James Webb Space Telescope Arrives at NASA’s Johnson Space Center
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has arrived at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston,
Texas, where it will undergo its last cryogenic test before it is launched into space in 2018.
The telescope was loaded onto a trailer truck from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,
Maryland, and moved slowly down a highway by the Webb team to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. At Andrews,
the entire tractor-trailer, with telescope inside, was driven into a U.S. Air Force C-5C aircraft and
flown to Ellington Field in Houston, Texas.
When the C-5 landed at Ellington, the cargo was carefully unloaded and trucked to NASA Johnson, where
inside a cleanroom the telescope was removed from its special shipping container. In the coming weeks
it will be prepared for a key cryogenic test that will run nearly 100 days.