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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: fakt zajímavý: In June, Tesla announced, to much fanfare, that it would share its charging points with General Motors to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles. This was dressed up as a typical piece of quirky Muskian philanthropy. But as various commentators on his timeline pointed out, on the day the announcement was made the market capitalisation of Tesla increased by more than the total net worth of GM.
    TADEAS --- ---
    What makes Elon Musk tick? I spent months following the same people as him to find out who fuels his curious worldview | Elon Musk | The Guardian
    DZODZO --- ---
    LEGI: co su to nizsie druhy? prasata su uz vyssie? pri tychto filozofickych uvahach o etike zabijania zvierat si vzdy vybavim ten billboard o jedeni zvierat oddeleny roznymi stupnami zufalstva :)
    LEGI --- ---
    E2E4: tady se hlavně nabízí otázka, proč třeba u těch nižších druhů nezačali. s trochou štěstí (a přidám si: trpělivosti) se mohli části těchto incidentů (možná) vyhnout.

    primáti jsou sice jiný model, proto se taky používají i ve studiích, kde dřív byly myši, ale stejně.
    jinak tohle by nám mohl vysvětlit jeden kolega nevyslovitelného nicku.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    E2E4: když jsem sem asi před 2 (?) lety psal, že mi neuralink přijde creepy, tak jsem to pěkně schytal... že mám nějaké "atavistické" názory na věc, či co :-) přitom já byl Elonův fanboy, než to bylo in, sledoval jsem všech 5 startů Falconu 1, když v téhle zemi nikdo netušil, co to je... (privátní kosmické firmy byly v 90tých letech pěkná nuda - vždycky jenom zkrachovaly, aniž by to dotáhly k třebas jen zkušebnímu startu... BTW SpaceX začali tím, že v Texasu koupili testovací stand od tuším Ball Aerospace (?), který se dostali relativně nejdál, ale pak to taky zabalili. A používaj ho dodnes...)

    S tím rozhraním k mozku je to složitý. V rámci bionických implantátů se na tom v pozadí pracuje léta, protože některým lidem by to fakt mohlo pomoct, hodně. Takže to má velmi etický medicinský rozměr. Ale komerční hype a nadužívání prostě bude většinové společnosti připadat creepy, bez ohledu na to, kolik Twitterů ještě Elon koupí... pod veřejným míněním jsou vespod různé spodní proudy, které nejde snadno změnit...
    VOYTEX --- ---
    MAWRHIS: Tech rezniku mi neni lito, naopak.
    Tajne biolaby dostanou diky Public UAP Disclosure Act patricnou pozornost, snad. Jenze Cinany to nezastavi...

    JARDABEREZA: Hur nez cizi predmet v mozku, prakticky pomalu vtlaceny projektil, ktery dava elektrosoky do sedy kury? ok
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    SpaceX Starship Flight 2: Unpacking The Major Upgrades & Changes
    ARAON --- ---
    KAERO: Akorat ze to nebylo jen na Wired...
    KAERO --- ---
    E2E4: nemyslim ze lhal uplne zbytecne. Muskuv tweet mel hadam vetsi dosah nez clanek na Wired.
    E2E4 --- ---
    MRAKY: tak přece nejde o to že laboratorní zvířata se prostě používají na pokusy, i přes nějaký etický požadavky který musí každý vyzkum plnit atd je to prostě spotřební materiál..

    jde o to, že o tom Elon lhal. a to a) úplně zbytečně
    b) úplně nesmyslně (stejně ty opice umíraly?? - wtf je to za výzkum na polomrtvých opicich)
    c) marně, protože jsou nějaký požadavky na transparentnost takže to je snadný ověřit - což se i stalo

    na druhou stranu je fakt, že i přes časté zkušenosti tohoto typu mu někteří lidi stále věří..
    DZODZO --- ---
    MRAKY: ale to vis, ze sa to deje vsade, ale tu si predsa v klubu o muskovi :)

    MRAKY --- ---
    to sem prisla na navstevu trida deti sdelit svuj sok ze zjisteni, ze kurata se nerodi v tesco mrazacich ? :)

    starship - okno pro start, FAA :
    Starship rocket launch window revealed by FAA | The Independent
    "“So one thing that we’ll need to see before the next operation is evidence that shows that the company has closed out the corrective actions that are specifically tied to public safety,” he said.

