teeming with life. So, it make sense to look
    for fossils of these early life forms in rocks formed at hydrothermal vents, but a long time ago.

    The Nuvvuagittuq belt in Quebec is a geological formation that includes such rock.

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    News | Mars Volcano, Earth's Dinosaurs Went Extinct About the Same Time

    New NASA research reveals that the giant Martian volcano Arsia Mons produced one new lava flow at its summit every 1 to 3 million years
    during the final peak of activity. The last volcanic activity there ceased about 50 million years ago - around the time of Earth's
    Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction, when large numbers of our planet's plant and animal species (including dinosaurs) went extinct.

    Located just south of Mars' equator, Arsia Mons is the southernmost member of a trio of broad, gently sloping shield volcanoes collectively
    known as Tharsis Montes. Arsia Mons was built up over billions of years, though the details of its lifecycle are still being worked out.
    The most recent volcanic activity is thought to have taken place in the caldera-the bowl-shaped depression at the top - where 29 volcanic
    vents have been identified. Until now, it's been difficult to make a precise estimate of when this volcanic field was active.

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    The Ultimate Space Telescope Would Use the Sun as a Gravitational Lens | Daily Planet | Air & Space Magazine

    Leon Alkalai from the Jet Propulsion Lab and his co-authors have picked up an earlier suggestion from Italian physicist Claudio Maccone to use our Sun,
    rather than a distant star, to create what might be the ultimate telescope based on the microlensing principle. Alkalai’s team has investigated the viability
    of the method in detail as a breakthrough mission concept. They also presented their findings at NASA’s recent Planetary Science Vision 2050 workshop.

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    NASA selects Medium-scale space mission concepts (inc a Starshade rdv) to study for 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey
    Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System: NASA Selects Medium-scale Space Mission Concepts to Study for 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey

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    The Real Expanse - Scientific American Blog Network
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    A Journey to Alpha Centauri - Christian Marois (SETI Talks 2017)
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    Telescope Sets Sights on Universe's First Stars - Scientific American
    New funding will help the HERA observatory to peer deeper into the cosmic past than ever before

    A newly announced $5.8 million grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation will allow the HERA team to increase the number of antennas
    in the array from 240 to 350, boosting the telescope's collecting area by almost 50 percent, according to a statement from the Massachusetts
    Institute of Technology (MIT), home to scientists in the HERA collaboration. A $9.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation
    in 2016 helped the HERA team increase the number of antennas from 19 to 240.

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    NASA's Swift Mission Maps a Star's 'Death Spiral' into a Black Hole

    Some 290 million years ago, a star much like the sun wandered too close to the central black hole of its galaxy.
    Intense tides tore the star apart, which produced an eruption of optical, ultraviolet and X-ray light that first
    reached Earth in 2014. Now, a team of scientists using observations from NASA's Swift satellite have mapped out
    how and where these different wavelengths were produced in the event, named ASASSN-14li, as the shattered
    star's debris circled the black hole.

    Swift Charts a Star's 'Death Spiral' into Black Hole
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    New Detector Could Soon Narrow Down Gravitational Wave Sources - Scientific American
    Two U.S. detectors will soon be joined by an instrument in Italy that could help solve the mystery of where gravitational waves originate

    This spring physicists are gearing up to turn back on a third gravitational-wave detector, called Virgo, near the Italian city of Pisa.
    Virgo was offline and undergoing upgrades when LIGO received its two signals in September 2015. With a trio of these giant instruments running,
    scientists hope to significantly improve efforts to determine the sources of gravitational waves. A speedy response to a “triple hit”—the same
    waves deforming all three detectors—could enable ground-based telescopes to focus on a triangulated area of sky constrained by the detectors
    and possibly spot the collisions from which the waves emanate.

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    Mysterious water-like streaks on Mars might be sand flows instead | New Scientist

    The mysterious dark flows on Mars may not be water after all. Instead, they could be rivulets of sand,
    set in motion by sunlight on the Martian surface.

    The dark streaks form on Mars’s slopes during warm seasons, and are known as recurring slope lineae. While there is no direct evidence
    of water near these areas, the leading theory is that they are caused by briny water streaming down the sides of craters and hills.

    “These effects happen at the hottest times in the hottest locations, so there’s part of your brain that immediately tells you that it
    should be ice melting,” says Sylvain Piqueux at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California. “The problem is, it’s really hard
    to melt ice on Mars.” It’s easier for the ice to turn directly into water vapour, he says.

    Some models suggest that recurring slope lineae could be made of water condensing out of the atmosphere,
    but Mars’s atmosphere isn’t humid enough to account for what we see.

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