BIG_SCHADE: mas tam celkem hezkou mapku :)
"The drone operator is responsible for obtaining permission to fly within any restricted airspace in London. Restricted areas include Hyde Park (EG R157), City of London (EG R158) and Isle of Dogs (EG R159). Restricted areas are marked on aviation charts and listed in the UK Aeronautical Information Package (UK AIP).
Flight within these areas is restricted for all types of aircraft, whether manned or unmanned. To obtain permission the drone operator must apply for Enhanced Non-Standard Flight clearance via the NATS website, using the procedures detailed at point ENR 1.1-18 in the UK AIP.
This clearance is also mandatory for all flights below 1400 feet above sea level."
Takze ho spis nechej na hotelu a litej nekde mimo v krajine :)