Anima Noira
Magicians, Witches and Conjure Doctors have been performing magic for hire since the dawn of time. The modern miracles of the Internet have allowed connecting prospective clients with Magicians from literally all across the world.
Much can be done this way, and when the exchange of physical objects is needed, this can be accomplished by mail. Magic done this way actually works, and can do the exact same things as seeing your village Witch Doctor. That will not always be viable, and frankly, the chances that you know one locally are slim anyway.
I have done magic for living for fifteen years in my magical medieval city of Prague before I came to the USA where do it mostly online.
My magical services are strictly confidential, I keep no records, I don’t name my clients, and you will never be asked for a review unless you yourself choose to come out.
I do all types of magic. Cord-cutting, healing, beauty and glamour, prosperity, mental health and wellness, love magic, reconciliation, domestic peace, protection, bindings, fertility, sexual magic, you name it…
~~Do you perform curses? Asking for a friend…~~
I will come out openly and say that yes, I do curse. I perform maledictions, justice, and vengeance types of workings. I do them gladly. I can also work White Magick for you, by conjuring the Angels or Elemental Forces. I work with Haitian Voudon, my inherent power, and many Demons who are allied with me.
One word of warning
As our culture has degenerated into atheistic consumerist decadence, most people do not realize that Magic is real and that Spirits are real, and sorcerers were feared for a good reason. If you show disrespect and treat me with an attitude, you’ll reap the consequences. This includes lying, breaking the terms we agreed upon, not doing what you promised to do, entitlement, making demands, et cetera. All of these choices may have very serious consequences for your well-being.
People will assume it is in poor taste for me to say this, but would you be sure you are dealing with an actual Black Magician if this was not understood? Do realize that this is the Black Arts. This is dangerous territory, and I take it very seriously. I advise you to take it seriously as well. Now, if you are not deterred, continue reading…
All magic ritual services I do are personalized. Therefore, I need to talk to you about your situation to determine viable options and present them to you. Then, we agree to execute the chosen strategy. This preliminary consultation is short (30 mins) and priced symbolically at $40 to compensate for my energy in case we choose not to proceed together with the magical work for whatever reason.
I will present to you with my expert opinion of the situation, what can be done magically to better it, how I would do it, what you can do about it, what cooperation is needed on your part, how much will it cost, and you decide whether this is what you actually want – or, perhaps, you will choose a different solution. Which is fine.
I find this to be fair for both sides. There really is no shortcut, and I will not commit to performing Black Magic for someone based on exchanging a few instant messages. And I won’t spend time on your case for free. I am making it easy for you by charging the least amount that I do which is $40. I understand that you are not seeking a Tarot reading, or to learn magic from me.
What magic ritual solutions are available for your specific situation depends on many factors. Suffice to say, situations where the client has a spiritual life of their own and is willing to cooperate actively always offer better prospects than those where they don’t. In those other situations, magic can still be performed on their behalf effectively but the question of how much they are willing to spend comes to the forefront.
~~Prices of Custom Ritual Magic~~
Black Magick on demand is generally expensive, for a good reason. We risk our well-being in performing it and need to compensate for a dangerous lifestyle that comes with many downsides. The pricing reflects the dangers undertaken by the magician.
Magic with me starts at $150, usual price varies between $150-$250, with one exception and that is Baneful Magick.
Minor Hexes are for $300-$400, the more lethal curses I will only perform for a price that reflects the seriousness of this endeavor which derail a human life in terrible ways or end it prematurely ($800+). The same goes for Reversals of Curses back on your enemies, especially if they employed Black Magicians.
Rituals that are merely defensive and protective in nature, cleansing, and purifications go for $120-$250. Heath-focused magic falls into this category too, likewise glamour, attraction and abundance drawing work.
Love magic usually require a number of steps to adress everybody involved, so let’s say you will need three rituals to break off enemy infuence, bind rivals, restore love and bless the new relationship. These rituals require you listen and do exactly as we say, no exceptions.