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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    The discovery of an eighth planet circling the distant star Kepler-90 by University of Texas at Austin astronomer Andrew Vanderburg
    and Google’s Christopher Shallue overturns our solar system’s status as having the highest number of known planets. We're now in a tie.

    The newly discovered Kepler-90i — a sizzling hot, rocky planet orbiting its star once every 14.4 days — was found using computers that
    “learned” to find planets in data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope. Kepler finds distant planets beyond the solar system, or exoplanets,
    by detecting the minuscule change in brightness when a planet transits (crosses in front of) a star.



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    No alien 'signals' from cigar-shaped asteroid: researchers

    No alien signals have been detected from an interstellar, cigar-shaped space rock discovered travelling through our Solar System in October,
    researchers listening for evidence of extraterrestrial technology said Thursday.

    "No such signals have been detected" by its network of telescopes, the project said Thursday, adding: "the analysis is not yet complete".
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    Cold Suns, Warm Exoplanets and Methane Blankets

    NASA astrobiologists from the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a comprehensive new model that shows how planetary chemistry
    could make that happen. The model, published in a new study in the journal Nature Geoscience, was based on a likely scenario on Earth three
    billion years ago and was actually built around its possible geological and biological chemistry.

    The sun produced a quarter less light and heat then, but Earth remained temperate, and methane may have saved our planet from an eon-long
    deep-freeze, scientists hypothesize. Had it not, we and most other complex life probably wouldn’t be here today.

    The new model combined multiple microbial metabolic processes with volcanic, oceanic and atmospheric activities, which may make it the most
    comprehensive of its kind to date. But while studying Earth’s distant past, the Georgia Tech researchers aimed their model light-years away,
    wanting it to someday help interpret conditions on recently discovered exoplanets.

    The researchers set the model’s parameters broadly so that they could apply not only to our own planet but potentially also to its siblings
    with their varying sizes, geologies, and lifeforms.
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    A Map of Future Exoplanetary Discovery - Scientific American

    Most of the alien worlds closest to our own are found around the smallest, dimmest nearby stars

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    The search for life beyond Earth is riding a surge of creativity and innovation. Following a gold rush of exoplanet discovery over
    the past two decades, it is time to tackle the next step: determining which of the known exoplanets are proper candidates for life.

    Scientists from NASA and two universities presented new results dedicated to this task in fields spanning astrophysics, Earth science,
    heliophysics and planetary science — demonstrating how a cross-disciplinary approach is essential to finding life on other worlds — at
    the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union on Dec. 13, 2017, in New Orleans, Louisiana.

    “The potentially habitable real estate in the universe has greatly expanded,” said Giada Arney, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Goddard Space
    Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “We now know of thousands of exoplanets, but what we know about them is limited because we can’t
    yet see them directly.”

    Currently, scientists mostly rely on indirect methods to identify and study exoplanets; such methods can tell them whether a planet is
    Earth-like or how close it is to its parent star. But this isn’t yet enough to say whether a planet is truly habitable, or suitable for
    life — for this, scientists must ultimately be able to observe exoplanets directly.

    Direct-imaging instrument and mission designs are underway, but in the meantime, Arney explained, scientists are making progress with tools
    already at their disposal. They are building computational models to simulate what habitable planets might look like and how they would
    interact with their parent stars. To validate their models, they are looking to planets within our own solar system, as analogs for
    the exoplanets we may one day discover. This, of course, includes Earth itself — the planet we know best, and the only one we know
    of yet that is habitable.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Zrovna teď...


    As indicated in our press release, we are excited to be focusing our observational efforts on ‘Oumuamua,
    the mysterious interloper recently spotted moving rapidly through the solar system.

    Our ‘Oumuamua observation campaign will begin on Wednesday, December 13 at 3:00 pm ET. Using the Robert C. Byrd
    Green Bank Telescope, we will observe ‘Oumuamua across four radio bands, from 1 to 12 GHz. Our first phase of
    observations will last a total of 10 hours, divided into four “epochs” based on the object’s period of rotation.
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    News | Bright Areas on Ceres Suggest Geologic Activity

    If you could fly aboard NASA's Dawn spacecraft, the surface of dwarf planet Ceres would generally look quite dark, but with notable exceptions.
    These exceptions are the hundreds of bright areas that stand out in images Dawn has returned. Now, scientists have a better sense of how these
    reflective areas formed and changed over time -- processes indicative of an active, evolving world.

