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    WIN_KLOThe Long Dark
    WILL --- ---
    Dotaz. Přemýšlel jsem nad tím, že si tohle koupím, ale má to v tuhle chvíli cenu? Nezdá se mi, že by tam toho bylo nějak zvlášť mnoho co hrát, vzhledem k tomu, co celkově slibují.
    WIN_KLO --- ---
    id HIDESPY natočil nedávno gameplay:

    [CZ] The Long Dark: Náhled a ukázka mechanik
    WIN_KLO --- ---
    Na konci října nás čeká:

    A new place to explore
    - A new way to source food
    - General improvements to the Hunger and Fatigue sub-systems
    - ...lots of other general improvements.
    WIN_KLO --- ---
    Hotfix v.138 Changelist

    * Don't allow ruined gear to be repaired
    * Throwing an unlit flare at a wolf will no longer scare it off
    * Bottle of painkillers now contain 6 pills (3 full doses) instead of 5.

    WIN_KLO --- ---
    Changelist for v.137

    * Fix for false positives on savegame file tampering
    * Fix for crash that could occur when putting ruined items in containers
    * Fix issue with deer sometimes "following" the player
    * Fix issue where meat would regenerate on placed carcasses
    * Fix framerate drop during Harvest and Repair

    WIN_KLO --- ---
    Changelist for The Long Dark -- Sandbox Alpha v.136

    * General art optimization should result in shorter initial load and noticeable performance improvements across the board
    * Tampering of save data will result in survival time not being uploaded to Leaderboards.
    * Game saves automatically when entering an interior. This will prevent abuse of the savegame system to re-roll interior loot.
    * Fixed issue with some long dropdown menus getting cut off.
    * Fixed bug where time would accelerate forever when opening the Survival Panel during a Harvest or Repair action.
    * Slightly increased the Calorie/hour costs of Walking and Running.
    * Slightly increased the Calorie/Kg cost of carrying inventory.
    * The Hatchet and Hunting Knife can now be harvested.
    * Harvesting values for all Tools have been tuned for duration and what they produce.
    * Increased the Repair improvement value for the Hunting Knife.
    * Reduced the "per use" Condition decay of the Hatchet, Hunting Knife, and Prybar
    * Slightly reduced the per/Litre cost of Boiling water.
    * Added some new loot to the Dam.
    * Tuned the Rifle Ammo spawn in Trapper's Homestead.
    * Tuned the availability of Rifle Ammo in the Safe loot table.
    * Tuned Locker and Metal Desk loot tables.
    * Improved Persona selection UI.
    * Fixed bug with Dysentery where it would be removed when transitioning to a new scene.
    * Wolves no longer run from deer.
    * Tuned wolf population density.
    * Slightly reduced chance of wolf fleeing when player sighted.
    * Arrow keys will now rotate safe dial.

    WIN_KLO --- ---
    The Long Dark -- Sandbox Alpha -- v.127 Changelist

    * Reduced % chance of Fluffy spawning in the Dam.
    * Fluffy will no longer respawn in the Dam after X days.
    * Wolf population has been modified to reduce overall density.
    * Wolves will show more interest in the player and be "drawn" to them based on behaviour.
    * There is now a chance that a Wolf will Flee when it detects the player at a distance (vs. going straight into Stalking behaviour).
    * Fixed bug where Wolves would sometimes ignore lit Flares. Lit Flares should now provide significant deterrent to Wolf attacks.
    * Fixed bug where Wolves would ignore Campfires. Campfires should now provide almost certain deterrent to Wolf attacks.
    * It is now easier to "break" the Wolf Stalking behaviour by gaining distance from them.
    * Dropped decoys are now more effective at slowing down Stalking wolves.
    * Reduced initial damage inflicted during Wolf struggle.
    * Reduced range of player damage inflicted during "light" Struggle attack.
    * Increased effectiveness of full-strength Struggle attack.
    * Reduced chance of contracting Food Poisoning for all Food Items.
    * Reduced chance of contracting Dysentery from Non-Potable water sources.
    * Reduced Calorie costs for all activities.
    * Reduced Clothing Condition decay rates when indoors.
    * Reduced per/day Starvation damage.
    * First-pass fixes to Hunger.
    * Improved HUD and Survival Panel prompts around First Aid events (i.e. Afflictions).
    * General art fixes.

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