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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce

    For every complex question, there's a simple answer that's completely wrong.
    rozbalit záhlaví
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    First detection of equatorial dark dust lane in a protostellar disk at submillimeter wavelength
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    First clear image made of accretion disk surrounding young star

    A team of researchers from the U.S. and Taiwan has captured the first clear image of a young star surrounded by an accretion disk.
    In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the team describes how the image was captured and details of their find.

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    This weekend, it's the beginning of the end for Cassini | The Planetary Society

    This Saturday, in the pre-dawn hours of Earth Day, NASA's long-lived Saturn spacecraft will buzz Titan for the 127th and final time.
    The moon's gravity will bend Cassini's trajectory, sending it into a new orbit that will slice between Saturn's rings and the planet
    itself—a feat never before attempted.

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    Throughout its 27-year history, Hubble has seen enough of the Universe to fill 100 episodes of the Hubblecast — 10 hours worth!
    These episodes have captured the science, culture, trials, and successes of Hubble, ranging from its spectacular images to its
    cutting-edge discoveries to its impact on society. This special 100th Hubblecast reflects on the past 99 episodes, and includes
    the smartest, funniest, weirdest and most creative moments.

    Hubblecast 100: Best of Hubblecast

    Happy Birthday Hubble Space Telescope! Today the space telescope turns 27, celebrating years of discoveries and exploration

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    Rare Supernova Discovery Ushers in New Era for Cosmology | Berkeley Lab

    Berkeley Lab astrophysicists develop novel method for finding gravitationally lensed Type 1a supernovae

    With the help of an automated supernova-hunting pipeline and a galaxy sitting 2 billion light years away from Earth
    that’s acting as a “magnifying glass,’’ astronomers have captured multiple images of a Type Ia supernova—the brilliant
    explosion of a star—appearing in four different locations on the sky. So far this is the only Type Ia discovered that
    has exhibited this effect.

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    Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is finally delivering on the promise of its original name, when "AM" stood for "antimatter."

    So far, the AMS has measured the masses and electric charges of some 90 billion particles that have passed through the magnet's maw.
    Nearly all of those are protons and helium nuclei, along with a smattering of electrons and nuclei of carbon, oxygen, and iron. A precious
    few are antiprotons and positrons: the antimatter counterparts of protons and electrons. To Ting, those antiparticles may be clues to the unseen
    "dark matter" that weighs down galaxies with extra gravity, although many astrophysicists regard them as the byproduct of humdrum galactic events.

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    Can we see a singularity, the most extreme object in the universe?

    A team of scientists at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, India,
    have found new ways to detect a bare or naked singularity, the most extreme object in the universe.

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    The recurrent rubber duck shape of minor planetary bodies

    Probably the most interesting aspect resulting from the observation, is that asteroid 2014 JO25 is a contact binary, and about twice the size
    we though it was. The shape is clearly composed by two lobes (and the observations could infer that one lobe is around 620 meters in diameter).

    Many small planetary bodies in our Solar System have been found with this particular shapes, very often nicknamed “rubber duck shape” due to
    the neck-like region that recalls a rubber toy.

    Asteroids suspected of being contact binaries include the unusually elongated 624 Hektor and the bilobated 216 Kleopatra and 4769 Castalia.
    25143 Itokawa, which was photographed by the Hayabusa probe, also appears to be a contact binary which has resulted in an elongated, bent body.
    About 10–15% of near-Earth asteroids larger than 200 meters are expected to be contact binaries with two lobes in mutual contact.

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    A New Angle on Two Spiral Galaxies for Hubble's 27th Birthday

    In celebration of the 27th anniversary of the launch of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope on April 24, 1990, astronomers used the legendary telescope to take
    a portrait of a stunning pair of spiral galaxies. This starry pair offers a glimpse of what our Milky Way galaxy would look like to an outside observer.

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    Oceans galore: new study suggests most habitable planets may lack dry land

    When it comes to exploring exoplanets, it may be wise to take a snorkel along. A new study, published in a paper
    in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, has used a statistical model to predict that most
    habitable planets may be dominated by oceans spanning over 90% of their surface area.

    The author of the study, Dr Fergus Simpson of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences at the University of Barcelona, has
    constructed a statistical model – based on Bayesian probability – to predict the division between land and water
    on habitable exoplanets.
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    This enhanced color Jupiter image, taken by the JunoCam imager on NASA’s Juno spacecraft, showcases several interesting features on the apparent edge (limb)
    of the planet. JunoCam images of Jupiter sometimes appear to have an odd shape. This is because the Juno spacecraft is so close to Jupiter that it cannot
    capture the entire illuminated area in one image—the sides get cut off.

