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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Falcon Heavy Test Flight
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    Biodiversity or Bust

    Are we alone in the universe? This question still baffles astronomers (along with the rest of humanity) today, despite the confirmed discovery of thousands of exoplanets.
    Sure, there may be a plethora of other space pebbles out there, but do any of them actually host life? And if they do, could it ever compare to the variety of species we
    see on Earth, from human beings to tardigrades?

    Unfortunately, we don’t have the answers to these questions yet, but today’s authors take a step in the right direction. By creating a model to measure potential biodiversity,
    they explore which stars are most likely to host planets capable of supporting complex life. These findings may help future exoplanet habitability studies point in the right
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    In deep space, accurate timekeeping is vital to navigation, but not all spacecraft have precise timepieces aboard. For 20 years,
    NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, has been perfecting a clock. It’s not a wristwatch; not something
    available in a store. It’s the Deep Space Atomic Clock (DSAC), an instrument being built for deep space exploration.

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    Webb Move from Houston to LA
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    Hubble’s View of Little Blue Dots

    The recent discovery of a new type of tiny, star-forming galaxy is the latest in a zoo of detections shedding
    light on our early universe. What can we learn from the unique “little blue dots” found in archival Hubble data?


    This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows a spiral galaxy known as NGC 7331. First spotted by the prolific galaxy hunter William Herschel in 1784,
    NGC 7331 is located about 45 million light-years away in the constellation of Pegasus (the Winged Horse). Facing us partially edge-on, the galaxy showcases
    its beautiful arms, which swirl like a whirlpool around its bright central region.

    Astronomers took this image using Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), as they were observing an extraordinary exploding star — a supernova — near the galaxy’s
    central yellow core. Named SN 2014C, it rapidly evolved from a supernova containing very little hydrogen to one that is hydrogen-rich — in just one year. This
    rarely observed metamorphosis was luminous at high energies and provides unique insight into the poorly understood final phases of massive stars.

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    To je neskutečné!!

    OU Astrophysicists Discover Extragalactic Planets for First Time

    A University of Oklahoma astrophysics team has discovered for the first time a population of planets beyond the Milky Way galaxy.
    Using microlensing—an astronomical phenomenon and the only known method capable of discovering planets at truly great distances
    from the Earth among other detection techniques—OU researchers were able to detect objects in extragalactic galaxies that range
    from the mass of the Moon to the mass of Jupiter.

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    Taken from inside Chamber A at the Johnson Space Center in Houston in September 2017 while the combined optical and science instrument element of the James Webb Space Telescope
    was undergoing cryogenic testing, the temperature at the time this image was taken was approximately 50 kelvins (about -369.7 degrees Fahrenheit/-223.2 degrees Celsius). The
    camera that captured this image was placed inside the chamber to measure the telescope’s alignment, but engineers also used it to monitor the black DuPont™ Kapton® covering that
    outlines Webb’s primary mirror. Engineers used this and other images to assess the material’s slack as the telescope shrank ever so slightly in the extreme cold of the chamber.

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    Discovery of extreme ‘natural telescope’ magnification led by UH astronomer – University of Hawaiʻi System News

    Extremely distant galaxies are usually too faint to be seen, even by the largest telescopes. But nature has a solution:
    gravitational lensing, predicted by Albert Einstein and observed many times by astronomers. Now, an international team
    of astronomers, led by Harald Ebeling of the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, has discovered
    one of the most extreme instances of magnification by gravitational lensing.

    Using the Hubble Space Telescope to survey a sample of huge clusters of galaxies, the team found a distant galaxy,
    eMACSJ1341-QG-1, that is magnified 30 times thanks to the distortion of space-time created by the massive galaxy cluster
    dubbed eMACSJ1341.9-2441.

    The underlying physical effect of gravitational lensing was first confirmed during the solar eclipse of 1919, and can
    dramatically magnify images of distant celestial sources if a sufficiently massive object lies between the background
    source and observers.

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    Sailing to the Nearest Stars - Planetary Habitability Laboratory @ UPR Arecibo

    Space travel visionaries solve the problem of interstellar slowdown at our stellar neighbour

    Milner plans to invest 100 million US dollars in the development of an ultra-light light sail that can be accelerated to 20 percent of the speed of light
    to reach the Alpha Centauri star system within 20 years. The problem of how to slow down this projectile once it reaches its target remains a challenge.
    René Heller of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen and his colleague Michael Hippke propose to use the radiation and gravity
    of the Alpha Centauri stars to decelerate the craft. It could then even be rerouted to the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri and its potential Earth-like
    planet Proxima b.

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    Akatsuki's Amazing Views of Venus - Sky & Telescope

    Almost everyone considered Japan's Venus-bound orbiter a lost cause, but Akatsuki survived, reached its objective, and is wowing scientists with results.

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    New galaxy survey to precisely measure the expanding Universe - ANU

    ANU will play a major role in the Taipan galaxy survey, which will for the first time measure the current expansion rate of the Universe with one per cent precision.

    The Taipan survey aims to resolve a nagging discrepancy between previous measurements of the current expansion rate using the 'distance ladder' method and
    measurements of the long-ago expansion rate using the radiation left over from the Big Bang.