    "The mysterious bright spots on Ceres, which have captivated both the Dawn science team and the public, reveal evidence of Ceres' past subsurface ocean,
    and indicate that, far from being a dead world, Ceres is surprisingly active. Geological processes created these bright areas and may still be changing
    the face of Ceres today," said Carol Raymond, deputy principal investigator of the Dawn mission, based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
    California. Raymond and colleagues presented the latest results about the bright areas at the American Geophysical Union meeting in New Orleans on Tue.

    The Bright Stuff: New NASA Dawn Findings at Ceres
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    Rozkvétající hvězdná porodnice | ESO Česko

    Kamera OmegaCAM osazená na dalekohledu ESO/VST zachytila zářící hvězdnou porodnici Sharpless 29. Na záběru je zdokumentována celá řada astrofyzikálních
    procesů včetně oblaků plynu a prachu, které odrážejí, absorbují a opět emitují světlo mladých horkých hvězd ukrytých v nitru mlhoviny.

    Část oblohy zachycená na tomto snímku je zanesena v katalogu Sharpless (Sharpless catalogue of H II regions), který obsahuje takzvané H II oblasti:
    oblaky mezihvězdného ionizovaného plynu, kde se rodí nové hvězdy. Oblast s označením SH 2-29, Sharpless 29 se nachází asi 5 500 světelných let daleko
    a na obloze se promítá do souhvězdí Střelce (Sagittarius), hned vedle známé mlhoviny Laguna (Lagoon Nebula). Nalezneme zde celou řadu astronomických
    zajímavostí včetně mlhoviny NGC 6559 (uprostřed snímku), ve které probíhají intenzivní procesy formování nových hvězd.

    ESOcast 142 Light: Stellar Nursery Blooms into View (4K UHD)
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    Astronomers have used two Australian radio telescopes and several optical telescopes to study complex mechanisms
    that are fuelling jets of material blasting away from a black hole 55 million times more massive than the Sun.

    In research published today, the international team of scientists used the telescopes to observe a nearby radio
    galaxy known as Centaurus A.

    The giant radio galaxy Centaurus A

    “As the closest radio galaxy to Earth, Centaurus A is the perfect ‘cosmic laboratory’ to study the physical processes
    responsible for moving material and energy away from the galaxy’s core,” said Dr Ben McKinley from the International
    Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) and Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia.

    Centaurus A is 12 million light-years away from Earth—just down the road in astronomical terms—and is a popular target
    for amateur and professional astronomers in the Southern Hemisphere due to its size, elegant dust lanes, and prominent
    plumes of material.

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    Petr Kulhánek - Velké astronomické objevy za Velkou louží... (FČ FEL ČVUT 23.11.2017)
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    2017 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony
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    Astronomers to Check Mysterious Interstellar Object for Signs of Technology - The Atlantic

    Russian billionaire Yuri Milner says if the space rock 'Oumuamua is giving off radio signals, his team
    will be able to detect them—and they may get the results within days.

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    Earliest Black Hole Gives Rare Glimpse of Ancient Universe | Quanta Magazine

    It weighs as much as 780 million suns and helped to cast off the cosmic Dark Ages. But now that astronomers
    have found the earliest known black hole, they wonder: How could this giant have grown so big, so fast?

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    ESO to Build ELT With Full Primary Mirror | ESO Česko

    ESO’s governing body, the Council, has just authorised additional spending to cover the cost of both the five inner rings of segments
    for the main mirror (M1) of the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), and one spare set of 133 mirror segments (one sixth of the total M1),
    and also an additional mirror segment maintenance unit. The decision was made at the recent meeting of the Council in Garching, Germany,
    after the positive recommendation by the ESO Finance Committee and made possible by an improved funding scenario.

