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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Chris Packham, associate professor of physics and astronomy at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), has collaborated on a new
    study that expands the scientific community’s understanding of black holes in our galaxy and the magnetic fields that surround them.

    Packham and astronomers lead from the University of Florida observed the magnetic field of a black hole within our own galaxy from multiple
    wavelengths for the first time. The results, which were a collective effort among several researchers, are deeply enlightening about some of
    the most mysterious objects in space.

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    JunoCam/Gerald Eichstädt - jižní pól (70.2 km/pix)

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    If you live in the western part of North America, Alaska, and the Hawaiian islands,
    you might set your alarm early the morning of Wednesday, Jan. 31 for a lunar trifecta: a pre-dawn “super blue blood moon.”


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    Neutron-star merger yields new puzzle for astrophysicists | Newsroom - McGill University

    The afterglow from the distant neutron-star merger detected last August has continued to brighten – much to the surprise of astrophysicists studying
    the aftermath of the massive collision that took place about 138 million light years away and sent gravitational waves rippling through the universe.

    New observations from NASA’s orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory, reported in Astrophysical Journal Letters, indicate that the gamma ray burst unleashed
    by the collision is more complex than scientists initially imagined.

    “Usually when we see a short gamma-ray burst, the jet emission generated gets bright for a short time as it smashes into the surrounding medium –
    then fades as the system stops injecting energy into the outflow,” says McGill University astrophysicist Daryl Haggard, whose research group led
    the new study. “This one is different; it’s definitely not a simple, plain-Jane narrow jet.”

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    Asteroid 2018 BD missed Earth by just 0.10 LD on January 18

    A newly discovered asteroid designated 2018 BD flew past Earth at a very close distance of 0.10 LD / 0.00026 AU (~38 895 km / 24 168 miles) at 15:43 UTC on January 18, 2018,
    some 7 hours after it was discovered. This is the fourth closest approach to our planet since 2017 EA on March 02, 2017, 2017 GM on April 4, 2017, and 2017 UJ2 on Oct 20, 2017.
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    Like the waistband of a couch potato in midlife, the orbits of planets in our solar system are expanding. It happens because the Sun’s gravitational grip gradually weakens as
    our star ages and loses mass. Now, a team of NASA and MIT scientists has indirectly measured this mass loss and other solar parameters by looking at changes in Mercury’s orbit.

    The new values improve upon earlier predictions by reducing the amount of uncertainty. That’s especially important for the rate of solar mass loss, because it’s related to
    the stability of G, the gravitational constant. Although G is considered a fixed number, whether it’s really constant is still a fundamental question in physics.

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    Last year, the interstellar interloper ʻOumuamua passed through the inner Solar System. Originally thought to be a comet, then later an asteroid, this visitor turned out to have properties
    unlike any object ever seen before. It moved far too quickly and from too inclined an angle to originate from within our Solar System; neither Jupiter nor Neptune nor an Oort cloud object
    could have flung it inwards with those properties. When we examined it in detail, it appeared to have a carbon-based coating over an icy interior, yet sprouted no tail, despite reaching
    temperatures of 550 °F (290 °C). Oddest of all, it was cigar-shaped, approximately eight times as long as it was wide. While many origin theories have been proposed, an incredibly simple
    possibility may provide all the answers: simply traveling through the Milky Way for billions of years may have transformed it into the object we see today.

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    Crater Neukum named after Mars Express founder / Mars Express / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    A fascinating martian crater has been chosen to honour the German physicist and planetary scientist, Gerhard Neukum, one of the founders of ESA’s Mars Express mission.

    he International Astronomical Union named the 102 km-wide crater in the Noachis Terra region “Neukum” in September last year after the camera’s leader, who died in 2014.
    Professor Neukum inspired and led the development of the high-resolution stereo camera on Mars Express, which helped to establish the regional geology and topography of Mars.

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    Zooming into the galaxy cluster A1758N

    North, east, south, west: The many faces of Abell 1758 | ESA/Hubble

    Resembling a swarm of flickering fireflies, this beautiful galaxy cluster glows intensely in the dark cosmos, accompanied by the myriad bright lights of
    foreground stars and swirling spiral galaxies. A1758N is a sub-cluster of Abell 1758, a massive cluster containing hundreds of galaxies. Although it may
    appear serene in this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, the sub-cluster actually comprises two even smaller structures currently in the turbulent
    process of merging.

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    New work from a team of Carnegie cosmochemists published by Science Advances reports analyses of carbon-rich dust grains
    extracted from meteorites that show that these grains formed in the outflows from one or more type II supernovae more than
    two years after the progenitor stars exploded. This dust was then blown into space to be eventually incorporated into new
    stellar systems, including in this case, our own.

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    Meteorites Brought Water To Earth During the First Two Million Years - Astrobiology Magazine

    A new study of a rare basaltic meteorites called angrites suggests that volatiles, which are elements with relatively low boiling
    points such as water, could have been brought to our planet by meteorites during the first two million years of the Solar System.

    Since elements such as water and carbon are essential ingredients to life on Earth, researchers are keen to know when they arrived
    on our planet.

