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    ztracené heslo?
    GENTIANAAštar akbar!
    KAMAHL --- ---
    KESHA: Je vidět, že na pána máš nějakou osobní pifku, ale tvoje kritika neodkazuje na žádné konkrétní tvrzení, které v tom rozhovoru činí.
    ARGANNAH --- ---
    KAMAHL: Novináři potřebujou třaskavé titulky. Už mě s tím začínají štvát. Začala jsem jim normálně vyhrožovat, že jestli ze mě v titulku nebo perexu udělají krávu, odejmu jim souhlas s publikací toho interview. Nevím teda, jestli bych toho opravdu v reálu dosáhla, ale jako bububu to zatím funguje
    KAMAHL --- ---
    KESHA: ten tituelk je celkem zavádějící, není to "hra s ohněm" ve smyslu, že by to apriori odsuzoval. Mluví o nějaké dynamičnosti a emocionálnosti takových projevů, na to to spíš odkazuje. Když si to poslechneš, přijde mi, že se na to dívá celkem nezaujatě, jen novináří potřebovali zase z toho vyvařit senzaci. 🙄
    KAMAHL --- ---
    Tady ještě rozhovor s religionistou k tomu:

    Vymítání ďábla evangelikály je hra s ohněm. V Česku je to ojedinělé, popisuje religionista | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    KAMAHL --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Jsem si pustil to vložené video a mám z toho úplně secondhand cringe

    The First Demon I Ever Cast Out
    VAGABUND --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: uplnej americkej sen :)

    In 2013, Krick leased a car and moved to Los Angeles to be an actress instead. She landed bit parts, including one in a short-lived reality TV show titled Love at First Kiss from the producer of The Bachelor
    In 2015, she released a throbbing dance single of her own, with a video produced with friends from the church. “I felt God leading me to become a Christian EDM singer-songwriter,”
    (In 2019) Krick prayed over 30 children who had earlier been diagnosed with HIV. “9 of the kids, after her long prayer, we took them to blood tests several times,” (orphanage director) texts. “They don’t have HIV anymore. We thought it was a healing miracle.”

    Krick’s social media is filled with such testimonies of the efficacy of her works. Yet there are those who see no change at all and even Rayani says he was puzzled as to why the 21 remaining kids still had HIV. When asked about this, Krick offers an explanation: “Things are more deep and complex in the spiritual realm than we realize.” She speculates the sick children might be living under a curse, and recommended they renew their faith.

    2023, Evropský turné
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Čas očisty. Apoštolka z TikToku ovládla pražskou konferenci vzkříšení, došlo i na vymítání démonů | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    GENTIANA --- ---
    DOGTORRR: a zase nic...
    DOGTORRR --- ---
    GENTIANA --- ---
    XCIDER: nevim, na kampan mi prijde ten posledni vylev jako prilis nesrozumitelny. Kavky potrebujou jednoducha sdeleni.
    XCIDER --- ---
    GENTIANA: u tyhle bytustky to tipuju na promyslenej marketing zamerenej na ten jeji specificky segment ezomagoru....
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    GENTIANA: hraničářky mívají psychotické dekompenzace. Plus je otázka co má jako blud, co má jako víru, co používá jako metaforu a co jako marketing.
    GENTIANA --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: ja tomu nerozumim, skoly nemam, ale tohle s tema klicema od Lucifera mi zni jako kvalitni psychoza na urovni plamenneho jezera.
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    GENTIANA: může bejt, tipuju internetovou diagnostikou na primárně emočně nestabilní poruchu osobnost, na to se pak navíc dá navázat ledacos.
    GENTIANA --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: nema ona nejakou diagnozy v oblasti bludu?
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    JONY: jako nedivila bych se kdyby se znovuzrodila v Kristu. A opět došla k tomu, že se nechá od někoho sexuálně zneužívat.
    JONY --- ---
    ZUZKAOU: tohle je hodně smutný příběh.
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
    Nora Michalská aka Anima Noira se nejspíše plánovala na nový rok zabít (během podzumu tvrdila jak končí s internetama a přechází jinam a že je poslední šance si od ní něoc koupt), ale zachrániil ji archanděl a Lucifer ji osvobodl od smluv s ďáblem!
    Anima Noira - FREE YOUR MIND 🗝️ HERE ARE THE KEYS I was... | Facebook

    Anima Noira
    1 hod ·
    I was given Angelic Keys by Lucifer to free myself from our existing Pacts. It's quite a rare thing, from what I understand this doesn't happen very often. Sometimes we bind ourselves to outcomes that are no longer desirable or were never aligned with our True Purpose, or various Pacts in existence clash together to create a downward spiral. Deities also speculate upon these contracts, trade them between Themselves, and yield to one another, when their agendas overlap.
    For a reason I do not really understand, two Spirits in particular, Lucifer and Abaddon contract Pacts with Humans that THEY KNOW WILL NOT BE FULFILLED - They are the only Demonic Powers in my knowledge to do this, to let Pacts fall apart by Force of Exhaustion. This basically means that you will exhaust yourself to the point it nullifies the Pact. The desires driving it on your end will die off in the process.
    You encounter a form of Death in your efforts to fulfill them, which provokes a series of Divine Interventions to stop what is unfolding, which is actually you choosing timelines that will lead to your death.
    Why did I do this, when I knew - I actually felt, and was aware when I took each one of those Pacts, that it ends badly - this is an interesting question. I believe I took these dead-end self-annihilation deals as a form of Penance. To atone for something that I've done, that my Soul felt I failed the entirety of Mankind. I was a very powerful person back then, a Demigod, so only a Pact this big would even out the score. You take a life you have to offer one in return. A murder is evened out by selfless sacrifice. Essentially, that is why Abaddon or Lucifer will allow you to bind yourself into a dead-end deal, and then they will enforce it until the end. It's all about evening the score. Nothing else. Nothing more. I wasted a decade of my life on this, but it was one of the goals I came down here for, in this incarnation, so it was not wasted time. Even suicide missions have their sense, and sometimes people signed up for missions that they knew they would not be coming home from. Symbolically, and literally, in my case. What remains of the Pact with Lucifer?
    A story. Stories to be told. Perhaps, even, for millennia,
    and for future generations. Some stories are so big they can be redeemed only by a great sacrifice.
    So now I know why Archangel Michael came to me last night, saying 'All is good'. The Universal Laws have been upheld, by giving me the Angelic Keys of Freedom, in this New Year, as it was prophesied. It is also a very Luciferic way to end a Pact - just like many times before, it is I who is being asked to do the deed, not H.I.M., he will give you a tool, a magical relic, or some power, but you need to use it. Wield it, command your own Will into existence anew, to replace the old expression of Thy Will which created the Pact.
    ZUZKAOU --- ---
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