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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    PES --- ---
    MRAKY: No jo, tohle SpaceX nemá...
    MRAKY --- ---
    PES: to ale ma letet s ariane. nebo se pletu?
    PES --- ---
    Ještě aby to tak rozbili...
    Vypuštění Vesmírného dalekohledu Jamese Webba muselo být odloženo kvůli incidentu při jeho montáži na raketu – VTM.cz
    AVATAR --- ---
    DZODZO: Bylo by snadné obvinit Teslu z mizerné kalibrace ABS, ovšem tento systém nevyvíjela ona, nýbrž ho koupila od Bosche, giganta v oboru.

    Jasna sabotaz!
    THAIGRR --- ---
    MAWRHIS: tak hlavně ta infrastruktura, to všechno dělají na první pokus a musej to mít všechno hodně důkladně vymyšlený dopředu a dostatečně naddimenzovaný... když udělají špatnou SS, tak jim bouchne, nebo jí odvezou, sešrotují a vyrobí novou a lepší
    kdyby udělali špatně obslužnou věž, nebo zjistili, že od ní budou potřebovat větší nosnost, protože udělali nějaký změny na SH, tak maj smůlu a jen tak jednoduše to naudělaj
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    DZODZO: ten problém s ABS určitě stojí za zkoumání, ale Marek Bednář původně z autofora a jeho titulek ohledně volantu mě baví. Ve videu neni volant zmíněnej ani jednou, ale tady se z toho udělá titulek. :))
    DZODZO --- ---
    nez to sem da nejaky hejtic, aby vravel, ze slepo adorujeme teslu a prehliadame nedostatky:

    Futuristický volant Tesly v krizové situaci nefunguje, zjistili youtubeři - Novinky.cz

    treba to brat v kontexte, povedie to k zlepseniu jazdnych vlastnosti vozidla
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    MAWRHIS: jsem na tom stejně... jenom řídit tolik lidí, materiálu, procesů, do toho se to celé neustále inovuje... šílené :)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    MAWRHIS --- ---
    TOXICMAN: nepřestává mě fascinovat to množství věcí co je potřeba navrhnout a udělat a jak rychle to dělají - loď, booster, rampa, celá ta infrastruktura kolem, továrna na motory, továrna na dlaždice a buhví co všechno. Když to srovnám se svýma vlastníma pracovmníma zkušenostma, přijde mi to celý o několik řádů rychlejší než co jsem kdy zažil.
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    u pepsi brzo začnou stavět pravděpodobně megacharger :)

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) Mission
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Starship QD being installed now:
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    @NASA & @SpaceX are completing key milestones for the #DARTmission!

    Last week, the DART spacecraft was encapsulated inside the payload fairings that will protect it during launch atop a #Falcon9 and teams completed a successful Flight Readiness Review: http://go.nasa.gov/3FEWPGk
    TOXICMAN --- ---


    Unlikely for early ships to splashdown intact. Getting to orbit at all on first try would be a major win.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Static fire test complete – targeting Tuesday, November 23 at 10:21 p.m. PT for Falcon 9’s launch of @NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Ever wondered how @SpaceX plans to deliver more than 1000 LOADS of cryo fluids to the Orbital Tank Farm?
    Well, offloading 17 tankers simultaneously might speed things up

    thread: https://twitter.com/GoldenBwai/status/1461511928354947077

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Cryo tankers unloading
    TADEAS --- ---
    2021 Accelerating Martian and Lunar Science through SpaceX Starship Missions

    SpaceX details plan to build Mars Base Alpha with reusable Starship rockets

    With the help of coauthors from NASA Ames, SETI, and half a dozen prestigious US universities and institutes, SpaceX has begun to answer exactly that question in a 2021 whitepaper [PDF] submitted for the National Academies’ next Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey. While that survey alone could influence NASA as the agency prepares to outline its next decade of space science and determine the ultimate destination of tens of billions of federal dollars, the consequences of which could be immense, SpaceX also used the paper to describe its plans for early missions to Mars in unprecedented detail.

    As has always been the plan, SpaceX will begin the process of constructing sustainable cities on Mars with a few (relatively) simple steps. Likely as soon as the mid-2020s, SpaceX will begin launching uncrewed Starships to Mars to both verify the system’s maturity and readiness and “deliver significant quantities of cargo to the surface in advance of human arrival.” Likely leaning on a wide range of robotics, those early missions will help SpaceX characterize local resources, stage supplies, test technologies for long-duration Martian surface ops, and begin developing infrastructure – with a propellant plant likely the most pressing need. None of that is surprising. However, there’s more.

    According to the authors, which include several current and former SpaceX engineers, “current SpaceX mission planning [tasks those early uncrewed Starships with delivering] equipment for increased power production, water extraction, LOX/methane production, pre-prepared landing pads, radiation shielding, dust control equipment, exterior shelters for humans and equipment, [and more – all hardware needed to support the first human base.]”

    Further, confirming what’s been assumed to be the plan for years, “humans will likely live on [Starships] for the first few years until additional habitats are constructed” and “the first wave of uncrewed Starships can also be relocated and/or repurposed as needed to support the humans on the surface,” serving as “valuable assets for storage, habitation, [scientific laboratories], and a source of refined metal structures and resources.” The paper also states that “SpaceX is aggressively developing Starship to…conduct initial test flights to Mars…as soon as 2022 [or 2024]” and even raises the possibility of SpaceX launching the first Starship(s) to Mars before the rocket’s first lunar mission but then launching a separate lunar mission and landing a different Starship on the Moon while the Marsbound ship or ships are still in transit.


    SpaceX appears to intend to pack even the very first Mars-bound ships with supplies. But even if they don’t bring much, the first Martian immigrants – launched in batches of “10-20 people” alongside “100+ metric tons” (~220,000+ lb) of cargo – will reuse all surviving Starships as pre-emplaced habitats, storage tanks, and raw material feedstock. Early cargo will focus on power, water, and propellant production, as well as shelters, radiation shielding, and the construction of prepared landing pads
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Tesla (TSLA) announces it has now installed 250,000 Powerwalls - Electrek
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