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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    tohle je ATMOSFÉRA...to bych chtěl zažít s nima :)

    SpaceX Starship SN10 Launch, Successful Landing and Employee Reactions! #Shorts
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    OTAVA: asi joooo, ty nohy nejsou odpružený, ale mají crush core a deformují se a tím pohlcují energii
    PUKPUK --- ---
    Tady ty kridla tesne pred vybuchem.

    OTAVA --- ---
    Jako ze ty nohu jsou odpruzeny a pri pristani na ty nohy by to bylo cely mekci ? Asi neeee :-)
    PUKPUK --- ---
    Ono to možná dosedlo i na ty boční křídla, takže kdoví jestli to nesedlo uplně celé a neudělalo to v motorové části metanový papiňák.
    KAERO --- ---
    LSDMASACRE: je mozne ze spatne vysunute nohy mely za nasledek tvrdsi pristani, coz vedlo k poskozeni nadrze, ze kterych pak unikaly zbytky paliva, ktere se zapalily. ale jsou to jen spekulace.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    LSDMASACRE: je to možný no
    SEJDA --- ---
    LSDMASACRE: 1) ano, 2) mozna .. podle mne to bouchlo protoze to prestali chladit/kropit vodou.
    LSDMASACRE --- ---
    TOXICMAN: je možný, že kdyby ty nohy tak netancovali a normálně se zaaretovali, SN10 přistála hezky rovně, nemuselo to bouchnout?
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    SpaceX SN5 and SN10 feet deployment comparison.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    ONDRA_99 --- ---
    SITH: Ono to bude hodne o tom co beres jako “delaji sami”. Ruznych dilu tam bude hrozne moc. Takze i dost z tech dilu bude koupenych. Urcite resi navrh, delaji si sami “kostru” (vcetne vlastni slitiny).
    SEJDA --- ---
    Dokud nemaji jasno, jak presne bude raptor vypadat, tj. ze kterych dilu bude sestaveny, je jasne, ze je mnohem rychlejsi najit noveho dodavatele, nez upravovat nejakou vlastni linku. Jakmile bude proces zabehnuty a zmeny se prestanou ocekavat, bude znama cena za outsourcig, lze o insourcingu uvazovat.
    SITH --- ---
    i když neměli by strategic sourcing pro Raptory, kdyby si je dělali komplet sami :)

    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    SITH: v knížce o elonovi jsou tyhle věci hezky popsaný - třeba jak začali dělat věci inhouse, motory nebo jak letěli do nejbližšího krámku s elektronikou koupit komponenty, který se jim posrali v raketě kvůli vlhkosti :)
    SITH --- ---
    ještě tohle. Mě to dost osobně zajímá, ale zda je to offtopic, nechám na správci

    SITH --- ---
    Trošku googlím. Musím říct, že ačkoliv Elona skrz jeho osobnost nemusím, jako vizionář je fantastický, protože nutí sebe a svůj management dělat věci opravdu jinak. V aerospace je koukám vztah dodavatel/zákazník stejný jako v automotive :)

    Below is an excerpt from an interview with Max Vozoff, formerly of SpaceX (datum článku 2011)

    There's a YouTube video of Elon speaking somewhere in 2003 saying ... "we're really just a systems integrator, we're buying things from other people", but by the time I showed up in 2005 that had completely turned around and pretty much everything was getting done in-house.

    And you can see why when you see the interactions with these suppliers, particularly the ones in the space industry. They think they're the only ones who can make this widget or who have the secret sauce, and when you say "no, you're too expensive", they say "well, that's what it is". And they're used to customers who, if they slip the schedule and double the price, the customer shrugs and goes back to headquarters and says, "well, it's gonna take twice as long and it's gonna cost twice as much", and that's how things go in a traditional government run program.

    But SpaceX would say "no, that's not acceptable", and they'd cancel the contract. And sometimes these suppliers were literally scoffing on the phone as you hung up, and call you back a few months later saying "so, have you changed your mind yet?" And being able to say to them that "no, if you can do it, then maybe somebody else can do it too", like either SpaceX figured out how to do it themselves, because they hired some smart people and gave them the resources and tools, or you find another supplier with maybe a non-space version and you upgrade and qualify it for space.

    And now what you've done, this backward supplier has bred a competitor for themselves, where they're not used to competition. I mean, many of the suppliers in this industry would just go out of business in a heartbeat if competition were actually introduced.

    So really that's the game changing stuff that SpaceX has been doing: bringing stuff in-house, not just because it gives them control of cost and schedule, but because the space suppliers, traditional suppliers just don't get it. They're not used to being held to schedules and budgets.

    And that's not true of everybody, but there is list of anecdotes I could tell you about suppliers with this attitude. And in each case either SpaceX brings it in-house and makes it successfully, or they find another supplier and upgrade it, and that supplier is usually thrilled to have a whole new market opened up for them.
    ONDRA_99 --- ---
    SITH: Ono toho detailne asi moc ven nepujde (furt to spada pod nejaky armadni regule). Ale imho si budou objednavat jen dilci soucastky. Ty hlavni kusy delaji sami i z inhouse vyvynute slitiny. Tady je treba nejaky clanek kde shrnuli par tweetu co o tom padlo:

    SpaceX Casting Raptor Engine Parts from Supersteel Alloys | NextBigFuture.com
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    SITH: merliny si vyrábí, tak tipuju, že raptory taky
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