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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce

    For every complex question, there's a simple answer that's completely wrong.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: porucha stabil. serva je teda pravděpodobnější, to se stát může,
    možná je to jen problém datový, jak píšeš. Kdyby došlo ke kolizi s mikrosmetím,
    byla by pravděpodobně off úplně. Jsou to neskutečný dardy. Každopádně by se měly
    max. v rámci (desítek) hodin objevit relevantní informace od provozovatele.
    HOWKING --- ---
    VIRGO: Bylo vidět, jak se to roztočilo, pak to zastavili, za čas vrátili, ale ještě večer bylo na reliéfu Alp vidět mikroposuvy, jak to dolaďovali. Takž buď něco cvrnklo, nebo se podělal jeden ze stabilizačních setrvačníků, je to jen technika ale klidně to celé mohlo vzniknout na zemi jen v počítači (ale pak nechápu to jemné dolaďování večer)
    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: Kleplo? Tyjo to je hodně, ale HODNĚ scifi! :-DD

    Jinak se předběžně omlouvám za neaktivitu, zítra mi začíná dovča na jihu, ale teprve dnes jsem
    buknul bydlení, takže teď vůbec nestíhám koukat do vesmíru (ach jo - Tabby's Star!!!!).
    Ale když všechno dobře půjde, příště se přihlásím z pláže.

    PLS: Pokud budete mít čas a chuť, vkládejte cokoliv nového, i když nebudu stíhat sledovat aktuální dění, minimálně jednou denně sem aspoň nakouknu.

    A ještě lépe na g+, pokud tam někdo je.
    Vladimir Pecha - Google+

    Mějte se krásně! Prosím, veškeré nové informace o Tabby mají prioritu 1
    Ale děje se toho hodně i jinde... :-)
    HOWKING --- ---
    jj, a zdá se mi jako by se to lehce vracelo. Že by fakt něco do družice kleplo a stabilizace zabrala a vrací ji zpět?
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    už je tam pár dalších snímků
    HOWKING --- ---
    BLACKHEAD: Ale jelikož je to i na ostatních produktech stejné (IR i MF), tak mě napadá, jestli něco fakt nebouchlo do družice!
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    HOWKING: Hezky...

    To by me zajimalo, co je spatne... Jestli se sekly data z druzice, nebo nekdo pri zpracovani. Jestli se pohnula samotna druzice, tak je neco hodne spatne... ;-)
    HOWKING --- ---

    Někdo kopl do Zeměkoule.
    Můžete se na chmi.cz kouknout sami :-D
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: Pátý průlet úspěšně absolvován (pátek 8h SELČ).
    Všechny přístroje i JunoCam nabíraly data. První snímky ke stažení:
    JunoCam : Processing | Mission Juno

    PRJ 19/05 - proc. J. Majora

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: Čerstvé info z první ruky (Jasona Wrighta)!

    Tabby's Star is dimming right now (archived video of chat with Jason Wright)

    Astronomers scramble as ‘alien megastructure’ star dims again | New Scientist

    The most famously weird star in our galaxy is acting up again. On Friday, 19 May, Tabby’s star began to dim,
    carrying on a history of mysterious dips in brightness. Astronomers are scrambling to point as many telescopes
    as possible at the star, which is 1,300 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus, to decipher its strange signal.

    In 2015, a team of astronomers led by Yale’s Tabetha Boyajian saw the light from the star KIC 8462852 suddenly and
    repeatedly dip in brightness. The star dimmed by up to 22 per cent before it returned to normal.

    Then, in 2016, a review of old photographic plates revealed that KIC 8462852 dimmed by 14 per cent between 1890 and 1989.
    The star, nicknamed Tabby’s star after Boyajian, faded by another 3 per cent over the four years it was observed by t
    he Kepler space observatory.

    Astronomers have come up with a huge variety of different potential explanations for the star’s strange behaviour.
    Some say it could be because of its interior dynamics, some say it could be surrounded by a swarm of asteroids and debris.
    Or maybe it’s dimming because it devoured a planet at some time in the past. Most famously, some astronomers have said that
    the dimming could be caused by an orbiting alien megastructure.

    Because Tabby’s star has cultivated such an air of mystery, the response to its new dimming has been quick and enthusiastic,
    with some telescope observations of the star already planned over the next few days. If we’re lucky, new observations may
    just help us figure out what’s making KIC 8462852 dim (it’s probably not aliens).
    VIRGO --- ---

    Tabetha Boyajian‏: TabbysStar IS DIPPING! OBSERVE!!

    Tabetha Boyajian on Twitter: "#TabbysStar IS DIPPING! OBSERVE!! @NASAKepler @LCO_Global @keckobservatory @AAVSO @nexssinfo @NASA @NASAHubble @Astro_Wright @BerkeleySETI"

    VIRGO --- ---
    Large volcanic eruption may have caused the first mass extinction | Science Bulletin

    Researchers in the USA and Japan say they may have found the cause of the first mass extinction of life.

