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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    SATAI --- ---

    - úplně v tom cítím ty 4D šachy
    - se mu na to obrovská část vývojářů vybodne. Protože co? Protože nesnášíme rozjebávání API. Zejména s týdenním oknem.
    DZODZO --- ---
    dalsie male jubileum

    Falcon 9 launched its 200th successful mission, and delivered another 53 SpaceX Starlink satellites to orbit this morning
    PES --- ---
    SATAI: Ono mu brzy dojde, že je třeba nechat volně přístupné API pro vkládání obsahu a omezit jen cestu dat směrem ven...
    ...a chvilku kolem toho bude zase Halo, než se to usadí.
    SATAI --- ---
    PES: chtěl jsem tedy samozřejmě napsat
    "it is not unreasonable to want to find a way to charge those developers who extract more value than they contribute” to Twitter, “one week’s notice and no indication of pricing shows Twitter is chaotic and unreliable. No one’s going to build a business on that.”
    ale uklepnul jsem se
    SATAI --- ---
    PES: protože když se takhle chováš je svým API (týden!), tak se na tebe všichni vybodnou. Což je ideální cesta k tomu, udělat z Twitteru tu všeobjímající platformu, o které Space Karen blábolila.
    PES --- ---
    SATAI: Tak proč by si nechal vytěžovat infrastrukturu a ještě nechat na získaných datech vydělávat jen cizí? ;-)
    SATAI --- ---
    Mistrný gambit

    Cash-strapped Twitter to start charging developers for API access next week | Ars Technica
    SUMAC --- ---
    DZODZO: vsem = seda humanita v jeho okoli
    SHEFIK: jeho vylevy jsou za ta leta konzistentni ve smyslu, ze on vsechno nejlip a ostatni jsou idioti. COVID, vakcinace, politika, gender, rasismus, byznys, umeni, rodinne vztahy, ziv. prostedi, hladomory, dobrocinnost. co nazor, to perla.
    MAWRHIS --- ---
    INK_FLO: no ja jsem rad ze jsem si ho precetl jeste v dobach, kdy jsem si ho mohl idealizovat :)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    asi si budu muset přečíst ten jeho životopis, tahle útržkovitá dojmologie nikam nevede :)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SUMAC: kde to presne vnucuje? Muzes nalinkovat nakou jeho citaci v tomhle duchu? Uprimne ke to zajima, pac jeho hobby vylevy moc nesleduju.
    DZODZO --- ---
    SUMAC: aby to s tym vnucovanim nebolo take jako ze EU nam vnucuje elektromobily... lebo ja taky pocit napr. nemam, takze som mimo skupiny "vsem" a tym padom ani skupina "vsem" nie je validna
    SUMAC --- ---
    SHEFIK: nejde o to jestli a jak si to pujcil, ale spis o to ze on porad asocialne musi vsem vnucovat jak je jediny skutecny self-made genius a zachrance lidstva a ostatni jsou idioti co mu akorat stoji v ceste.
    OTAVA --- ---
    SATAI: já měl za to že ty opravdu důležitý API jsou už teď placený - u soudu s Amber Heard ten expert ukazoval výstupy z nejakejch placenejch Api z Twitteru a říkal že to stojí tisíce dolarů.

    opravdu zajímavé.

    taky bude zajímavé až někdo použije to nové placené API a ono bude obsahovat chybu, tak bude pak Twitter platit u soudu damages?
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Beware self-made ‘genius’ entrepreneurs promising the earth. Just look at Elon Musk | Kenan Malik | The Guardian

    The icon of the self-made entrepreneur of genius has survived only because of fabulous state subsidies. Nor is it just public money that Musk arrogates.

    According to his biographer Ashlee Vance, Musk constantly appropriates for himself the credit for the work of his engineers and programmers.

    “I don’t really have a business plan,” he has boasted, never letting, in the words of Vance, “the fact that he knew very little about [an] industry’s nuances bother him”.

    Musk’s real genius is in creating an aura around himself, of making vast promises and getting people to believe that he can deliver. Sometimes he does deliver; many times he does not. It is an approach, however, that yields dividends in an age in which people yearn for the visionary, without particularly scrutinising the vision, who will on the disrupter without necessarily caring what the disruption will be.

    Inherited Wealth & The Myth of the Self-Made American Billionaire

    The concept of the “self-made man” is as outdated as its origins. Coined in 1842 by Senator Henry Clay, it was used (and is still used) to describe those who owe their successes primarily to themselves, and not outside conditions, such as inheritance. Still, the self-made myth persists largely because financially successful people want to believe that they are chiefly responsible for their own success, while those who aspire to financial success want to believe that all it takes is hard work and dedication.

    Hard work and dedication still matter. Individual achievement still deserves recognition. But these things don’t operate in a vacuum—and massive wealth is never solely attributable to the actions of a single person. The nation also maintains a tabloid-esque obsession with Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk. A defining narrative of the self-made billionaire is that entrepreneurial success comes primarily from an enormous appetite for risk. But a 2003 study shows that America’s nascent entrepreneurs are actually more risk-averse than non-entrepreneurs, and suggests that most entrepreneurs are motivated by non-financial elements.

    Not all risks are equal. Entrepreneurs like Gates or Zuckerberg, both of whom come from well-off families, are able to take on more risk, and defer self-payment longer, than entrepreneurs without such a safety net. Given the high failure rate of new businesses, the ability to tolerate higher levels of risk and unprofitability for a longer period of time amounts to a significant advantage.

    Not all failures are equal, and the consequences of failure look very different depending on an entrepreneur’s starting position.
    KURE --- ---
    INK_FLO: Co to je za blábol?
    Jestli někdo zvládne z 30k postavit sta miliardovej bussines, tak to zcela určitě je "self made man".
    Víš co je na světě zkrachovalců, kterým rodiče dali 30k a oni z toho neudělali nic?
    Nýmandů kterým rodiče dohodili kšefty a kontakty s vlivnejma lidma?
    No a mezi nima je pár takovejch který, to zůročili a postavili globální bussines a jsou z nich Miliardáři.
    DZODZO --- ---
    INK_FLO: "Musk's revelation about his father's financial situation in the '90s comes after a Berkeley professor and former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, claimed on Twitter that 'self-made billionaires' are a myth and Musk came from a family that owned an emerald mine in Apartheid South Africa. - hehe trochu OT, ale akekolvek vyjadrenie od Reicha smerom k milionarom (ci uz je to pravda alebo nie), ktory tweetuje o tom aki su milionari spatni a pritom si sam uctuje nehorazne honorare za svoje prednasky o nerovnosti rozdelenia bohatstva mi pride ako hyperbola pokrytectva :)

    Robert Reich Makes 36% More Than Average CEO and Gets $40k for a One-hour Talk Vs. Average Worker Pay of $46k/year | American Enterprise Institute - AEI
    KOUDY --- ---
    INK_FLO: Ano. To je celkem znamy fakt, ze Elonovi pujcili rodice. Mladej clovek si totiz pred triceti lety jen tak z niceho nenasetril tisice dolaru :). I Bezosovi pujcili rodice na rozjezd podnikani. Tenkrat nebyly startupy o tom, ze ti do nich hned chtel kazdy investovat jako v dnesni dobe..A psal jsem, ze spoluzalozil X.com..coz tam mas take napsano v tom co pastujes "By that time, a remarkably similar platform called x.com had come into being. X.com was founded by Musk, Harris Fricker, Christopher Payne and Ed Ho. Musk served as the x.com CEO"
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