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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Breton vs Twitter

    SATAI --- ---

    Rovný rovného si hledá, zmrd ke zmrdovi sedá.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Trump revisits most divisive talking points in rambling interview with Musk | Donald Trump | The Guardian

    Musk remained unbothered and generally flattering toward Trump throughout the interview. Musk even suggested he could help in Trump’s future administration as a member of a “government efficiency commission”.

    “I’d love it for you. You’re the greatest cutter,” Trump said, referring to Musk’s penchant for executing mass layoffs.

    Trump and Musk have somewhat of a checkered history. Although Musk has said he voted for Biden in 2020, he endorsed Trump last month after the failed assassination attempt, and he has now launched a political action committee to assist Republicans’ electoral efforts. According to the Wall Street Journal, Musk has set a goal of turning out 800,000 Trump voters in battleground states.
    SATAI --- ---
    The cheapest Tesla Cybertruck is $99,990; promised $60K model canceled | Ars Technica

    Slib levného modelu se ukázal být předvolebním.
    DZODZO --- ---
    trochu toho 3d render feelu z posledneho startu starlinkov, dym mi pripomenul intro do red alert 2 tam bol tiez taky (na svoju dobu) realisticky dym

    KOUDY --- ---
    Čip Neuralinku dostal druhý pacient, ten první ztrácí funkčnost - CzechCrunch
    CHEVALIER --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Ok.. děkuji.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Raptor is powered by subcooled liquid methane and subcooled liquid oxygen in a full-flow staged combustion (FFSC) cycle. FFSC is a twin-shaft staged combustion cycle that uses both oxidizer-rich and fuel-rich preburners.
    The cycle allows for the full flow of both propellants through the turbines without dumping any unburnt propellant overboard.
    CHEVALIER --- ---
    TOXICMAN: No koukal jsem na Wikipedii a z toho schématu jsem to nějak nevyčetl..
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    CHEVALIER: nemá, z čeho tak usuzuješ?
    KOUDY --- ---
    XCHAOS: co to s tim ma spolecnyho? Nemeckej retezec si neche koupit tesly protoze american voli americkyho prezidenta kteryho voli 50% volicu ale nemci se to nelib? Kazdymu krome wermachtaka je muskuv nazor na cokoliv u prdele kdyz chce teslu:). Mas na to za prve vyzkumy a mas to i v tom clanku.

    That is backed up by data from Auto Trader, a UK car-buying platform. Despite Musk’s comments, Tesla was still the most popular used electric car brand in the UK, with 21% of all leads.

    Ian Plummer, the Auto Trader commercial director, said: “For most consumers, news stories circling around car brands are irrelevant. They’re simply assessing the cars based on what best suits their needs and budget.”
    ALCATOR --- ---
    To bude sranda, až Elon Musk při svém pádu s sebou strhne taky všechny kryptoměny a všechny tyhlety blbosti :-)
    CHEVALIER --- ---
    TOXICMAN: On má otevřený cyklus?
    XCHAOS --- ---
    KOUDY: hele, netuším, jak financoval akvizici Twitteru. Ale cílí teď na skupinu, která je všechno, jenom ne fanoušci elektromobility...
    KOUDY --- ---
    XCHAOS: Nic takovyho delat Elon fakt nemuze :D
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: podle mě je to cílená Elonova snaha shortovat akcie Tesly. Půjčil si, zaručil se akciema, nemá jich dost a teď jsou moc drahý...
    QWWERTY --- ---
    DZODZO: tvuj priklad je spis planned obsolence. zaplatis za kabel a dostanes kabel + predrazeny branding. nicmene az do rozpadu je to porad funkcni kabel splnujici vyrobcem deklarovane specifikace
    nicmene tady zaplatis za neco cemu rikaji "rugged durable off-road" a po prvnim narazu tomu upadne tazny zarizeni, ktery ma byt dimenzovany na tahani 5 tun?
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: meanwhile Donald...

    Trump Says He Has 'No Choice' but to Back EVs After Musk Endorsement - Business Insider
    DZODZO --- ---
    QWWERTY: kazdy marketing je lez, mozno sa inspirovali u applu :)

    QWWERTY --- ---
    SN0WCRASH: offroad pickupy ale maji takovyhle zachazeni vydrzet. jsou to pracovni auta
    a oficialni promo cybetrucku je "Built for any adventure, Cybertruck has a durable exterior", "DURABLE AND RUGGED ENOUGH TO GO ANYWHERE. "
    durable and rugged vypada takhle - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl1FNX08HFc&t=5m55s

    tzn. pokud se na CT musi nezne a opatrne, tak je cely jejich marketing jedna velka lez a dava to smysl asi jako SUV na vozeni deti 300 m po meste do skoly
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam