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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    QWWERTY --- ---
    Thread by @TrentTelenko on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
    The Ukraine War is the first Starlink War & the side with Starlink is beating the side without.
    Now comes the kicker. When the lasercom equipped SpaceX Gen 1.5 & 2.0 satellites come on-line.
    The ability to move huge amounts of bandwidth with zero ground based infrastructure will utterly subvert the ability of national governments & corporations to block or surveil Starlink communications.
    The only way the US Government will be able to monitor Starlink communications is with @elonmusk active cooperation.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Grimes Reveals Y, Her New Baby Daughter With Elon Musk, in Cover Interview | Vanity Fair

    “Like, bro wouldn’t even get a new mattress.” This was back when they were both living in Los Angeles. Her side of the mattress had a hole in it. When she raised the issue, he suggested they replace his mattress with the one at her house. The mattresses are fine now. Still: “Bro does not live like a billionaire. Bro lives at times below the poverty line. To the point where I was like, can we not live in a very insecure $40,000 house? Where the neighbors, like, film us, and there’s no security, and I’m eating peanut butter for eight days in a row?”


    she doesn’t want this to become all about Musk, but…she wishes his progressive haters would show some respect for the work, for actually accomplishing their goals. He’s done more than any other private citizen to wean the planet off fossil fuels. He helped protect internet service in Ukraine by making his Starlink satellite terminals available. And Grimes is baffled that so many people view his Mars ambition as some billionaire’s boondoggle, rather than the essence of being human and maybe, just maybe, the key to our survival.

    “The Mars project is hard,” she says. “There’s no income for it. There’s no way for it to make money.” You can’t make money, after all, without customers. “It’s for the benefit of humanity, and it’s dangerous and it’s expensive, and people are like, He’s hoarding money! No, he’s spending everything on R&D.” She knows she can sound too admiring, and she knows it’ll get her mocked. Screw it.

    “Bro might say a lot of stupid shit,” she says finally, “but he does the right thing.”
    DZODZO --- ---
    PER2: nestastnou nahodou vypadne z okna svojho bungalowu :)
    PER2 --- ---
    EKG --- ---
    DZODZO: Tohle by taky nemelo zapadnout.

    DZODZO --- ---
    Kupil by som si military equipment (tldr: rogozinovi to zasa jebe na hlavu :)

    JORGES --- ---
    Kanárci v síti uplynulý měsíc Elonovi celkem naložili.
    #47 - Elonova hra
    KAERO --- ---
    Nojo, to je jasne, NASA plati FAA aby vsechno zdrzela a SLS letela driv. Protoze pak by vypadali blbe a kongresmeni by jim priskrtili penize, a to nechce ani SpaceX :)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    NASA’s SLS vs SpaceX’s Starship: The Race to Orbit
    MRAKY --- ---
    TOXICMAN: ja jeste mene. Diky za updatovani! je to parada jak se toto stava "obvykle". dostal jsem se ke starym restum a ctu si od R.Feymana o vysetrovani vybuchu shuttle. Tak jednoduse toto vse ted vypada a pritom jak hrbolata cesta k dnesnim letum vedla.
    JONAS3 --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Snad ho dovezou do přístavu, stojí nějak nakřivo, asi zase povolila nějaká noha (musela). Je to k tomu dělané, ale jestli ho zajistí octagrabber?
    KARLOSK --- ---
    TOXICMAN: pěkný východ slunce :)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    vůbec to nestíhám

    Crew-3 Mission | Return
    PES --- ---
    SEJDA: tak cizí nepustí ID terminálu, jde spíš o kapacitu pokrytí v jednotlivých paprscích satelitu...
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: ne, jak jinak by zjistili cizi napojeni se na sit.
    PES --- ---
    PER2: To u satelitních instalací obvykle nejde ani mimo StarLink.
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: portability, wtf? doted sis to nemohl dat kam chces?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Starlink is excited to announce Portability as an add-on feature for all Starlink customers. Portability enables customers to temporarily move their Starlink to new locations and receive high-speed internet anywhere where Starlink provides active coverage within the same continent. To see active coverage areas, please view the Starlink Availability Map.

    You can enable Portability for 680 Kč/month on your account page. Once enabled, Portability will take effect immediately, and you can disable Portability from your account page at any time
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