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    ESOcast 146 Light: Odd Behaviour of Star Reveals Black Hole in Giant Star Cluster (4K UHD)

    Podivné chování hvězdy prozradilo černou díru skrytou v nitru hvězdokupy | ESO Česko

    Astronomové využívající přístroj MUSE, který pracuje ve spojení s dalekohledem ESO/VLT na observatoři Paranal v Chile, objevili v nitru hvězdokupy NGC 3201
    stálici s velmi podivným chováním. Zdá se, že obíhá kolem černé díry asi čtyřikrát hmotnější než Slunce, která by tak mohla být první neaktivní černou dírou
    nalezenou v kulové hvězdokupě a první objevenou na základě přímého pozorování gravitačního působení. Tento významný objev má zásadní dopad na naše chápání
    formování tohoto typu hvězdokup, černých děr a původu jevů doprovázených emisí gravitačních vln.

    Kulové hvězdokupy (Globular star clusters) jsou mohutnými sférickými uskupeními desetitisíců hvězd a vyskytují se ve většině galaxií. Patří k nejstarším známým
    systémům hvězd ve vesmíru a jejich vznik je datován do samotných počátků vývoje galaxií. V současnosti je v naší Galaxii známo více než 150 kulových hvězdokup.

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    The density of neutron stars is enormous, as if the entire Himalayas were compressed into a beer mug. However, there are
    indications that a neutron star with a maximum mass would collapse to a black hole if even just a single neutron were added.

    Together with his students Elias Most and Lukas Weih, Professor Luciano Rezzolla, physicist, senior fellow at the Frankfurt
    Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) and professor of Theoretical Astrophysics at Goethe University Frankfurt, has now solved
    the problem that had remained unanswered for 40 years: With an accuracy of a few percent, the maximum mass of non-rotating
    neutron stars cannot exceed 2.16 solar masses.

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    In 2014, astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope found that this enormous galaxy cluster contains the mass of a staggering three million billion suns —
    so it’s little wonder that it has earned the nickname of “El Gordo” (“the Fat One” in Spanish)! Known officially as ACT-CLJ0102-4915, it is the largest, hottest,
    and brightest X-ray galaxy cluster ever discovered in the distant Universe.

    This image was taken by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide-Field Camera 3 as part of an observing program called RELICS (Reionization Lensing Cluster
    Survey). RELICS imaged 41 massive galaxy clusters with the aim of finding the brightest distant galaxies for the forthcoming James Webb Space Telescope to study.

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    Scientists have created a mini gamma-ray burst in the lab for the first time

    Gamma ray bursts, intense explosions of light, are the brightest events ever observed in the Universe –
    lasting no longer than seconds or minutes.

    Now we have for the first time managed to recreate a mini version of a gamma ray burst in the laboratory –
    opening up a whole new way to investigate their properties. Our research is published in Physical Review Letters.

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 185002 (2017) - Experimental Observation of a Current-Driven Instability in a Neutral Electron-Positron Beam

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    How To Keep Orbits Around The Triple Asteroid System 2001SN263? – Science Trends

    Many spacecraft have visited asteroids and brought meaningful information about those complex objects. However, no one has explored a triple system
    of asteroids such as that one discovered in 2008 by scientists from the radio astronomy station of Arecibo, in Puerto Rico, and named 2001SN263. Such
    system is composed of a central body (Alpha), with 1.25 km of radius, and two smaller bodies (Beta and Gamma), with a radius of 0.39 and 0.22 km,
    respectively. Beta has an orbital period of 6.23 days while Gamma orbits Alpha with a period of 0.69 days. It is notorious that the investigation,
    from close distances, of such systems can be of high scientific importance. In this sense, a partnership between Brazilian and Russian space institutes
    has proposed the ASTER mission with the objective of exploring the asteroid 2001SN263.

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    ESA Science & Technology: JUICE ground control gets green light to start development of Jupiter operations

    ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer passed an important milestone, the ground segment requirements review, with flying colours, demonstrating
    that the teams are on track in the preparation of the spacecraft operations needed to achieve the mission's ambitious science goals.

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    A new look at Venus with Akatsuki | The Planetary Society

    Akatsuki (also known as PLANET-C and Venus Climate Orbiter) is a Japanese mission that launched almost eight years ago, in 2010. It missed its first attempt
    to orbit Venus on December 7, 2010 due to the failure of its orbital insertion rocket. It was only on December 7, 2015, after several years of wandering around
    the Sun, that Akatsuki succeeded in placing itself in orbit around the enigmatic planet. Even though the new orbit of Akatsuki is distant and highly elongated,
    a large portion of the original science objectives may still be achieved.

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    In this view, individual layers of haze can be distinguished in the upper atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. Titan’s atmosphere features a rich
    and complex chemistry originating from methane and nitrogen and evolving into complex molecules, eventually forming the smog that surrounds the moon.

    This natural color image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera on March 31, 2005, at a distance of approximately 20,556 miles
    (33,083 kilometers) from Titan. The view looks toward the north polar region on the moon’s night side. Part of Titan’s sunlit crescent is visible at right.

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