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    Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series: Jill Tarter, Oct. 11, 2017

    In 2004, Craig Venter & Daniel Cohen suggested that if the 20th century was the century of physics, the 21st century will be the century
    of biology on our planet. Jill Tarter believes that their idea will be extended beyond the surface of our world and that we may soon have
    the first opportunity to study biology that developed on other worlds. She talks about her vision of the future of understanding life on
    Earth and beyond our planet. And she discusses projects that are underway and are planned to learn more about the possibility of intelligent
    life among the stars. This talk also celebrates the publication of the book "Making Contact" (by Sarah Scoles) about Jill Tarter's life and work.

    Will the 21st Century be the Time we Discover Life Beyond Earth
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    Heads Up, Earthlings! The Geminids Are Here | NASA

    2017 Geminids Will Be Dazzling!

    Fantastic Year for Geminid Meteor Shower - Sky & Telescope

    Mark the date: December 13th. That's the night the Geminid meteor shower peaks. Highlighted by
    the return of its parent asteroid 3200 Phaethon, this year's show promises to be one of the best ever.

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    The Initial Mass Functionsu201747 | www.cfa.harvard.edu/

    The gas and dust in giant molecular clouds gradually come together under the influence of gravity to form stars. Precisely how this occurs,
    however, is incompletely understood. The mass of a star, for example, is by far the most important factor constraining its future evolution,
    but astronomers do not clearly understand what determines the exact mass of a newly forming star. One aspect of this problem is simply knowing
    how many stars of each size there are, that is, knowing the distribution of stellar masses in a large cluster of stars. The initial mass function
    (IMF) describes this distribution, and is currently based on an average from observations of stars in our Milky Way.

    CfA astronomer Charlie Conroy and four colleagues are conducting a study of the IMF with the Keck telescope and its spectrometer. They do find
    some variations in the IMF and, contrary to some expectations, they conclude that metallicity is not the sole driver of these variations. Instead,
    they conclude that the velocities of the material in the star clusters seems to be a key factor. The result, which now will be followed up with
    more measurements, is important because it suggests a different theoretical framework is needed to explain the origin of the IMF.

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    How strong are black holes really? — Shorthand Social

    UF scientists discover black holes' magnetism surprisingly wimpy

    Black holes are famous for their muscle: an intense gravitational pull known to gobble up entire stars and launch streams
    of matter into space at almost the speed of light.

    It turns out the reality may not live up to the hype.

    In a new paper appearing in the journal Science, University of Florida scientists have discovered these tears in the fabric
    of the universe have significantly weaker magnetic fields than previously thought.

    A 40-mile-wide black hole 8,000 light years from Earth named V404 Cygni yielded the first precise measurements of the magnetic
    field that surrounds the deepest wells of gravity in the universe. Study authors found the magnetic energy around the black hole
    is about 400 times lower than previous crude estimates.

    The measurements bring scientists closer to understanding how black holes' magnetism works, deepening our knowledge of how matter
    behaves under the most extreme conditions — knowledge that could broaden the limits of nuclear fusion power and GPS systems.

    The measurements also will help scientists solve the half-century-old mystery of how "jets" of particles traveling at nearly
    the speed of light shoot out of black holes’ magnetic fields, while everything else is sucked into their abysses, said study
    co-author Stephen Eikenberry, a professor of astronomy in UF’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
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    Galaxy Orbits in the Local Supercluster

    A team of astronomers from Maryland, Hawaii, Israel, and France has produced the most detailed map ever of the orbits of galaxies in
    our extended local neighborhood, showing the past motions of almost 1400 galaxies within 100 million light years of the Milky Way.

    The team reconstructed the galaxies' motions from 13 billion years in the past to the present day. The main gravitational attractor
    in the mapped area is the Virgo Cluster, with 600 trillion times the mass of the Sun, 50 million light years from us. Over a thousand
    galaxies have already fallen into the Virgo Cluster, while in the future all galaxies that are currently within 40 million light years
    of the cluster will be captured. Our Milky Way galaxy lies just outside this capture zone. However the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies,
    each with 2 trillion times the mass of the Sun, are destined to collide and merge in 5 billion years.

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    2017 Nobel Lectures in Physics
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