    There have been five mass extinctions since the divergent evolution of early animals 600 -450 million years ago.
    The cause of the third and fourth was volcanic activity, while an asteroid impact led to the fifth. But triggers
    of the first and second mass extinctions had, until now, been unknown.
    VIRGO --- ---
    ‘Styrofoam’ Planet May Help Solve Mystery of Giant Planets | News Article | Lehigh University

    Fifth-graders making Styrofoam models of the solar system may have the right idea. Lehigh researchers have discovered a new planet
    orbiting a star 320 light years from Earth that has the density of Styrofoam. This “puffy planet” outside our solar system may help
    solve the long-standing mystery of the existence of a population of highly inflated giant planets.

    “It is highly inflated, so that while it’s only a fifth as massive as Jupiter, it is nearly 40 percent larger, making it about as
    dense as Styrofoam, with an extraordinarily thick atmosphere,” said Joshua Pepper, astronomer and assistant professor of physics
    at Lehigh, who led the study with researchers from Vanderbilt University and Ohio State University, along with researchers at
    universities and observatories and amateur astronomers around the world.

    The research, “KELT-11b: A Highly Inflated Sub-Saturn Exoplanet Transiting the V+8 Subgiant HD 93396,”
    is published in The Astronomical Journal.

    The planet, called KELT-11b, is an extreme version of a gas planet, like Jupiter or Saturn, but is orbiting very close to its host
    star in an orbit that lasts less than five days. The star, KELT-11, has started using up its nuclear fuel and is evolving into
    a red giant, so the planet will be engulfed by its star and will not survive the next hundred million years.
    VIRGO --- ---
    2017-06-OTS44-disk | Max Planck Institute for Astronomy

    First radio observations of the lonely, planet-like object OTS44 reveal a dusty protoplanetary disk that is very similar
    to disks around young stars. This is unexpected, given that models of star and planet formation predict that formation
    from a collapsing cloud, forming a central object with surrounding disk, should not be possible for such low-mass objects.
    Apparently, stars and planet-like objects are more similar than previously thought. The finding, by an international team
    led by Amelia Bayo and including several astronomers from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, has been published
    in Astrophysical Journal Letters.

    VIRGO --- ---
    XENON1T, the most sensitive detector on Earth searching for WIMP dark matter, releases its first result

    This is how scientists behind XENON1T, now the most sensitive dark matter experiment world-wide, hosted in the INFN Laboratori
    Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy, commented on their first result from a short 30-day run presented today to the scientific community.

    Despite the shortness of the 30-day science run the sensitivity of XENON1T has already overcome that of any other experiment in the field,
    probing un-explored dark matter territory. “WIMPs did not show up in this first search with XENON1T, but we also did not expect them so soon!”
    says Elena Aprile, Professor at Columbia University and spokesperson of the project. “The best news is that the experiment continues to accumulate
    excellent data which will allow us to test quite soon the WIMP hypothesis in a region of mass and cross-section with normal atoms as never before.
    A new phase in the race to detect dark matter with ultra-low background massive detectors on Earth has just began with XENON1T. We are proud
    to be at the forefront of the race with this amazing detector, the first of its kind.”

    XENON1T, the most sensitive detector on Earth searching for WIMP dark matter, releases its first result | The XENON Experiment

    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomers make the largest map of the Universe yet | SDSS | Press Releases

    Astronomers with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) have created the first map of the large-scale structure of the Universe based
    entirely on the positions of quasars. Quasars are the incredibly bright and distant points of light powered by supermassive black holes.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Juno Scientists Prepare for Fifth Science Pass of Jupiter

    NASA's Juno spacecraft will make its fifth science flyby over Jupiter's mysterious cloud tops on Thursday, May 18.
    At the time of perijove (defined as the point in Juno’s orbit when it is closest to the planet's center), the spacecraft
    will have logged 102 million kilometers in Jupiter’s orbit and will be about 3 500 kilometers above the planet's cloud tops.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Budoucí infra devítimetr ve vesmíru
    ORIGINS Space Telescope

    How Cool is That? Exploring the Low-Temperature Universe

    VIRGO --- ---
    Stunning 4K Space Telescope Ultra HD Time lapse Compilation : ESO Astronomy
    VIRGO --- ---
    Detecting Photosynthesis on Exoplanets

    Breakthrough Discuss 2017 - SETI observations of Proxima b
    VIRGO --- ---
    ALMA Eyes Icy Ring Around Young Planetary System

    An international team of astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
    has made the first complete millimeter-wavelength image of the ring of dusty debris surrounding
    the young star Fomalhaut. This remarkably well-defined band of rubble and gas is likely the result
    of exocomets smashing together near the outer edges of a planetary system 25 light-years from Earth.
    Observations Suggest Chemical Kinship to Comets in Our Own Solar System.

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