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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: půjdeš se tam podívat?
    VIRGO --- ---
    Discoveries Fuel Fight Over Universe’s First Light | Quanta Magazine

    A series of observations at the very edge of the universe has reignited a debate over what lifted the primordial cosmic fog.

    Not long after the Big Bang, all went dark. The hydrogen gas that pervaded the early universe would have snuffed out the light of the universe’s
    first stars and galaxies. For hundreds of millions of years, even a galaxy’s worth of stars — or unthinkably bright beacons such as those created
    by supermassive black holes — would have been rendered all but invisible.

    Eventually this fog burned off as high-energy ultraviolet light broke the atoms apart in a process called reionization. But the questions of exactly
    how this happened — which celestial objects powered the process and how many of them were needed — have consumed astronomers for decades.

    Now, in a series of studies, researchers have looked further into the early universe than ever before. They’ve used galaxies and dark matter as a giant
    cosmic lens to see some of the earliest galaxies known, illuminating how these galaxies could have dissipated the cosmic fog. In addition, an international
    team of astronomers has found dozens of supermassive black holes — each with the mass of millions of suns — lighting up the early universe. Another team
    has found evidence that supermassive black holes existed hundreds of millions of years before anyone thought possible. The new discoveries should make
    clear just how much black holes contributed to the reionization of the universe, even as they’ve opened up questions as to how such supermassive
    black holes were able to form so early in the universe’s history.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Jiří Grygar - Jsme ve vesmíru sami? (KS ČAS 5.6.2017)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Meteorite hits White Nile, Sudan, large fragments found

    Sudanese authorities said Sunday, June 25, 2017, they have recovered fragments of meteorites which struck a remote area
    of the state of White Nile in the south of the state at dawn on Wednesday, June 21. Eyewitness reports mention loud sound
    and a bright light that illuminated the night sky of several regions in the state. The meteorite matter is reportedly
    the size of a small car.

    VIRGO --- ---
    The Shapes of Galaxiessu201723 | www.cfa.harvard.edu/

    Since Edwin Hubble proposed his galaxy classification scheme in 1926, numerous studies have investigated the physical mechanisms responsible
    for the shapes of spiral and elliptical galaxies. Because the processes are complex, however, studies frequently rely on computer simulations
    as their main tool. The discs of galaxies are believed to form through the collapse of gas which acquires its initial spin in the early Universe.
    During their subsequent evolution, galaxies undergo a wide range of phenomena, from the accretion of matter -- or its outflow -- to mergers with
    other galaxies, all of which modify the disk’s spin and angular momentum.

    Astronomers think that spiral galaxies with the largest galactic discs formed preferentially in protogalaxies with the highest angular momentum,
    although early attempts to verify this prediction using computer simulations failed. (More recently, simulations have been able to verify this
    trend.) Elliptical galaxies, on the other hand, are believed to be the remnants of repeated galaxy mergers, but their shapes depend on many details
    like the galaxies' masses, gas content, and the collision parameters. As a result, these mergers need to be considered over a cumulative,
    cosmological context with large numbers of examples to evaluate their development from a statistical perspective.

    CfA astronomers Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez, Annalisa Pillepich and Lars Hernquist led a team that analyzed the morphologies of about eighteen thousand
    galaxies in the Illustris computer simulation. Both disc and spheroidal galaxies arise naturally in this simulation. They find that massive merging
    galaxies develop into spirals or spheroidal shapes depending on their gas content (as expected, since the star formation activity depends crucially
    on the gas). Unexpectedly, they find that for lower mass galaxies -- roughly the mass of the Milky Way or smaller -- mergers do not seem to play
    a significant role in determining the morphology. The reason appears to be that in higher mass mergers a galaxy accretes many more stars from
    the partner, and this plays the a critical role. Their significant conclusion is that only in massive galaxies are mergers the dominant factor
    in shaping the system.

    VIRGO --- ---

    NASA's Cassini spacecraft peers toward a sliver of Saturn's sunlit atmosphere while the icy rings stretch across the foreground as a dark band.

    This view looks toward the unilluminated side of the rings from about 7 degrees below the ring plane. The image was taken in green light with
    the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera on March 31, 2017.

    The view was obtained at a distance of approximately 620,000 miles (1 million kilometers) from Saturn. Image scale is 61 kilometers per pixel.

