XCHAOS: nevidel bych to tak cerne... Dragon je krok dopredu, hlavni je cena na orbitu a bezpecnost, o nic moc dalsiho nejde.. jedine co dragon pro lety s turistama potrebuje jsou dobre umyvatelne povrchy interieru te "prvni tridy" a dostatek sacku na zvraceni :) pri adaptaci na beztizi maji divoke nevolnosti i nekteri trenovani vojensti piloti, prvni uplny "amater" co letel na raketoplanu a prosel jen lehcim zkracenym vycvikem by kongresman Jake Garn (byvaly Navy pilot) ale stejne celou misi problil.
The space sickness Garn experienced during the journey was so severe that a scale for space sickness was jokingly based on him, where "one Garn" is the highest possible level of sickness. Some NASA astronauts who opposed the payload specialist program, such as Mike Mullane, believed that Garn's space sickness was evidence of the inappropriateness of flying people with little training. Garn was in excellent physical condition, however, and began flying at the age of 16. Astronaut Charles F. Bolden described Garn as "the ideal candidate to do it, because he was a veteran Navy combat pilot who had more flight hours than anyone in the Astronaut Office". Fellow 51-D payload specialist Charles D. Walker—who also suffered from space sickness on the flight despite having flown before—stated that Garn worked out extraordinarily well, and ... U.S. space program, NASA, has benefited a lot from both his experience and his firsthand relation of NASA.