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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    jde na stůl

    SpaceX Booster 9 Lifted onto the Orbital Launch Mount
    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: myslím si to idealizuješ. Možná to takhle v nějaké fázi bylo. Teď je to nějak jinak a i když hysterická polarizace americké společnosti vytváří kouřovou clonu, která znesnadňuje vidět realitu úplně jasně, tak prostě nemyslím, že to je takhle sluníčkový.

    Já taky občas z Elona měl pocit, že říká celkem chytrý věci, ale ohledně rampy pro Starship a ostatně možná i tvaru a způsobu uchycení aeroplácaček pro Starship se hodně lidem zdá, že to není žádná geniální improvizace. Uvidíme...
    PER2 --- ---
    KOUDY --- ---
    XCHAOS: Hlavne to neni 8 dolacu za overeni uctu a cus. Ses elita vole. Je to proste 8 dolaru za nejake lepsi featury, delsi video, delsi text, ze je pak tvuj koment videt vyse pod prispevkem nekoho koho komentujes..etc. Jsou tam nejaky vyhody za ty prachy. Nevim jestli ma takovy vyhody i ten badge u facebooku/instagramu, ale myslim, ze uplne ne. Tam si proste jen platis za verifikaci a cus.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    KOUDY: tak je třeba říct, že pokud kdokoliv, kdo si kdy zaplatil prémiovku na NYXu, remcá na těch 8USD, tak je to vtipný.

    Ale ten moment, že někdo za 8USD získá pocit, že je teď taky celebrita, je prostě podvod. Věc je ovšem složitější, jako vždycky...
    E2E4 --- ---
    PER2: tak nový je asi že to je přímo vyjádření toho Kahla, v té době USDP = něco jako náměstka ministra obrany USA pro oblast defense policy.

    a pro mě byl teda nový i mírový plán Elona pro Tchajwan (=udělat z něj druhý Hong Kong).
    PES --- ---
    NECROMAN: no snad si novináři ještě pamatují co to znamenalo "svěřit se platformě" svého času v případě FB...
    NECROMAN --- ---
    Nebo jinde
    Elon Musk admits X ‘may fail’ after glitch deletes Twitter photos
    Platform’s users voice concern as it removes pictures and links on posts made before December 2014
    Elon Musk admits X ‘may fail’ after glitch deletes Twitter photos | X (formerly known as Twitter) | The Guardian
    NECROMAN --- ---
    Další z hřebíčků do rakve Twitteru
    Twitter to hide news headlines as Musk asks journalists to publish directly on the platform
    Twitter to hide news headlines from link previews
    PER2 --- ---
    E2E4: nic to nemeni na tom, ze je to jen recyklace vseho, co pul roku vime + pribehy z jeho detstvi a zivota navic
    az bude nejaky info o vypinani starlinku v aktualni situaci, co probiha ted, tak to bude urcite zajimavy, takhle je to jen dost zvlastni
    E2E4 --- ---
    PER2: eh, jestli to nebude tím že vyšel ten článek v new yorkeru? :)

    the company has taken steps to curb its use... [but] has not exercised the right to turn it off.

    to není konzisteni s ničím jiným, než se zapnutim geofencingu ne?
    PER2 --- ---
    QWWERTY: nemuze to byt treba ruskym rusenim? doporucuji treba TOBOL EW System

    jinak je to porad dokola a zajimavy, ze to ted nekdo vytahne po pul roce zase a vsude se to siri jak lavina a vsichni maji nutkani to sdilet

    9.2.23 Last week, SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell said the service, which has been used by Ukrainian forces to control drones, was "never meant to be weaponized," adding that the company had taken steps to curb its use, without spelling out what measures had been taken.
    "Ukrainians have leveraged it in ways that were unintentional and not part of any agreement," Shotwell said.
    Musk noted that SpaceX's internet terminals were "meant for private use, not military" but that the company had not "exercised [its] rights to turn them off."
    "We’re trying hard to do the right thing, where the 'right thing' is an extremely difficult moral question," Musk added.

    muskovi jde primarne asi o prachy a dobre vi, ze kdyz bude odpojovat starlinky na ukrajine, us armade se to urcite nebude libit a nejaky financovani od nasy pro sapcex by mohlo byt treba v budoucnu znat jako nasledek takove akce + do toho z dane situace muze vyzdimat co nejvic penez dokaze, podobnyma prohlasenima
    E2E4 --- ---
    PER2: to bych na jeho místě řekl taky. :)

    a poté, co se tohle jakoby nestalo se Elon vytasí s mírovým plánem nechat Ukrajinu Rusku.. náhoda? nemyslím si..
    QWWERTY --- ---
    PER2: o 2 posty niz v tom NewYorker clanku mas svedectvi od UA signal corps
    “We were very close to the front line,” Mykola, the signal-corps soldier, told me. “We crossed this border and the Starlink stopped working.” The consequences were immediate. “Communications became dead, units were isolated.
    The Financial Times reported that outages affected units in Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Luhansk. American and Ukrainian officials told me they believed that SpaceX had cut the connectivity via geofencing, cordoning off areas of access.
    PES --- ---
    KOUDY: Bude-li vysírat, skončí jako žebrák, i v demokracii
    PER2 --- ---
    KOUDY: mohl bych videt nejaky verohodny zdroj informace, ze musk odpojil nejake starlinky?
    nebo se jede nejaka treti omilacka toho sameho?

    "Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhaylo Fedorov said in a statement quoted by AP that there had been no problems with the operation of Starlink uplink terminals in Ukraine."
    KOUDY --- ---
    Muskův vliv znervózňuje americké elity. Obávají se, že podlehne Moskvě - iDNES.cz

    „Uvnitř Bidenovy administrativy se někteří čelní představitelé obávají, že se svým podnikatelským impériem, rozsáhlým majetkem a politickými aliancemi, Musk je blízko tomu, aby byl nedotknutelný,“ napsala obvykle dobře informovaná agentura Bloomberg poté, co se Musk v říjnu minulého roku rozhodl odpojit Ukrajině přes tisícovku terminálů potřebných pro připojení k satelitní síti kvůli nezaplaceným účtům. Podle Bloombergu projevil vzhledem k jeho postavení dodavatele technologie pro americký vojenský průmysl „nezvyklou prezidentskou pravomoc“.
    Zdroj: https://www.idnes.cz/zpravy/zahranicni/rusko-putin-musk-pentagon-valka-starlink-ukrajina-satelity-space-x-biden-republikani.A230822_112300_zahranicni_jhr
    E2E4 --- ---
    tak zas chvili o Stralinku, mirovych planech a traumatu z detstvi. (dlouhy clanek i o ostatnich vecech)

    SpaceX had recently given the Pentagon an ultimatum: if it didn’t assume the cost of providing service in Ukraine, which the company calculated at some four hundred million dollars annually, it would cut off access.

    “My inference was that he was getting nervous that Starlink’s involvement was increasingly seen in Russia as enabling the Ukrainian war effort, and was looking for a way to placate Russian concerns,” Kahl told me. To the dismay of Pentagon officials, Musk volunteered that he had spoken with Putin personally. Another individual told me that Musk had made the same assertion in the weeks before he tweeted his pro-Russia peace plan, and had said that his consultations with the Kremlin were regular. (Musk later denied having spoken with Putin about Ukraine.)

    Musk’s hesitation aligns with his pragmatic interests. A facility in Shanghai produces half of all Tesla cars, and Musk depends on the good will of officials in China, which has lent support to Russia in the conflict. Musk recently acknowledged to the Financial Times that Beijing disapproves of his decision to provide Internet service to Ukraine and has sought assurances that he would not deploy similar technology in China. In the same interview, he responded to questions about China’s efforts to assert control over Taiwan by floating another peace plan. Taiwan, he suggested, could become a jointly controlled administrative zone, an outcome that Taiwanese leaders see as ending the country’s independence. During a trip to Beijing this spring, Musk was welcomed with what Reuters summarized as “flattery and feasts.” He met with senior officials, including China’s foreign minister, and posed for the kinds of awkwardly smiling formal photos that are more typical of world leaders.

    Musk, usually impassive in interviews, cried openly when he told Rolling Stone about the years that followed, in which, he said, his father psychologically tortured him, in ways that he declined to specify. “You have no idea about how bad,” he said. “Almost every crime you can possibly think of, he has done. Almost every evil thing you could possibly think of, he has done.” Taoushiani recalled witnessing Errol “chastise Elon a lot. Maybe belittle him.” (Errol Musk has denied allegations that he was abusive to Maye or to his children.) Musk has also said that he was violently bullied at school. Though he is now six feet one, with a broad-shouldered build, he was “much, much smaller back in school,” Taoushiani told me. “He wasn’t very social.”

    Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule | The New Yorker
    E2E4 --- ---
    SEJDA: kolik Twitteru vyhodili, dvě třetiny? to musela bejt extrémní koncentrace flakacu. ;)

    jinak 95% výkonu je věc systému, ne jednotlivce..

    ale to jsou na elona moc moderní teorie, on zastává jen bič.
    KOUDY --- ---
    JONAS3: To tvrdili i lidi tady ze to neni mozny a spacex zanikne :)

    ARAON: Hele jak rikam. Uvidime za 2-3 roky. Na podzim tu byli lidi kteri rikali ze firmu do pul roku Elon proda za desetinovou castku, nebo ze firma nemuze fungovat kdyz Elon vyhodil 5000 lidi..Firma po skoro roce v pohode funguje, pridava novy featury. Nekrachla..takze ja bych byl na soudy opatrnej. Podle me se jim to naopak vklidu povede otocit do plusu, monetizovat obsah, platit tvurcum obsahu atp. Nezaznamenal jsem nejakej odliv ze by ze 400 milionu uzivatelu najednou 100 milionu uzivatelu kvuli Elonovi odeslo na fcb/instac a na twitter uz se nelogli. Naopak ty user minutes aka cas kterej lidi travi na twitteru se neustale zvysuje...Takze jedna vec je neco si myslet, druha vec je realita.
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