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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI
    Oběžník pana ředitele:
    Existuje tu klub [Twitter - rychloblogy] ... kdo chce každodenně debatovat o této síti, postovat třeskutě vtipná meme, doporučuju se přesunout tam, tady nechám fakt minimum.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    JARDABEREZA --- ---
    PEJR: Ta roura v poušti je jeho? Myslel jsem, že patří někomu jinému. Já to beru tak, že poskytl lidem nějakou vizi/know-how/studii cokoliv... do začátku a pak je na těch společnostech jak s tím naloží. Pokud si firmy nespočítají návratnost a neohlídají si sami proveditelnost, tak to je podle mě jejich problém. Počítám s tím, že jsou samostatné, nezávislé a svéprávné.
    PEJR --- ---
    JARDABEREZA: Nechal postavit tu rouru v pousti a delal tam souteze pro univerzity. Ale jaksi se zjistilo, ze k tomu co nasliboval se da priblizit jen virtualne, realita ne jen nerentabilni, ale hlavne nedosazitelna.
    VOYTEX --- ---
    ARAON: které id to sem dávalo?
    PEJR --- ---
    SEJDA: Ono to neni uplne tak, ze by nebyla nalezena cesta, jak z toho profitovat. Vlak uz funguje par stoleti. Skoncilo zejmena proto, ze nebyla nalezena cesta, jak naplnit Muskovu megalomanskou vizi. Takze scam asi ne, ale false advertising temer jiste. Plus to byl taky moh bejt scam na venture capital, a tam se holt pocita s tim, ze ne vsechno bude uspech. A do ucetnictvi taky nevidime, takze kdo vi kam ty finance putovali. Nebylo to zrovna tou dobou, co Tesla byla dost blizko krachu? Nevim, jestli jsem videl nejakej prototyp "lokomotivy" primo od Hyperloop, takze treba tenhle development outsourcoval po univerzitach.
    A dalsi vec je ta, ze koncept hyperloopu se objevil uz pred sto lety, a nikam se to neposunulo.
    Za me to byl spis jenom publicity stunt, aby se odvedla pozornost od, v ty dobe masivne prodelavajici, Tesly. Vizionarskej hype, aby meli investori pocit, ze je tu stale sance byt u zrodu dalsi spolecnosti jako Tesla.
    JARDABEREZA --- ---
    O jakém Hyperloopu se bavíte? Nějaká konkrétní firma? Musk se od teorie k praxi nikdy nedostal. Jenom publikoval ten koncept, ale realizují/zkouší to jiní.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    SEJDA: mno já nevím, aby to byla sázka, musel bys mít šanci vyhrát něco jinýho, než bronzovej diplom z plavání. Zrovna Hyperloop byl šmelo od začátku, nebo je Musk neschopnej inženýr.
    SEJDA --- ---
    VOYTEX: Hyperloop uz dostal nejakou verejnou podporu nejake ty stovky milionu dolaru?
    Cele to je jenom naprosto klasicka sazka, soukromi investori ti daji penize, abys to rozjel, dostal verejnou podporu, projekt dokoncil a vyplacel dividendy.

    SpaceX ziskala "verejnou podporu" v podobe zakazek NASA a armady = super kseft
    Tesla verejnou podporu ziskala v podobe dotaci na nakup auta, v podobe emisnich povolenek = super kseft
    Hyperloop zatim verejnou podporu nedostal = "podvod" ?

    Podvod by to byl, kdyby penize investoru nebyly pouzite na mzdy a material ale na jachty a tryskace, coz se nestalo.
    Titulek je velmi clickbaitovy, clanek plny spekulaci, nesmyslneho ocistovani Muska a nazaver napise, ze Hyperloop byl "neupsech" (uz nezminuje "podvod") a pise presne to co pisu ja, ze "nebyla nalezene cesta, jak z Hyperloopu profitovat" aka nedostal verejnou podporu/zakazku.
    JARDABEREZA --- ---
    DZODZO: Na to se těším. Když jsem jel do hor, tak jsem si kupoval garmin mini 2 za cca 10k + předplatné ...docela dost na to, že to umí jenom posílat SMSky a trasovat cestu a ukázat směr. Ale když několik dní není mobilní signál tak moc jiných možností není.
    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: a na tej poslednej starlink misii vypustali direct to cell satelity, na pokrytie telefonneho signalu

    ARAON --- ---
    VOYTEX: Bylo. Myslím dvakrát. Hledej wired.com
    VOYTEX --- ---
    filtr mlčí, ono tu nebylo pokračování Neuralink hororu? VOYTEX:

    Elon bral státní dotace na týrání opic, ale s University of California–Davis odmítají vydat dokumentaci pokusů.

    How Neuralink Keeps Dead Monkey Photos Secret | WIRED

    The tan macaque with the hairless pink face could do little more than sit and shiver as her brain began to swell. The California National Primate Center staff observing her via livestream knew the signs. Whatever had been done had left her with a “severe neurological defect,” and it was time to put the monkey to sleep. But the client protested; the Neuralink scientist whose experiment left the 7-year-old monkey’s brain mutilated wanted to wait another day. And so they did.

    As the attending staff sat back and observed, the monkey seized and vomited. Her pupils reacted less and less to the light. Her right leg went limp, and she could no longer support the weight of her 15-pound body without gripping the bars of her cage. One attendant moved a heat lamp beside her to try to stop her shaking. Sometimes she would wake and scratch at her throat, retching and gasping for air, before collapsing again, exhausted.