    The new TAIPAN facility installed on the refurbished UK Schmidt Telescope, one of the ANU telescopes at Siding Spring Observatory near Coonabarabran,
    was launched on Thursday by the Hon Zed Seselja, Assistant Minister for Science, Jobs and Innovation.

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    This image of distant interacting galaxies, known collectively as Arp 142, bears an uncanny resemblance to a penguin guarding an egg. Data from NASA's
    Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes have been combined to show these dramatic galaxies in light that spans the visible and infrared parts of the spectrum.

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    Emission from the Center of a Galaxy Has a Serpentine Shape

    In the second half of last year the blazar CTA 102, which is 7,600 million light years from Earth, brightened considerably,
    drawing the attention of all the astronomers who specialise in this kind of objects. The peak emission was detected on December 28th
    when it was 3,500 times greater than the brightness minima observed in previous years. This event was so exceptional that for a few
    days this object was the brightest blazar observed until now.

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    Skvělé novinky od starého známého!
    New Universe Simulation Reveals High-Resolution Details About Cosmological Structures – Simons Foundation

    An international team of astrophysicists has released IllustrisTNG, the most advanced universe model of its kind.

    Led by principal investigator Volker Springel at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, astrophysicists from the Max Planck Institutes for Astronomy
    (MPIA, Heidelberg) and Astrophysics (MPA, Garching), Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the Flatiron Institute’s Center
    for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) developed and programmed the new universe simulation model, dubbed Illustris: The Next Generation, or IllustrisTNG.

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    Researchers have identified a star which is a key to the formation of the first chemical elements in the Galaxy.

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    Distant galaxy group contradicts common cosmological models, simulations

    An international team of astronomers has determined that Centaurus A, a massive elliptical galaxy 13 million light-years from Earth,
    is accompanied by a number of dwarf satellite galaxies orbiting the main body in a narrow disk. In a paper published today in Science,
    the researchers note that this is the first time such a galactic arrangement has been observed outside the Local Group, home to the Milky Way.

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    nový popularizující dokument
    Black Hole Apocalypse 2018 HD DOCUMENTARY
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    Oujééé!! :)

    Stellar Embryos in Nearby Dwarf Galaxy Contain Surprisingly Complex Organic Molecules - National Radio Astronomy Observatory

    The nearby dwarf galaxy known as the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is a chemically primitive place.

    Unlike the Milky Way, this semi-spiral collection of a few tens-of-billions of stars lacks our galaxy’s rich abundance of heavy elements, like carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. With such a dearth
    of heavy elements, astronomers predict that the LMC should contain a comparatively paltry amount of complex carbon-based molecules. Previous observations of the LMC seem to support that view.

    New observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), however, have uncovered the surprisingly clear chemical “fingerprints” of the complex organic molecules methanol,
    dimethyl ether, and methyl formate. Though previous observations found hints of methanol in the LMC, the latter two are unprecedented findings and stand as the most complex molecules ever
    conclusively detected outside of our galaxy.

    Astronomers discovered the molecules’ faint millimeter-wavelength “glow” emanating from two dense star-forming embryos in the LMC, regions known as “hot cores.” These observations may provide
    insights into the formation of similarly complex organic molecules early in the history of the universe.

    “Even though the Large Magellanic Cloud is one of our nearest galactic companions, we expect it should share some uncanny chemical similarity with distant, young galaxies from the early universe,”
    said Marta Sewiło, an astronomer with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and lead author on a paper appearing in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

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    Newborns or survivors? The unexpected matter found in hostile black hole winds - Northwestern Now

    The existence of large numbers of molecules in winds powered by supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies has puzzled astronomers since they were discovered more than a decade ago.
    Molecules trace the coldest parts of space, and black holes are the most energetic phenomena in the universe, so finding molecules in black hole winds was like discovering ice in a furnace.

    Astronomers questioned how anything could survive the heat of the energetic outflows, but a new theory from researchers in Northwestern University’s Center for Interdisciplinary Research and
    Exploration in Astrophysics (CIERA) predicts that these molecules are not survivors at all, but brand-new molecules, born in the winds with unique properties that enable them to adapt to and
    thrive in the hostile environment.

    The theory, published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, is the work of Lindheimer post-doctoral fellow Alexander Richings, who developed the computer code that,
    for the first time, modeled the detailed chemical processes that occur in interstellar gas accelerated by radiation emitted during the growth of supermassive black holes.

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    Interstellar Fullerenes May Help Find Solutions for Earthly Matters

    A group of astronomers is currently engaged in studies of fullerenes in interstellar medium. Among them are KFU alumni Gazinur Galazutdinov (Catholic University of
    the North, Chile) and Gennady Valyavin (Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and current KFU employee, Associate Professor at the
    Department of Astronomy and Space Geodesy Vladislav Shimansky. Together, they contributed to a recent paper in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

    The nearest interstellar clouds with confirmed fullerene presence are about 1,000 light years away from Earth. Electromagnetic spectra of 19 distant stars were
    provided by the VLT telescope in Chile, one of the largest in the world. The authors found fullerenes which left traces – absorption lines in certain frequencies.

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