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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    SEJDA: Takze dle tveho osobniho nazoru, kdyz ti nekdo bude znasilnovat zenu a ona nasilnikovi zlomi ruku, budes se na to jenom pobavene divat, abys nebyl spoluvinikem toho, ze tva zena nekomu zlomila ruku. Pekna logika. A uz mlcim.
    SEJDA --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: vzdyt tam pise, ze zabranil tomu aby byla SpaceX spoluvinikem. Nic vic.
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    myslite si, ze je realna sance, ze valka na UA muze prejit do jaderne valky?

    44 hlasy od 44 respondentů

    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Tady Musk potvrzuje, ze on osobne vydal rozhodnuti, ze Ukrajina nesmi znicit ruskou cernomorskou flotilu.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    svodka udalosti ukrajina a starlink od Isaacsona

    1. faze horecne akce “We ask you to provide Ukraine with Starlink stations,”

    “Starlink kits are already allowing Ukraine Armed Forces to continue operating theater command centers,” she wrote on March 1. “These kits can be life or death, as the opponent is now focusing heavily on comms infrastructure. They are asking for more.”
    - 2000 terminalu skrz Polsko. Ale neni elektrina.
    “Let’s offer to ship some field solar+battery kits,” Musk replied. “They can have some Tesla Powerwalls or Megapacks too.”
    By March 6, the company was providing voice connections for a Ukrainian special operations brigade. Starlink kits were also used to connect the Ukrainian military to the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command and to get Ukrainian television broadcasts back up. Within days, 6,000 more terminals and dishes were shipped, and by July there were 15,000 Starlink terminals operating in Ukraine.

    2. nadseni na vsech stranach

    “Commanders have been impressed by the company’s ability, within days, to deliver thousands of backpack-sized satellite stations to the war-torn country and to keep them online despite increasingly sophisticated attacks from Russian hackers.” The Wall Street Journal also did a feature. “Without Starlink, we would have been losing the war,” one Ukrainian platoon commander told the paper.

    Starlink contributed about half of the cost of the dishes and services it provided. “How many have we donated so far?” Musk wrote to Dreyer on March 12. She replied, “2000 free Starlinks and monthly service. Also, 300 heavily discounted.” The company soon donated 1,600 additional terminals, and Musk estimated its total contribution to be around $80 million.

    Other funding came from government agencies, including those in the United States, Britain, Poland and the Czech Republic.

    Historik Fergusson udělal sbírku, pojdme vybrat 5M na dalších 5000. Three hours later, he got a reply from Marc Benioff, the billionaire co-founder of Salesforce. “I’m in for $1M,” he wrote. “Elon rocks.”

    3. Září. Ukrajina chce potopit ruskou flotilu na Krymu

    He had just spoken to the Russian ambassador to the United States. (In later conversations with a few other people, he seemed to imply that he had spoken directly to President Vladimir Putin, but to me he said his communications had gone through the ambassador.) The ambassador had explicitly told him that a Ukrainian attack on Crimea would lead to a nuclear response. Musk explained to me in great detail, the Russian laws and doctrines that decreed such a response.

    So he secretly told his engineers to turn off coverage within 100 kilometers of the Crimean coast.

    Fedorov: tajna info: mame podmořské drony, které dokážou zničit cokoliv. Musk: impresivní, ale tyvole do treti svetove nejdu.
    He discussed the situation with President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, explaining to them that he did not wish Starlink to be used for offensive purposes. He also called the Russian ambassador to assure him that Starlink was being used for defensive purposes only. “If the Ukrainian attacks had succeeded in sinking the Russian fleet, it would have been like a mini Pearl Harbor and led to a major escalation,” Musk says. “We did not want to be a part of that.”

    Muskův mírový plán, rage na twittru, Zelenskeho anketa, Muskova zuřivost (podporil jsem UA 80 milionama, rusku jsem dal 0. WTF?).

    4. Rijen - vypnuti starlinku v dalsich oblastech blizko ruska. Na twiitru opet silna odezva. Musk je nasrany a uz to dal nechce pro UA platit.

    Shotwell je nasrana ze spacex ma jine podminky: Other companies, including big and profitable defense contractors, were charging billions to supply weapons to Ukraine, so it seemed unfair that Starlink, which was not yet profitable, should do it for free.

    “We initially gave the Ukrainians free service for humanitarian and defense purposes, such as keeping up their hospitals and banking systems,” she says. “But then they started putting them on f---ing drones trying to blow up Russian ships. I’m happy to donate services for ambulances and hospitals and mothers. That’s what companies and people should do. But it’s wrong to pay for military drone strikes.”

    5. Shotwell dojednala s Pentagonem, ze bude Starlink platit. Plan leaknul na twitter, opet halo jaky je Musk zmrd ze chce penize. Ten se opet nasral a "“The hell with it,” he tweeted. “Even though Starlink is still losing money & other companies are getting billions of taxpayer $, we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free.”

    6. Fedorov uklidnuje Muska

    Fedorov tried to smooth things over by sending Musk encrypted text messages lavishing him with thanks. “Not everyone understands your contribution to Ukraine. I am confident that without Starlinks, we would be unable to function successfully. Thanks again.”

    Musk: Russia will stop at nothing, nothing, to hold Crimea. This poses catastrophic risk to the world. . . . Seek peace while you have the upper hand. . . . Let’s discuss this. [Musk included his new private cell phone number.] I will support any pragmatic path to peace that serves the greater good for all of humanity.
    Fedorov: I understand. We look through the eyes of Ukrainians, and you from the position of a person who wants to save humanity. And not just wants, but does more than anybody else for this.

    7. aktualni pozice

    na zacatku 2023 100000 novych starlinku na UA, zvysene naklady plati americka vlada.
    SpaceX udelalo Starshiled jako sluzbu pro vojenske pouziti.

    "SpaceX licensed Starshield satellites and services to the U.S. military and other agencies, allowing the government to determine how they could and should be used in Ukraine and elsewhere."

    Coz chapu tak, ze ted to nebude vypinat a zapinat Musk, ale Biden.

    SATAI --- ---
    SpaceX broke its record for number of launches in a year | Ars Technica
    PES --- ---
    TOXICMAN: jen mne to trochu zajímalo... stejně se (alespoň zatím) neplánuje dlouhý čas někde na orbitě (solární panely to nemá, jaderný reaktor také ne ;-))
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    PES: v dobách okolo SN3 se používaly akupacky z Tesly (cca 200kWh tuším), jak je to aktuálně nevím, ale typově bych řekl pořád stejně, prostě akumulátory
    PES --- ---
    TOXICMAN: co to vlastně při letu používá za zdroj energie pro systémy?
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    PER2 --- ---
    "Im the only thing preventing nuclear war"

    messiah complex complete
    PER2 --- ---
    AVATAR: treba US army umi vydirat lip nez ruska army :p
    AVATAR --- ---
    TADEAS: povetsinou tady :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    AVATAR: a to ze se meni je informace odkud?
    AVATAR --- ---
    TADEAS: limity se meni podle toho, kolik us army plati. Neprijde mi to tedy jako dve ruzne veci. Spis bych rekl, ze z toho chce starlink vytriskat co nejvic a to klidne i vydiranim. Ale kdo vi, treba mas pravdu a ja jsem prilis neduverivej :D
    LEGI --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: možná proto, kolego, neděláte v diplomacii nebo armádě.

    E2E4: nezapomeňme tuhle echtovní trapárnu

    TADEAS --- ---
    AVATAR: supr konverzační smeč, ale fakticky dle infa z medii jde prece o dve ruzne veci, a to jednak o platby za starlink pro UA armadu a jednak o limity toho kde tato sluzba konci (tj kde je geofence poskytovane sluzby, ktera nejspis smluvne neni pro vojenske/utocne ucely)
    TADEAS --- ---
    JARDABEREZA: not really

    In fact, it’s illegal for SpaceX to discriminate against non-US citizens if they are otherwise allowed to work in the US, except to the extent they are following the requirements of another law.

    ITAR and the EAR do prevent SpaceX from showing controlled technology to someone who is not a “US Person.” However, the definition of “US Person” includes US citizens, green card holders, and persons allowed to work in the US as asylees or refugees. Therefore, SpaceX can hire anyone (so long as they are allowed to work in the US) for jobs that don’t require access to export-controlled technology.

    For jobs that do require access to export-controlled technology, SpaceX can hire “US Persons,” which includes categories of people who are not US citizens. If SpaceX wants to hire someone who isn’t a US Person, the ITAR and EAR still don’t necessarily prevent SpaceX from hiring such persons; rather, they require SpaceX to first ask the government for permission (often in the form of a technical assistance agreement or license) before transferring controlled information to that person.

    Finally, if there is a particular job that requires an employee to have access to classified data (such as top secret) that belongs to the government, then this job might require a US citizen. Most jobs at SpaceX wouldn’t require such access. - https://www.quora.com/Why-does-SpaceX-not-hire-non-US-citizens-even-if-Elon-Musk-himself-is-non-American-but-a-South-African-citizen-What-about-ITAR-effects-this-and-why
    SATAI --- ---
    Famed tech journalist deletes X account after epic rant at Elon Musk and his ‘cesspool’ site | The Independent
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