E2E4: Jenze to bylo jen na ten jeden tweet s mlikem, kde to zkouseli co to udela. Ted uz to zase zmensujou a ladej, coz psal i Elon. Proto jsem psal, ze to byl tendencni clanek. Neslo o "Chci se zobrazovat vsem nejvic"..ale "proc se nezobrazuju vic lidem nez Biden se ctvrtinou followeru?"..Takze to zkusili na postu s mlikem a ted to dal ladej. Je potreba cist i ty tweety a nejen clanky od nejakych jakoby insideru...O lajky nejde. Tech ma Biden radove min. Jde o ten "view" count kterej se zobrazuje nove u kazdyho tweetu - "View counts show the total number of times a Tweet has been viewed. With view counts, you can easily see the reach of your Tweets and the Tweets you see on the Timeline. They will appear next to the analytics icon on each Tweet in your timeline, and will show up next to the date and time when you open a Tweet to view Tweet details."
Some of his tweets Monday were sent while he was on calls with Twitter engineers, to test out whether the solutions they’d designed were working as well as he thought they should.
After Musk’s timeline takeover caused an uproar Monday, he seemed to suggest that the changes would be walked back, at least in part. “Please stay tuned while we make adjustments to the uh .… “algorithm,” he tweeted.