    “We’re on a pretty good schedule. It probably set us somewhere in mid to late October for conclusion of the safety review.”"
    JARDABEREZA --- ---
    MAWRHIS: Laboratorní myši jsou na tom ještě hůře. Jenom jak je to vzdálnější druh, který na lidi přenášel nemoce a trápil je, tak s nimi lidi nemají podvědomě tolik empatie. Ale tím neříkám, že to je správné.
    PATISLAV --- ---
    VOYTEX: on je proste, mimojine, patologicky lhar. Nestesti patologickych lharu s nadprumernou inteligenci je v tom, ze v tom umi tak dobre vhodit, ze to vetsina lidi nikdy neprokoukne. Ale tvl, tohle uz je Bond villain level.
    MAWRHIS --- ---
    VOYTEX: to musí bejt labůžo pracovní prostředí. Si musej připadat jak v nějakym dystopickym filmu ti vědci tam. (nedělám si tedy iluze, že by laboratoř neuralinku byla jeidné takové místo pod sluncem)
    QWWERTY --- ---
    VOYTEX: sorry :))

    VOYTEX --- ---
    totalni psychopat lvl Dr Strughold

    The Gruesome Story of How Neuralink’s Monkeys Actually Died | WIRED

    Elon Musk says no primates died as a result of Neuralink’s implants. A WIRED investigation now reveals the grisly specifics of their deaths as US authorities have been asked to investigate Musk’s claims.
    The documents include veterinary records, first made public last year, that contain gruesome portrayals of suffering reportedly endured by as many as a dozen of Neuralink’s primate subjects, all of whom needed to be euthanized.
    UC Davis veterinary records cited by the Physicians Committee—which WIRED also obtained through a subsequent California public records request—chronicle a battery of complications that developed following procedures involving electrodes being surgically implanted into monkeys’ brains. The complications include bloody diarrhea, partial paralysis, and cerebral edema, a condition colloquially known as “brain swelling.”

    For example, in an experimental surgery that took place in December 2019, performed to determine the “survivability” of an implant, an internal part of the device “broke off” while being implanted. Overnight, researchers observed the monkey, identified only as “Animal 20” by UC Davis, scratching at the surgical site, which emitted a bloody discharge, and yanking on a connector that eventually dislodged part of the device. A surgery to repair the issue was carried out the following day, yet fungal and bacterial infections took root. Vet records note that neither infection was likely to be cleared, in part because the implant was covering the infected area. The monkey was euthanized on January 6, 2020.

    Additional veterinary reports show the condition of a female monkey called “Animal 15” during the months leading up to her death in March 2019. Days after her implant surgery, she began to press her head against the floor for no apparent reason; a symptom of pain or infection, the records say. Staff observed that though she was uncomfortable, picking and pulling at her implant until it bled, she would often lie at the foot of her cage and spend time holding hands with her roommate.

    Animal 15 began to lose coordination, and staff observed that she would shake uncontrollably when she saw lab workers. Her condition deteriorated for months until the staff finally euthanized her. A necropsy report indicates that she had bleeding in her brain and that the Neuralink implants left parts of her cerebral cortex “focally tattered.”

    Yet another monkey, Animal 22, was euthanized in March 2020 after his cranial implant became loose. A necropsy report revealed that two of the screws securing the implant to the skull loosened to the extent that they “could easily be lifted out.” The necropsy for Animal 22 clearly states that “the failure of this implant can be considered purely mechanical and not exacerbated by infection.” If true, this would appear to directly contradict Musk’s statement that no monkeys died as a result of Neuralink’s chips.

    Shown a copy of Musk’s remarks on X about Neuralink’s animal subjects being “close to death already,” a former Neuralink employee alleges to WIRED that the claim is “ridiculous,” if not a “straight fabrication.” “We had these monkeys for a year or so before any surgery was performed,” they say. The ex-employee, who requested anonymity for fear of retaliation, says that up to a year’s worth of behavioral training was necessary for the program, a time frame that would exempt subjects already close to death.

    A doctoral candidate currently conducting research at the CNPRC, granted anonymity due to a fear of professional retaliation, likewise questions Musk’s claim regarding the baseline health of Neutralink’s monkeys. “These are pretty young monkeys,” they tell WIRED. “It’s hard to imagine these monkeys, who were not adults, were terminal for some reason.”
    E2E4 --- ---
    Musk to vysvětloval tím, že internet poskytl Ukrajincům k tomu, aby „mohli sledovat Netflix, aby mohli odpočívat“, ne aby jej používali ve válce

    Komentář: Elon Musk, kamarád diktátorů, ze kterého jde strach - Seznam Zprávy
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    E2E4: Upgrade
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