    DRAGON --- ---
    VIRGO: uz vidim, jak si za par let budeme rikat, jak neco tak rozmazanyho mohlo byt povazovano za 'image' a budem se tomu smat jako fotkam Mesice z dob objevu telefotografickejch zarizeni :)
    VIRGO --- ---

    Tisícovka vědců představí na týdnu astronomie v Praze svůj výzkum | ČeskéNoviny.cz
    VIRGO --- ---
    Betelgeuse captured by ALMA | ESO Australia

    This orange blob shows the nearby star Betelgeuse, as seen by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA).
    This is the first time that ALMA has ever observed the surface of a star and this first attempt has resulted in the highest-
    resolution image of Betelgeuse available.

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: A hned jeden čerstvý report:

    Artificial brain helps Gaia catch speeding stars – EWASS Press

    Artificial brain helps Gaia catch speeding stars / Gaia / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    With the help of software that mimics a human brain, ESA’s Gaia satellite spotted six stars zipping at high speed from the centre
    of our Galaxy to its outskirts. This could provide key information about some of the most obscure regions of the Milky Way.

    Our galactic home, the Milky Way, houses more than a hundred billion stars, all kept together by gravity. Most are located in
    a flattened structure – the Galactic disc – with a bulge at its centre, while the remaining stars are distributed in a wider
    spherical halo extending out to about 650 000 light-years from the centre.

    Stars are not motionless in the Galaxy but move around its centre with a variety of velocities depending on their location –
    for example, the Sun orbits at about 220 km/s, while the average in the halo is of about 150 km/s.

    Catching speeding stars
    VIRGO --- ---
    Velká sláva tento týden!

    European Week of Astronomy and Space Science

    26 – 30 June 2017

    Faculty of Law, Charles University,
    Prague, Czech Republic

    The European Week of Astronomy and Space Science started today!
    If you are in Prague, do not forget to check the astroinformatics related events:

    EWASS 2017

    EWASS 2017


    DARKMOOR --- ---
    NEBULA: Jj, cca 2,5 hodiny po vypuštění navázali spojení a začali tahat data o stavu systémů.
    NEBULA --- ---
    DARKMOOR: a už bylo navázáno?
    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: krásný :) hele bejt někde, kde by to šlo, tak ti teď dám těch palců nahoru aspoň 7, hlavně za to, žes byl prostě chvíli úplně off a pro sebe, o to víc se teď těším na news ;) .....jj občas je nutný to všechno vypnout, člověk získá nadhled a vytřídí co je fakt důležitý- mimojiné tedy :)

    a přidám poznámku- letošní úplné zatmění Slunce bude v srpnu 21. viditelný v Americe- severní, nejvíce pak v Kentucky, a to asi necelý 3 minuty, mapky jsou na netu, něco přihodim. Takže copy pasta: "...Stín Měsíce postupně přejde přes Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebrasku, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Severní Karolínu, Georgii a Jižní Karolínu. Nejdéle potrvá ve státě Kentucky 2 minuty 41 sekund, přičemž zde dosáhne Slunce během totality 64° nad obzorem. Jde o nejočekávanější zatmění druhé dekády 21. století...."

    Takže prostě here: a kdo jede, tak tiše závidim ;)

    Úplné zatmění Slunce 21. srpna 2017 | Zatmění Slunce viditelná v České republice v letech 2011–2020 | Zatmění Slunce | Slunce | Na obloze | Astronomický informační server astro.cz

    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Dnes také opakované použití prvního stupně Falcon 9 a jeho následné přistání na ASDS "Of Course I Still Love You" v Atlantickém oceánu. Mezi 8. a 10. hod večer našeho času.
    BulgariaSat-1 Launch Webcast
    DARKMOOR --- ---
    A jedna zpráva z Českých luhů a hájů.
    Česká nanodružice VZLUSAT-1 byla dnes ráno vynesena na oběžnou dráhu Indickou raketou PSLV a řeká se na navázání spojení.

    A záznam startu
    PSLV-C38 launches Cartosat-2E
    TOXYGEN --- ---
    VIRGO: co mas inak za pracu, ak sa mozem spytat, ze nepotrebujes dovolenu? :)
    HADIAK --- ---
    myslim, ze toto sem patri;

    pred par dnami som bol svedkom Parhelia - "vedlajsich slnk", odfotene cez okno pocas jazdy vo vlaku :)
    gratis aj s mojim odrazom :D

    (jfyi: slnko je v strede, tie vedlajsie... su na bokoch :) )
    VIRGO --- ---
    A hned druhý problém... čím dnes začít? Vyřešila to za mně NASA. :)


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