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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    XCHAOS --- ---
    An Algorithm Helps Protect Mars Curiosity's Wheels | NASA
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    This image taken with ALMA and Hubble Space Telescope captures the “Hubble Ultra Deep Field,” the farthest reaches of space. The purple regions are the galaxies
    (collections of stars) captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. And, the orange areas are the distribution of carbon monoxide gas, which is material for stars, taken
    with ALMA. Comparing these two data sets, astronomers will tackle the big mystery of how fast the galaxies in the Universe generated stars about 10 billion years ago.

    Looking into the Depths of the Universe with Two Telescopes | NAOJ: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan - English

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    Huge Storms Disrupted Jupiter’s Fastest Jet Stream in 2016 - Eos

    Recurrent jet stream disturbances provide glimpses of what lies beneath the gas giant’s thick upper cloud cover.

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    Rocky planets are probably a whole lot more common in our galaxy than astronomers previously believed—according to the latest release
    of Kepler Space Telescope data last week—a scenario that enhances the prospects for extraterrestrial life in nearby solar systems.

    Kepler Has Taught Us That Rocky Planets Are Common - Astrobiology Magazine

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    This montage of views from NASA's Cassini spacecraft shows three of Saturn's small ring moons: Atlas, Daphnis and Pan at the same scale for ease of comparison.
    Two differences between Atlas and Pan are obvious in this montage. Pan's equatorial band is much thinner and more sharply defined, and the central mass of Atlas
    (the part underneath the smooth equatorial band) appears to be smaller than that of Pan.


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    The rise of LIGO’s space-studying super-team | symmetry magazine

    Scientists including astronomers working with the Fermi Large Area Telescope have recorded brief bursts of high-energy photons
    called gamma rays coming from distant reaches of space. They suspect such eruptions result from the merging of two neutron stars—
    the collapsed cores of dying stars—or from the collision of a neutron star and a black hole.

    But gamma rays alone can’t tell them that. The story of the dense, crashing cores would be more convincing if astronomers saw
    a second signal coming from the same event—for example, the release of ripples in space-time called gravitational waves.

    “The Fermi Large Area Telescope detects a few short gamma ray bursts per year already, but detecting one in correspondence to
    a gravitational-wave event would be the first direct confirmation of this scenario,” says postdoctoral researcher Giacomo Vianello
    of the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, a joint institution of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and
    Stanford University.

    Scientists discovered gravitational waves in 2015 (announced in 2016). Using the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory,
    or LIGO, they detected the coalescence of two massive black holes.

    LIGO scientists are now sharing their data with a network of fellow space watchers to see if any of their signals match up. Combining
    multiple signals to create a more complete picture of astronomical events is called multi-messenger astronomy.​
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    Planet Nine Is Put on Trial in Absentia | Quanta Magazine

    Breathless media coverage notwithstanding, the cases for and against a hypothetical Planet Nine in the outskirts of the solar system remain inconclusive.
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    A map that fills a 500-million year gap in Earth's history

    Earth is estimated to be around 4.5 billion years old, with life first appearing around 3 billion years ago.

    To unravel this incredible history, scientists use a range of different techniques to determine when and where continents moved,
    how life evolved, how climate changed over time, when our oceans rose and fell, and how land was shaped. Tectonic plates – the huge,
    constantly moving slabs of rock that make up the outermost layer of the Earth, the crust – are central to all these studies.

    Along with our colleagues, we have published the first whole-Earth plate tectonic map of half a billion years of Earth history,
    from 1,000 million years ago to 520 million years ago.

    A map that fills a 500-million year gap in Earth's history
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    The mystique of Barnard's Star | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky

    Although very common, red dwarfs like Barnard’s Star are typically dim. Thus they are notoriously faint and hard to study. In fact, not a single red dwarf
    can be seen with the unaided human eye. But because Barnard’s Star is relatively close and bright, it has become a go-to model for all things red dwarf.

    At nearly six light-years’ distance, Barnard’s Star is often cited as the second-closest star to our sun (and Earth). This is true only if you consider
    the triple star system Alpha Centauri as one star.

    Proxima Centauri, the smallest and faintest of Alpha Centauri’s three components, is the closest known star to the sun at just 4.24 light years away.
    It, too, is a red dwarf. So Barnard’s Star is only the second-closest red dwarf star. It is perhaps more important for astronomical purposes, though,
    because Proxima is four times fainter and thus harder to study.

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    Syfy - Bad Astronomy | The planets, like grains of sand

    Statistically speaking, for every planet Kepler finds, there are a million more in the galaxy waiting to be discovered.
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    Success of Gravity-Wave Satellite Paves Way for 3-Craft Mission - Scientific American

    Technology far exceeded expectations in LISA Pathfinder test

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    Various researchers are often pre-occupied with the quest for flowing water on Mars. However, this image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance
    Orbiter (MRO), shows one of the many examples from Mars where lava (when it was molten) behaved in a similar fashion to liquid water.

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    The stable retrograde orbit of the Bee-Zed asteroid explained

    In our solar system, an asteroid orbits the sun in the opposite direction to the planets. Asteroid 2015 BZ509, also known as Bee-Zed, takes 12 years to
    make one complete orbit around the sun. This is the same orbital period as that of Jupiter, which shares its orbit but moves in the opposite direction.

    RThe asteroid with the retrograde co-orbit was identified by Helena Morais, a professor at São Paulo State University's Institute of Geosciences & Exact
    Sciences (IGCE-UNESP). Morais had predicted the discovery two years earlier, and has published his findings in Nature.

    "It's good to have confirmation," Morais said. "I was sure retrograde co-orbits existed. We've known about this asteroid since 2015, but the orbit hadn't
    been clearly determined, and it wasn't possible to confirm the co-orbital configuration. Now it's been confirmed after more observations that reduced the
    number of errors in the orbital parameters. So, we're sure the asteroid is retrograde, co-orbital and stable."

    In partnership with Fathi Namouni at the Côte d'Azur Observatory in France, Morais developed a general theory on retrograde co-orbitals and retrograde
    orbital resonance.

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    The proper motion of Barnard’s Star captured over 9 years - 2007 to 2015.

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    Makemake dostala pozorovací čas na HST!!
    Alex Parker on Twitter: "We get to study the moons of dwarf planets Makemake & 2007 OR10 with @NASAHubble! Orbits will reveal masses & densities for the first time. https://t.co/qrTFlfzDdZ"
    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: chápu :)
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    Galaxy NGC 1132 has a disturbed hot halo, study finds

    A new study recently published on arXiv.org reveals that the fossil group galaxy NGC 1132 (also known as UGC 2359) has a disturbed and asymmetrical hot halo.
    The findings provide new insights into the formation and evolution of this galaxy and could improve our understanding of fossil groups in the universe.

    Located some 318 million light years away from the Earth, NGC 1132 is a well-known fossil galaxy group. The so-called "fossil group" is an isolated elliptical
    galaxy embedded in an extended halo of X-ray emitting gas the size of a galaxy group. Such groups are believed to be the end result of galaxy merging within
    a normal galaxy group, leaving behind the X-ray halo of the progenitor group.

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    Groundbreaking discovery confirms existence of orbiting supermassive black holes: UNM Newsroom

    For the first time ever, astronomers at The University of New Mexico say they’ve been able to observe and measure the orbital motion
    between two supermassive black holes hundreds of millions of light years from Earth – a discovery more than a decade in the making.

    UNM Department of Physics & Astronomy graduate student Karishma Bansal is the first-author on the paper, ‘Constraining the Orbit
    of the Supermassive Black Hole Binary 0402+379’, recently published in The Astrophysical Journal. She, along with UNM Professor Greg
    Taylor and colleagues at Stanford, the U.S. Naval Observatory and the Gemini Observatory, have been studying the interaction between
    these black holes for 12 years.

    “For a long time, we’ve been looking into space to try and find a pair of these supermassive black holes orbiting as a result of two
    galaxies merging,” said Taylor. “Even though we’ve theorized that this should be happening, nobody had ever seen it until now.”
    VIRGO --- ---
    NEBULA: Já teď nestíhám nic kromě práce, která se po té pauze nakupila. Hrůza...
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