    Juno acquired this image on March 27, 2017, at 2:12 a.m. PDT (5:12 a.m. EDT), as the spacecraft performed a close flyby of Jupiter. When the image was taken,
    the spacecraft was about 20 000 kilometers from the planet. This enhanced color image was created by citizen scientist Bjorn Jonsson.

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    Nově objevená extrasolární planeta by mohla být nejlepším kandidátem pro hledání známek života | ESO Česko
    Tranzitující kamenná exoplaneta typu super-Země obíhá v obyvatelné zóně kolem klidného červeného trpaslíka

    Extrasolární planeta typu super-Země obíhající kolem červeného trpaslíka ležícího asi 40 světelných let od Slunce by mohla být novou držitelkou titulu
    ‚nejlepší místo pro hledání známek života mimo Sluneční soustavu‘. Mezinárodnímu týmu astronomů se ji podařilo pozorovat pomocí přístroje HARPS pracujícího
    na observatoři ESO/La Silla a dalších dalekohledů po celém světě. Planeta obíhá v obyvatelné zóně kolem slabé hvězdy s katalogovým označením LHS 1140. Jedná
    se o těleso větší a hmotnější než Země, které si pravděpodobně uchovalo většinu své atmosféry. Planeta navíc přechází při pozorování ze Země přes disk své
    mateřské hvězdy, a to z ní dělá jeden z nejslibnějších cílů pro budoucí výzkum planetárních atmosfér. Výsledky byly publikovány 20. dubna 2017 ve vědeckém
    časopise Nature.

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    NASA’s Vantage Point Over Earth
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    How Would NASA Search for Extraterrestrial Life on Enceladus?

    Saturn’s moon Enceladus could house alien life
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    NGC 4696


    HUBBLE : A Look at ARP 273 - The Rose Galaxies Hubble Space Telescope
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    Geomagnetic storms reaching G1 level expected
    Earth is under the influence of a recurrent, positive polarity coronal hole high speed stream
    (CH HSS). A G1 - Minor geomagnetic storm began at 05:59 UTC today.

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    The Arrhythmic Beating of a Black Hole Heart | NASA

    At the center of the Centaurus galaxy cluster, there is a large elliptical galaxy called NGC 4696. Deeper still,
    there is a supermassive black hole buried within the core of this galaxy.

    New data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes has revealed details about this giant black hole,
    located some 145 million light years from Earth. Although the black hole itself is undetected, astronomers are learning
    about the impact it has on the galaxy it inhabits and the larger cluster around it.

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    2014 JO25 koutek:

    Zajímavé výsledky přinesla pozorování 2014 JO25 300m reflektorem v Arecibo. Jde o kontaktní binární objekt, přičemž každý z "výběžků" (hemisfér) má
    640 - 670 metrů. Výsledná celková velikost 1,3 km je tak téměř 2x větší, než původní odhadovaná velikost z infračerveného pozorování sondou NEOWISE(!).

    Rotační perioda je přibližně 3,5 h.


    NASA Radar Images of Asteroid 2014 JO25

    This composite of 30 images of asteroid 2014 JO25 was generated with radar data
    collected using NASA's Goldstone Solar System Radar in California's Mojave Desert.
    Giant asteroid 2014 JO25 flying by Earth today: How close will it come? | AL.com

    2014 JO25 taken by Marian Urbanik on April 19, 2017 @ Čadca, Slovak republic

    A pokus party Virtual Telescope, ale zatím ve špatném rozlišení, spadly jim stránky..

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    A Cosmic Burst Repeats, Deepening a Mystery | Quanta Magazine

    After a surprise discovery, astrophysicists are racing to understand superenergetic flashes of radio waves that sometimes beep out from distant galaxies.

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    Ultraviolet spectroscopic evolution of a tidal disruption event investigated by astronomers

    An international team of astronomers led by Jonathan S. Brown of the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio,
    has studied the ultraviolet spectroscopic evolution of a nearby low-luminosity tidal disruption event (TDE)
    known as iPTF16fnl. The results of this study, published Apr. 7 on arXiv.org., offer new clues on the nature
    of this TDE.

    TDE occurs when a star passes close enough to a supermassive black hole and is pulled apart by the black hole's
    tidal forces, causing the process of disruption. Such tidally disrupted stellar debris then rains down on the black
    hole and radiation emerges from the innermost region of accreting debris, which indicates the presence of a TDE.

    DARKMOOR --- ---
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    Nejlepší je, že když si najdeš jeden kousek, tak si pak jedním klikem můžeš vyfiltrovat všecko co ještě z daného startu zůstalo nahoře.
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