    An autopsy would later reveal that the mounting pressure inside her skull had deformed and ruptured her brain. A toxic adhesive around the Neuralink implant bolted to her skull had leaked internally. The resulting inflammation had caused painful pressure on a part of the brain producing cerebrospinal fluid, the slick, translucent substance in which the brain sits normally buoyant. The hind quarter of her brain visibly poked out of the base of her skull.

    On September 13, 2018, she was euthanized, records obtained by WIRED show. This episode, regulators later acknowledged, was a violation of the US Animal Welfare Act; a federal law meant to set minimally acceptable standards for the handling, housing, and feeding of research animals. There would be no consequences, however.

    Missing from the veterinary records released by the university are hundreds of photographs taken by the primate center’s staff between 2018 and 2020 of Neuralink’s test subjects. Though publicly funded, thus bound by California’s open records law, UC Davis has fought disclosure of the photographs for more than a year. Releasing them, it says, would not serve the public’s interest.

    Meanwhile, videos of the experiments have seemingly vanished. Documents obtained by WIRED show that the primate center’s staff wrote about reviewing a “tape” of the aforesaid monkey hours before they stopped her heart. The school has not acknowledged that such a tape exists, and Neuralink, whose partnership with the school ended three years ago, was permitted to store its own footage and remove it from the property when it wished.

    Macaques procured for Neuralink from UC Davis’ colony were trained months and even years before going under the knife, a former Neuralink employee recently told WIRED. But the prospect for survival was abysmal for some, they say, due in part to “poor planning and poor procedure.” Early on, the Neuralink researcher says, the company lacked personnel crucial to the operation. “We didn’t have any surgical techs. We didn’t even have a veterinary pathologist on staff at the time.”
    Internal emails reviewed by WIRED show that Neuralink, founded and owned by Elon Musk, had tight control over what UC Davis was allowed to divulge about the experiments. Interviews with sources familiar with the tests shed light on the tensions between the school and outside groups over the public’s right to know about research it’s subsidizing.

    Emails obtained by WIRED through a public records request show Davis’s staff scrambling in February 2018—the earliest days of the partnership—to get Neuralink’s equipment up and running. The university had agreed to provide the firm with a dedicated on-site network with a secure uplink to a remote facility. In one email, a faculty member noted that Neuralink had been warned against “live streaming” or producing any “recording of actual monkeys.” Asked if the same rules would apply after Neuralink’s equipment was set up, another Davis official said once installed “they can do whatever they want.”

    Hundreds of files remain under lock and key—including photographs of the neurological damage that resulted from Neuralink’s work with the macaques. The experiments involved drilling a hole roughly the size of a US dime into the monkey’s skulls, placing electrodes inside their brains, and screwing titanium plates to their skulls. UC Davis says the value of the photos of these operations now lies exclusively in “informing future research and clinical practices,” or what it calls “the refinement of surgical techniques.”

    In October 2022, the Physicians Committee sued UC Davis—a public institution, funded in part by US taxpayers—in an attempt to gain access to records of Neuralink’s work. The Physicians Committee, which aims to promote alternatives to animal testing, has many detractors in the scientific community. The American Medical Association, which supports the use of animals in biomedical research, is one of the largest.

    The Physicians Committee has argued in California state court that the public has the right to know about any suffering resulting from taxpayer-funded animal tests. “Disclosure of the footage is particularly important because Neuralink actively misleads the public about, and downplays the gruesome nature of, the experiments,” Corey Page, an attorney with Evans and Page who is representing the Physicians Committee in the lawsuit, tells WIRED.

    In veterinary records reviewed by WIRED, Davis has consistently censored the names of all of its staff, including those at director level. The university has even redacted identifying information about the animals, including their names and other identifiable information.

    Neuralink ended its partnership with UC Davis in September 2020, but the Physicians Committee claims that it continues to employ the same neurosurgeon and many of the staff responsible for the experiments that poisoned, maimed, and ultimately killed at least 12 macaque monkeys.

    Last month, the company announced that it is preparing to start human trials after receiving a green light from the US Food and Drug Administration. Since ending its partnership with Davis, Neuralink has brought its testing in-house—far from the prying eyes of journalists, animal welfare groups, and the jurisdiction whose records law first shed light on its practices.
    VOYTEX --- ---
    h/t Hynek

    The Hyperloop was always a scam - by Paris Marx
    Silicon Valley won’t deliver us a better world if they can’t find some way to profit off it. We need to stop falling for their grand deceptions, and tell our media to stop echoing them too.
    SEJDA --- ---
    Nejak mne minuly nedavne uspechy SpaceX (krome dalsiho startu FH):
    * testuji na Starship otevirani dvirek pro vypousteni Starlinku gen 2
    * testuji vytah pro Lunar Lander, pri testech lidi nosi EVA skafandry
    * prestavuje Starbase, misto stanu stavi tovarny, pripravuji druhou, asi jenom testovaci rampu
    SATAI --- ---
    SEJDA: mam podobnou (o neco hezci), takze ✓
    SEJDA --- ---
    SATAI: nerikal nekdo, ze tuto bundu si koupi kazdy s krizi stredniho veku?
    SATAI --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: jsi strasne negativni a nemas Elona vubec rad! ;-)
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    SATAI: a já bych zrovna řekl, že bunda je hrozná :D
    SATAI --- ---

    ...ale abych nebyl jen negativni: porad pekna bunda ;-)
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: 2025 Elon time? :))
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: no nedá to do slibovaný kapacity v 2025, ukáže čas :)
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: koukni na video, je fakt zajímavé a třeba dostaneš pocit, že to třeba zvládnou :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam