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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    DZODZO: bomba :)
    u tý indický angličtiny bych ale ocenil titulky :D
    DZODZO --- ---
    CYBERHIPPY --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    PER2: tam je podla mna dolezita skor ta odolnost proti vode nez proti vetru, ked to tam vypadalo nejako takto

    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    PER2: no jo, je to krám a ty powerwally určitě taky nefungujou :)
    PER2 --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: to, ze jsou odolny, byla jedna z jejich masivne prezentovanych vyhod, takze not amused, kdyz tam opodal vidim barak, na kterym jsou obyc tasky vcelku
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    PER2: já tipuju, že šlo spíš o sdělení, že se nerozmrdaly ty jednotlivé "tašky", aneb že je to odolné
    PER2 --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: ta strecha opodal taky vypada, ze da vitr rychlosti 155mph :D

    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---

    Tesla Solar Roof withstands 155 mph winds, Powerwall survives hours-long underwater ordeal
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    Popravde najviac zaujala ta lod zaparkovana na dvore

    TADEAS --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: taky slusne zlevnili, pri cekani na starship :)
    SEJDA --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: jeste neni dokoncena ani satelitni sit, ani pozemni infrastruktura.
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    QWWERTY: Jojo a vsichni se mi smali, kdyz jsem rikal, ze to nejde skalovat do nekonecna a zavede se FUP. A uz je to tady.
    QWWERTY --- ---
    Starlink Slowed in Q2, Competitors Mounting Challenges | Ookla®
    - Starlink speeds decreased in every country we surveyed over the past year as more users sign up for service
    - fell across Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, the U.K, and the U.S., dropping between 9% and 54% from Q2 2021 to Q2 2022 as more users signed up for the service. However, Starlink still reached a median download speed of at least 60 Mbps in North America during Q2 2022,
    - Starlink was fast in Europe during Q2 2022, outperforming fixed broadband median download speed in 16 countries and reached download speeds over 100 Mbps in 10 countries.
    - Starlink in Brazil was the fastest satellite provider in South America with a median download speed of 128.38 Mbps during Q2 2022,
    - Starlink’s fastest median download speed in Oceania was in New Zealand at 105.99 Mbps, though this still fell short of fixed broadband providers in the country.
    ONDRA_99 --- ---
    ONDRA_99: SpaceX navrhlo (a NASA souhlasi) udelat studii proveditelnosti toho ze by za pomoci Dragonu mohli zvednout orbit Hublu (a teoreticky provadet i nejaky servisni mise). Mohlo by to velmi pomoct zivotnosti Hublu!
    ONDRA_99 --- ---
    Za 22 minut by mela zacit asi zajimava telekonference NASA. Ucastnici:

    Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate
    Kathy Lueders, associate administrator, NASA's Space Operations Mission Directorate
    Jessica Jensen, vice president, customer operations and integration, SpaceX
    Jared Isaacman, commercial astronaut and commander of Polaris Dawn
    Patrick Crouse, Hubble Space Telescope project manager, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

    Takze nejspis neco co se bude tykat mise Polaris a Hubble.

    New Science, Commercial Study (Sept. 29, 2022)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes & even seas that aren’t too choppy
    QWWERTY --- ---
    Twitter says Elon Musk’s own data scientists did not back up bots claims
    https://t.co/ZDS3HyUecO (pri otevreni z twitter referalu by to melo otevrit clanek bez FT subscription popupu)
    two different consultants hired by Musk, Cyabra and CounterAction, had produced estimates of the amount of
    spam on Twitter of 11 per cent and 5 per cent, respectively — figures broadly in line with Twitter’s public estimates.

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam