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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    SHEFIK --- ---
    INK_FLO: ad mytus - ne ze by si clovek nemoh 28tis dolaru pujcit v dnesni dobe, nebo i tehdejsi dobe. Dneska sou navic moznosti startup akceleratoru, pripadne crowdsourcingu... jako by to hralo velkou roli
    SATAI --- ---

    INK_FLO --- ---
    KOUDY: btw. u toho oblíbeného mýtu o self-made manovi se občas zapomíná na to, že ne každej self-made man mohl začít tím, že mu jeho otec pomohl půjčkou 28 000 dolarů na podporu rozjetí prvního businessu (což pak Musk různě popíral nebo objasňoval, aby to ten mýtus nenarušovalo).

    "Musk's revelation about his father's financial situation in the '90s comes after a Berkeley professor and former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, claimed on Twitter that 'self-made billionaires' are a myth and Musk came from a family that owned an emerald mine in Apartheid South Africa.

    The original tweet also mentioned other billionaires such as Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. "Elon Musk came from a family that owned an emerald mine in Apartheid South Africa. Bill Gates’ mom helped Microsoft get a deal with IBM. Jeff Bezos’ garage-based start was funded by a quarter-million dollar investment from his parents. 'Self-made billionaires' are a myth," Reich tweeted alongside a video.

    tady je rozebranej ten první business se zip2 aneb "History is written and re-written by the victors."

    How did Elon Musk finance his first venture? - Quora

    ad x/paypal

    When it comes to PayPal, Elon Musk is often described as the cofounder of the platform hailed as the pioneer of the digital payments industry. PayPal is one of the biggest reasons why Musk carries a wonder boy PR.

    Let us tell you one small fun fact- PayPal is the successor of a company originally named Confinity that came into being in 1998. Interestingly, Confinity wasn’t founded by Elon Musk, rather it was a brainchild of Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek.

    The first digital payments version of Confinity was launched in 1999. By that time, a remarkably similar platform called x.com had come into being. X.com was founded by Musk, Harris Fricker, Christopher Payne and Ed Ho. Musk served as the x.com CEO.

    In 2000, the two digital payments firms got merged with each other. However, combining the two firms did not turn out out be very successful. Elon Musk took over as the CEO in April 2000 and was fired in October 2000.

    Later, Peter Thiel took over as the CEO of the merged company and the company got rechristened as PayPal in the year June 2001. PayPal launched its first IPO in February 2002 and later eBay purchased it for $1.5 billion. Elon Musk, who still held a stake in PayPal, made a windfall gain of $180 million from the sake and suddenly became super-rich. Later, he would invest this money into other ventures like SpaceX, Tesla and SolarCity.

    So, Elon Musk was not a founder of Confinity which would go on to become PayPal. When Confinity was rechristened as PayPal, he wasn’t a CEO of the entity formed by merger of Confinity and x.com. Nor was Elon Musk the CEO of PayPal when it released its first IPO or when it subsequently signed a sale agreement with eBay.

    Yet, Elon Musk has become known as the founder of PayPal and the pioneer of the digital payments industry.
    KOUDY --- ---
    ESTEN: To semnou nema nic spolecnyho. Tohle se tu deje od te doby, co Elon koupil twitter. Ja sem chodim uz dlouho a raketek jsem tu hazel plno. Pouzij ale pripadne ignore, jestli te sere muj poucujici ton.
    ESTEN --- ---
    KOUDY: nez jsi prisel ty, docela se sem rakety hazely. Nemohli bychom se k tem casum vratit?
    SATAI --- ---
    KOUDY --- ---
    SATAI: Hele dal se v tech tvejch hovnech nemusis valet..Proste jsi nepochopil dalsi z Elonovejch tweetu. To je v poradku. Nize to mas vysvetleny..:)..Ted zas muzem hazet raketky, dokud nepostnes dalsi Elonuv tweet, kterej jsi nepochopil a pojedem to tu znovu :)
    SATAI --- ---
    KOUDY: ty jsi studoval metodologii vědy spolu s Elonem?
    KOUDY --- ---
    AVATAR: Asi ne no. Prijdete mi jak deti ve skolce ktery nechapou proc ucitelka dela to co dela :)
    AVATAR --- ---
    KOUDY: furt nechapes a asi nikdy nepochopis. Neres.
    KOUDY --- ---
    Tak si zas dame nejakou realitu toho jakej je Elon klaun a jak nevi co dela.

    He shared that he was making the move to test whether Twitter users would see his posts more or less following the change. Musk wrote, "Made my account private until tomorrow morning to test whether you see my private tweets more than my public ones."

    The post has amassed over 7 million views. The tweet referenced a Twitter thread detailing how setting an account to private can "vastly improve" its reach factor. Tests by Twitter users found that views and interactions for tweets were up to five times higher when accounts were made private, The Independent reported.
    AVATAR --- ---
    PES: takze ho nemas za blbce, ale za klauna? Jo, s tim se smirim, vidim to stejne :)
    PES --- ---
    AVATAR: mne to baví, protože má minimálně zájem a reklamu prakticky zadarmo...
    AVATAR --- ---
    PES: co si myslis ty? Protoze ja mam jasno :D
    SATAI --- ---
    PES: místy to jsou perly, co patří do zlatého fondu: “a middle schooler's idea of an experiment to figure out how the company's algorithm works because he fired anyone who could have possibly explained it to him.”
    PES --- ---
    SATAI: ... a kdo je teď za blbce ;-)
    SATAI --- ---
    Musk locks his Twitter account to personally test reported malfunction | Ars Technica
    MIKE23 --- ---
    JONAS3: za úspěch budu považovat úspěšné oddělení boosteru ;)
    SATAI --- ---
    KOUDY: x com, co ho chtěl mít na NT, než to Thiel dal dokopy?
    KOUDY --- ---
    OTAVA: proto jsem psal vetsina. Spravne tu nekdo napsal, ze je dobre, kdyz se CEO akticne zapojuje do testovani produktu.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam